Womanizing Mage

Chapter 28 Super Skeleton

Long shook his hands and kept muttering: "Undead magic, undead magic."

In fact, Long Yi couldn't help but be surprised, because undead magic has been extinct in Canglan Continent for hundreds of years, and basically all books about undead magic have been burned. But the power and evil of undead magic is still well remembered by people. It is said that hundreds of years ago, a genius cultivated undead magic to the level of a great magister, and was besieged by three great magisters and two sword masters in the Canglan Continent. Finally, this genius of undead magic cast the forbidden spell of undead magic for eternity In one fell swoop, tens of thousands of skeletons and zombies were summoned, and the corpse of the dark dragon was also summoned. For a time, a radius of hundreds of miles became a purgatory on earth, three great magisters and two sword masters died, one was wounded, and more than a dozen towns were slaughtered by the army of undead until blood flowed into rivers, turning into a ghost land where strangers should not get close . In the end, the great undead magister was seriously injured and disappeared, but since then, undead magic has disappeared in Canglan continent.

Long Yi took a deep breath, and turned the pages one by one, but his hands were shaking more and more. God, what did he see? This thick book of undead spells actually memorizes in detail all the spells from level 1 undead magic to level 11 forbidden spells of undead. In this world, there is only Peter, the great undead magister hundreds of years ago. Except for Xiu Ge, there is no one who knows the curse of undeath, Long Yi can basically confirm that the owner of this black staff and this bag is Peter. Huge.

Soon, Long Yi memorized this book of undead magic, but because undead magic is self-contained, Long Yi couldn't understand many places. Long Yi opened the second book and immediately became ecstatic. The second book turned out to be Peter. Xiuge's Undead Magic Notes contained detailed instructions on the casting of various magics. Long Yi was mesmerized by the moonlight, and unconsciously turned to the last page.

Now Long Yi finally knew what that black skull was, it turned out to be Peter. Xiuge used nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine corpses to train the undead dimension space, which contained eighteen skeletons that he had spent his whole life training. These are not eighteen ordinary skeletons. The strength of each skeleton is different. Reached the level of a sword master. And that unremarkable black staff turned out to be a legendary magic weapon. According to legend, it was the staff used by Hades, and the magic power of Hades was sealed in it.

Long Yi was ecstatic, the great happiness almost made him faint, eighteen sword master-level skeletons, a staff that sealed the mana of Hades, and a complete book of undead magic, this silver wolf king really wanted it, and he took it like this Give him something good.

After the ecstasy, Long Yi calmed down. Although these things are powerful, they can't be used openly, otherwise they might be chased and killed if they fled to the ends of the world. It seems that they have to work hard to cultivate their internal and magical powers first.

Long Yi spread out the palm of his left hand, looking at the strange blood-red skeleton branded on his palm, he couldn't help but want to see what those eighteen skeletons with the strength of a sword master really look like.

Seeing that there was no one around, Long Yi recited a mantra silently, and saw a strange red light from the blood-red skull in his palm, a crack in space suddenly appeared in front of Long Yi without a sound, followed by a flash of black light, eighteen people all over his body Covered with bony armor, black skeletons holding giant swords stood in a row in front of Long Yi.

Eh, no, one of them is actually holding a huge blood-colored sickle, which looks much more powerful than the other seventeen. Long Yi was taken aback, Peter. Xiuge's notes did not say that there was such a strange guy.

In order to test the power of these skeletons, Long Yi pointed to dozens of trees in front and ordered them to attack, just as he gave the order, the skeleton holding the bloody sickle swept up like a gust of wind, and the huge sickle drew a red glow in the air, The dozens of trees snapped off from their roots and flew into the air, while the other seventeen skeletons just took a step.

"Damn, good boy." Long Yi laughed wildly and patted the skeleton's shoulder vigorously. He was very satisfied. The strength of this skeleton is obviously better than that of a sword master. To be slightly better.

"Well, let me give you a name. My name is Long Yi, your master, and you can be called Long Er." Long Yi said to the skeleton. He obviously forgot that the skeleton couldn't understand him at all. .

It was almost midnight, and the gates of Guangming City were about to close. Long Yi put all the things into the space ring, and rushed towards Guangming City.

Guangming City is worthy of being the distribution center of northern commerce. The streets are very wide, and there are rows of shops that can't be seen at a glance. Although it is already midnight, there are still many pedestrians on the street, so many shops are still open with lights on.

Long Yi spotted a luxurious hotel and walked in. The lobby was still brightly lit, and people in twos and threes were eating supper in the restaurant next to the lobby.

The business of this hotel is very good. When Long Yi entered, there were only two luxury suites left, ten gold coins a day. Long Yi didn't know much about money, he hadn't used much of the 10,000 purple gold coins on his body, so he took out his purple crystal card and paid for two days' rent without even thinking about it.

Long Yi didn't go into the room immediately, but sat down in the dining room and ordered two dishes. He hasn't eaten anything since noon. His mind was attracted by the magic of the undead just now, and he didn't remember it until he saw other people eating. The stomach is empty.

At this time, a woman in black walked in. She had a very hot figure, but her appearance was very ordinary. Without saying a word, she asked for the luxury suite opposite Long Yi, and after she was done, she turned around and went to the restaurant.

Long Yi stared at the woman and sized him up. Of course, what attracted his attention was not the appearance, but the girl that Long couldn't see through. At first glance, she seemed to be an ordinary person, but upon closer inspection, she seemed to be wrapped in a layer of mist. . Long Yi knew that she was not an ordinary person, and none of the single women who could go out alone was a fuel-efficient lamp.

As if feeling Long Yi's gaze, the woman raised her head to look at Long Yi, her eyes were as deep as a deep pool without bottom. At this moment, the woman's eyes suddenly flashed strangely.

"Hmph." Long Yi snorted coldly, the light in his eyes soared, and his pupils met the woman's eyes like needles.

The woman snorted, her face turned pale, and she looked at Long Yi in horror.

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