Womanizing Mage

Chapter 29: The Mysterious Girl

The corner of Long Yi's mouth curled up slightly mockingly, it's really interesting, this woman actually knows spiritual magic. But in front of him, a psychic supernatural being, the woman's psychic attack is undoubtedly out of the ordinary. Of course, Long Yi only taught her a little lesson, because Long Yi knew that this woman only wanted to teach him a little lesson, but he was taught him a lesson instead.

The woman's pale face slowly returned to normal, but her heart was full of turmoil. From the fact that the hateful young man defuses his mental attack and bounces back, he knows that his spiritual magic is much more powerful than his own. She really didn't expect that this ordinary young man like a wealthy young man would be an unfathomable spiritual magician.

The woman took two mouthfuls of rice indiscriminately, then turned around and walked in, just at this time Long Yi also finished eating, so he stood up and followed behind her.

Seeing Long Yi following her closely, the woman couldn't help being startled, thinking that Long Yi was plotting against her. When Long Yi followed her all the way to the door of the luxury suite on the third floor, the woman confirmed her guess. There was some fear in her heart. As a spiritual magician, she knew very well the lethality of advanced spiritual magic, because spiritual magic did not harm the body but the soul.

At this moment, the woman saw two hotel clerks coming towards her, her eyes suddenly stopped, she turned around and shouted at Long Da: "What do you want to do with me, you pervert?"

With the woman's roar, other doors poked their heads out one after another. Let's see if you, a pervert, dare to take advantage of this girl, the woman thought proudly.

Long Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he stood still in front of the woman and said with a light smile: "Are you talking about me?" Then he glanced up and down at the woman and shook his head, "Although I'm very lustful, I'm not so hungry This level." After speaking, he walked past the woman, took out the room card, opened the door and entered.

"Hungry for food? You bastard." The woman trembled with anger, and a black light flashed imperceptibly in her right hand.

If it is outside, I must make you die ugly. The woman clenched her fists, opened the door opposite Long Yi, and closed the door with a loud bang.

"Spiritual magic, dark-type magic, hehe, unexpectedly, he is still a fellow." Long Yi leaned his back against the door and smiled inwardly. Just now, the bloody skull in the palm of Long Yi's left hand trembled, and Long Yi immediately felt it. The fleeting fluctuations of dark magic, it seems that this skull is not only a dark dimensional space, but also a sensor of dark magic fluctuations.

Long Yi looked at this spacious, bright, magnificent and extremely luxurious suite, sat on a soft sofa, sipped a bottle of high-end fruit wine and sipped it enjoying himself, the suite of ten gold coins is really different. , Long Yi sighed in his heart.

Leng Youyou lay on her back on the big bed, the anger on her face had completely disappeared, she was really ashamed to be thrown at her grandma's house just now. The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, why did that guy insult herself.

Hungry? It's really maddening.

Leng Youyou jumped out of bed angrily and rushed into the bathroom, looking at the ordinary face in the magic mirror, muttering a spell in her mouth, a black light flashed, and her face began to twist. When everything returned to calm, a face that was all over the world appeared in the magic mirror. The eyebrows were like a crescent moon, the eyes were like stars, and the skin was so delicate and soft that it seemed to be dripping water, especially the small pink and tender red lips, which were so charming spare time to think.

"Stinky bastard, am I ugly? I know how to judge people by their appearance. If I let you see my true colors, I'll see if you will think that I'm hungry, hum." Leng Youyou touched her face narcissistically, The red lips turned upwards, so that Liugong Fendai had no color.

Long Yi didn't know that he had offended such a beautiful woman, he was sitting cross-legged on the bed and meditating, his body exuded colorful magic elements, among which the silver-purple electric magic elements were the most abundant.

When the first ray of sunlight in the morning cast faint spots of light through the window, Long Yi slowly opened his eyes, his pupils turned out to be a strange silver-purple color, but soon returned to black. Long Yi stretched his waist, let out a soft drink, flew into the air, floated around the spacious room like a ghost, and landed gracefully.

Feeling the rushing internal force in his body, Long Yi was a little complacent and a little unbelievable, it's only been a few days, Ao Tianjue actually showed signs of breaking through the first floor.

After washing up, Long Yi had breakfast at the hotel, asked the clerk for the address of the mercenary guild, and then headed straight there. Although it was only early in the morning, the streets of Guangming City were already crowded with people of all colors, and Long Yi finally saw rare elves, orcs and dwarves. Elves are really handsome men and beautiful women, while the appearance of orcs is closely related to their level and race. Generally, the higher the level, the less beastly they are. The most beautiful among orcs are cats and foxes. , It is said that there are not a few beauties in these two families. The dwarves are very short. This is what Long Yi sighed when he saw the dwarves. It is impossible to imagine that these 1-meter-long dwarves have amazing talents in forging. The weapons and armor of the dwarves are very famous in the entire Canglan continent. Stores have also opened all over the continent.

Turn two streets and turn into an alley. This is the guild stronghold of Guangming City that the guy said. Basically all the guilds are concentrated in this alley.

The arrival of Long Yi attracted a lot of people's attention, because everyone in this alley was wearing magic robes and wands, or wearing leather armor and holding giant swords, as well as people holding bows and arrows, and daggers. There were people from all levels of education, but they didn't see any ordinary people, and Long Yi's gorgeous brocade clothes were particularly eye-catching among them.

Long Yi looked left and right, and finally saw a very imposing building with four large characters of Mercenary Guild written on it. Long Yi walked in under everyone's gaze. The hall of the mercenary guild was very large, and it was full of voices and crowded. There were many mercenaries and mercenary groups of various levels here to receive and hand in quests.

Long Yi squeezed into the window of a registered mercenary, inside was a pretty girl.

"Hello, are you going to register as a mercenary?" The girl smiled kindly, revealing two sweet dimples.

Long Yidun felt cordial, he did not expect the service attitude of this mercenary guild to be really good, he smiled and nodded: "Yes."

ps: Calling for the name of the heroine, all book friends, please help me, and reply to the top post in the book review area, thank you~~

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