Womanizing Mage

Chapter Thirty Enemy's Narrow Road

"Registration as a mercenary requires one gold coin." The girl smiled at Long Yi.

Long nodded and paid the money, took the form the girl gave him and filled it out. At the end, the girl handed Long Yi a mercenary card and a mercenary medal. The medal was engraved with a shield and two crossed giant swords. The color was white, representing the lowest level F-rank mercenary. When you finished You can advance after completing certain tasks. The e-level mercenary medal is red, d-level is green, c-level is yellow, b-level is purple, a-level is silver, and s-level is gold, which is also the highest level of mercenary.

Long Yi came to the mercenary task layout place, and saw a huge blackboard densely written with various levels of tasks, Long Yi took a look at the F-level tasks, and found that they were all tasks such as killing fire rabbits and sending letters. E-level and D-level missions are also relatively simple, and there is no challenge.

Suddenly, Long Yi saw an eye-catching A-level mission on the top of the blackboard, which was to go to Yuxu Mountain, eight hundred miles away from Guangming City, to kill the B-level upper-rank monster Earth Bear, and take out a piece of white jade in his belly. The task reward is 10,000 amethyst coins. Long Yi was stunned for a moment, it wasn't about the earth bear that he killed, right?

Long Yi was puzzled, how did the person who set up the task know that there was a white jade piece in the stomach of the Earth Bear? His goal is obviously that piece of white jade, 10,000 amethyst coins, what a great deal. Naturally, Long Yi would not be so stupid as to take out the white jade piece to hand in the task, his intuition told him that there was a huge conspiracy behind this task, and he would never take the initiative to get involved in it.

At this moment, there was a noise from the hall of the mercenary guild, Long Yi looked around, and saw a seven-foot giant man carrying a huge sword, shouting with a thunderous voice to lure people into the group.

Long Yi squeezed past, only to hear the giant man yell: "The mission of the Lost City in the Desolate Plain now requires high-level fighters and magicians to join. Our team is strong, with two high-level magicians and two high-level fighters." First name, one sword master, one elf archer, those who want to join can sign up."

When the giant man opened his mouth, most of the lively onlookers dispersed immediately, only to hear one of the magician-like people say: "Only fools will take this A-level mission, and the Tianlei Mercenary Group did this mission last time." The entire army was wiped out in the barren grassland."

As soon as Long Yi heard what the magician said, he immediately went up to hold him and asked: "Brother, is the strength of the Tianlei Mercenary Corps you said just now stronger than what this person said?"

The magician looked Long Yi up and down, and after seeing the F-rank mercenary medal on his chest, he looked clear. He said to Long: "You just joined the mercenary guild? No wonder you don't know Tianlei mercenary. The Tianlei mercenary group is a B-level mercenary group. It has a great magician, a great swordsman, more than a dozen senior magicians and high-level fighters. Even they were wiped out in the barren grassland. Now, don’t you think this stupid guy and those senior fighters are going to die?”

Long Yi pondered for a while, looked at the huge man with a disappointed face, walked over with a smile, and said with a smile: "Hi, may I join?"

The giant man looked at Long Yi,

Seeing him dressed like a nobleman, he thought it was some dandy who came here to have fun, so he said in a bad mood: "We are here to go on a mission, not a trip."

"I'm just going on a mission with you, I just registered as a mercenary." Long Yi pointed to the mercenary medal on his chest and smiled.

The giant man hesitated for a moment and asked, "Are you a magician or a warrior?"

"Warrior." Long Yi took out a huge sword from the space ring and gestured, then imitated a giant man and carried the sword on his shoulder.

The giant man looked at the giant sword on Long Yi's shoulder with envy in his eyes. This mighty and magnificent sword was obviously made by the best dwarf craftsman. The sword body was all forged from sand steel. Its price was at least five amethyst coins.

"Are you a senior fighter?" The giant man didn't focus too much on Long Yi's giant sword.

Long Yi smiled, and with a wave of the giant sword, a light blue dou qi flashed out.

"Are you a sword master? Of course we welcome you to join." The giant man said excitedly. He really didn't expect that the young man in front of him, who seemed to be less than twenty years old, could have the level of a sword master. Meet the standards of a sword master.

"My name is Harley, what's your name." The giant stretched out his big hand boldly.

"Long Yi, I hope we can cooperate happily." Long Yi stretched out his hand and shook the giant man tightly.

"You wait here for a while, and we can meet with our partners when we find another magician." The giant man said to the dragon.

Harley yelled a few more times, but everyone dispersed as soon as they heard that it was the task of doing the Lost City in the Wild Plains. Just when Long Yi and Ha Lei were going to meet with a few other partners to have lunch, a faint voice sounded: "I wonder if I can join?"

Long Yi was stunned when he turned his head, it turned out to be the woman who had a conflict with him in the hotel, she was still dressed in black, and still had that ordinary face.

"My name is Leng Youyou, a senior magician of the spiritual department." Leng Youyou didn't seem to see Long Yi, she directly took out the medal of the Magicians Guild and said to Harley.

"You are a spiritual magician, okay, you are welcome to join, and now the staff is finally ready." Harley said happily, he did not expect to be so lucky today, not only found a swordsman, but also found a high-level spiritual magician, You must know that spiritual magic is very weird, and the silent attack makes people hard to guard against. The most terrible thing is that it directly attacks the soul. Once the soul is damaged, it will either become an idiot or a vegetable.

Long Yi and Leng Youyou looked at each other, sparks flew everywhere.

"It turns out that your name is Leng Youyou, it seems that we are destined for each other." Long Yi smiled first.

Lengyou snorted, and said coldly: "Who is destined for you."

"Why is there no fate? As the saying goes, if you cultivate for a hundred years, you can cross the same boat, and if you cultivate for a thousand years, you can sleep together. Now we are on the same boat. We must have known each other for hundreds of years in the previous life." Long Yi said with a smile.

"Even if we knew each other, we must have been enemies in our previous life." Leng Youyou said.

"You two know each other before, but let's not talk about it now, I will take you to meet our partners." After finishing speaking, Harley left the mercenary guild with his giant sword in his hand.

Leng Youyou gave Long Yi a hard look and followed out. Long Yi looked at Leng Youyou's tight buttocks twisting and twisting, and couldn't help but chuckled: "Although he doesn't look very good, this figure is a real devil's figure, tsk tsk."

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