Womanizing Mage

Chapter 27 Undead Magic

"Are you awake?" Long Yi didn't get up, still laying motionless on the boulder. In fact, when Yu Feng's breathing rhythm changed, Long Yi had already felt it.

"Well, thank you for saving my life. I am Yu Feng from the Phoenix family. I don't know the surname of my benefactor. Yu Feng will definitely repay you." Yu Feng thanked, she really wanted to see what the man who saved him looked like, but He didn't seem to intend to come to her side.

"When the road is rough, you don't need to draw your sword to help, you don't need to repay. I have already notified the Fenghuang family. I think they will be here soon. Since the girl is awake, let's say goodbye." Long Yi turned around with a carp. From the beginning, the posture was indescribably graceful, but his voice was a little muffled as he bit the grass root in his mouth.

During the period when Yu Feng was in a coma, Long Yi decided not to meet her. He found a passer-by nearby and asked him to report a letter to the Fenghuang family with a reward of one gold coin. It's not that Long Yi doesn't want to have a relationship with the Phoenix family, it's just that it wouldn't be very tragic if this girl finds out that her body has been looked at and touched by him, and she wants to fight herself to the death, but now it seems that she hasn't noticed it yet, Of course, I have to take this opportunity to oil the soles of my feet.

"Wait, ah." When Yu Feng heard that Long Yi was about to leave, she immediately struggled to sit up, but the pain from the wound made her let out a cry of pain.

Long Yi turned his head and couldn't help being stunned, his heartbeat suddenly slowed down by half a beat, and at this moment, Long Yi's mental power fluctuated, he looked at the few light spots approaching from the direction of Guangming City, turned around and moved Qian Kun In a big shift, people have disappeared like ghosts and ghosts, and there is only an erratic voice: "Healing the sick and saving the lives is a last resort, so let's leave it alone, and there will be no future."

Seeing Long Yi leave, Yu Feng felt a little disappointed. Hearing Long Yi's voice at this time, he suddenly felt something was wrong, why was it unavoidable? A gust of night wind blew, and Yu Feng suddenly felt a chill in his chest. When he lowered his head to check, his pretty face flushed with shame. It turned out that the clothes covering his body when he sat up slipped off. Jiali revealed it.

At this time, Yu Feng also noticed that her left breast and the root of her thigh were all bandaged up. Thinking of her body being seen, Yu Feng was so ashamed that she wanted to bury her head in the ground. Now she is also roughly guessing why the man who rescued him ran away, Yu Feng sighed and put on the clothes left by Long Yi, and said softly: "Why are you running, irresponsible guy, I won't take you away." How about it, at most I want you to marry me."

In fact, Yu Feng was rescued by Long Yi when she was in despair, especially the tall and straight back that was imprinted in her heart before she fell into a coma, which caused some subtle changes in Yu Feng's heart. Fantasy Prince Charming. At this time, Yu Feng found out that the clothes Long Yi put on her were very valuable, and they were by no means owned by ordinary nobles, so his family background must be good.

"I will definitely find you, no matter the end of the world." Yu Feng said firmly, her heart was already as passionate as her phoenix fighting spirit, but she had never met a man who could catch her eyes. In the dream, the prince was born out of nowhere, not only saved himself, but also touched his body,

Yu Feng naturally wanted to chase after him.

Just as Yu Feng was swearing, a graceful and luxurious woman with a fairy-like appearance appeared in front of her with two maids.

"Feng'er, are you okay?" the beautiful woman knelt down and grabbed Yu Feng's hand and said nervously.

"Mother, I'm fine." Yu Feng shook her head.

"What happened, who hurt you like this?" The beautiful woman's eyes were full of anger. She had noticed the man's gown on her daughter a long time ago. If she wanted to know who hurt her daughter, she must Let his life be worse than death.

"Mother, let's talk when we go back, Feng'er is tired." Yu Feng said weakly.


Long Yi looked at the tall and magnificent walls of Guangming City from a distance, and did not enter in a hurry. He found a secluded place and took out the black magic wand and the bundle that the Silver Wolf King had given him from the interspatial ring. This black wand exudes a strong dark magic atmosphere, if it is discovered in the city of light, it will not be over yet.

Holding this unremarkable magic wand, Long Yi glanced left and right, but didn't see anything obvious, maybe this is a low-level magic wand of the dark department, Long Yi thought to himself. Then he took the burden, a skull almost made Long Yi throw the burden out.

"Who the hell is so wicked to put a skull in the burden to scare people." Long Yi put the burden on the ground, carefully looked at this dark and shiny skull, this is by no means an ordinary skull, ordinary skulls cannot have The suffocating breath of death.

Long Yi noticed that there were two books under the skull, and without thinking much, he stretched out his hand to take the skull away, but just when Long Yi's hand touched it, the skull suddenly flew up like lightning. Zhang ferocious big mouth bit Long Yi's finger fiercely.

Long Yi let out a cry of surprise and wanted to shake it away, but he didn't expect that the more he shook it, the tighter his bite became, and pools of blood flowed down.

Long Yi gave up struggling because he noticed that the fresh blood that flowed out of him was strangely absorbed by the skull. Slowly, threads of blood intertwined on the dark skull to form a red network. It seems to be flowing like life.

Long Yi felt a little palpitating, he had never seen such a weird thing, but he couldn't break free with all his strength, so he had no choice but to wait and see what happened. When the entire skull was covered by a bright red blood net, the skull finally let go. But something even weirder happened, the skeleton flew up in the air, and suddenly turned into a beam of blood and penetrated into the palm of Long Yi's left hand. Long Yi was astonished, and hastily opened his palm to have a look, only to see a blood red skull mark branded on it, as if he was born there.

After studying for a while, Long Yi didn't find anything unusual, except for the extra skull mark, his whole body remained unchanged. Since he couldn't figure it out, Long Yi didn't think about it at all, he picked up the two yellowed books under the bag, which seemed to be very old. Long shook off the dust on it, and opened the first page of the book above, and suddenly saw four crazy black characters written on it: Undead magic.

ps: ticket, I want ticket.

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