Womanizing Mage

Chapter 252 Beitang Yu is a Pig (End)

What is the name of the ghost? The young master is asleep. We will talk about it tomorrow. "Long Yi shouted out of the door unhappily, at this moment there are two delicate beauties in his arms waiting for his favor, how could he have the time to take care of other things.

The dragon and the wolf paw groped the two girls, causing them to pant so much that they didn't dare to open their eyes. It's never happened before to make love with their lover in front of other women. Women are still a little bit reluctant.

Peng Pengpeng, there was a knock on the door of the bedroom, and the servant said with a mournful face: "Second Young Master, Madam and Master ordered you to go to the hall, otherwise you will be skinned." Now, go out quickly. "Xiaoyi removed Long Yi's wolf paw that was pressing on her plump breasts, and lightly pushed Long Yi's shoulder. Come on, Xiaoyi and I...wait for you in the room." Yu Feng blushed pretty Mosquito said.

Long Yi's eyes lit up, he pinched the two girls' breasts, he said with a smile: "You said this, don't go back on your word, if you come back and miss one, you will be dealt with according to the law." Buried his head in the blanket.

Long Yi stood up, took two deep breaths and suppressed the protesting Xiao Longyi. Is it reasonable to go out with a tent like this? He mumbled in his heart and ran towards the hall, seeing that Dongfang Wan and Ximen were both angry, and there seemed to be something wrong with their expressions. What happened? Call me out in such a hurry. "Long Yi sat down on the sofa. He poured a glass of water and drank it with a gurgling sound. He suppressed his lust and his mouth was parched.

Ximen stared at Long Yi angrily and majestically, and slowly said: "Did you cause trouble again when you went to the Kamikaze Army to select soldiers?"

It turned out to be that matter, and I thought it was a big deal. Long Yi said with a smile: "I didn't cause any trouble, I just made a bet with Miss Beitang." After climbing three laps in Tenglong City, he still yelled at her that Beitang Yu is a pig, right? "Ximen slapped the table angrily and said angrily.

Long Yi didn't care about Ximen Nu's anger pretending to maintain his father's majesty, he said with a chuckle: "The bet at the beginning was like this. But then I voluntarily gave up, telling her not to be like this, how did the matter get to you I heard it in my ears, could it be that girl sued you?" I went to the night market to fulfill my bet, and the whole Tenglong City was full of riots, Bei Tangxiong publicly denied this daughter, it's all about you brat Made it. How do you say it will end? "Ximen snorted angrily. Hey, that stubborn girl won't really run to climb the street, right? The people all ran to watch. This time, the Beitang family and our Ximen family will definitely be in conflict. I don't care what method you use. You go and solve this matter for me immediately." Ximen Nu stood up, snorted coldly, turned and entered the room.

Long Yi had a bitter face, how can there be such a stupid woman, she was just talking casually at the time, never thought she would really do that. But from another perspective, Long Yi admired her very much. She can endure what ordinary people can't, maybe she is not so unbearable. The bet is too much, try to persuade the girl from the Beitang family to go back. "Dongfang Wan came over and patted Long Yi's hand. She turned around and entered the room. Who's dead, she still needs to wipe that girl's butt." Cursing in her heart, Long Yi fled out of Ximen Mansion.

Once out of Ximen Mansion.

It was only now that the street was deserted, and occasionally I saw a few people rushing forward. The eldest sister was crawling on the street, still shouting that Beitang Yu is a pig, hurry up and watch the excitement, if it's too late, there's nothing to watch. Novel reading Netizen A drags passerby B to run forward.

Following the flow of people, Long Yi soon arrived at a crowded place, the streets, rooms by the roadside and roofs were all full of people. Long Yi was floating in the air, and at a glance, he could see Beitang Yu, who was dressed in black with his head coiled on his head, knelt on the ground and crawled on the ground, and could faintly hear her hollow voice: "Beitangyu is a pig, Beitang Feathers are pigs."

There were two beautiful maids beside Bei Tangyu, who were crying and calling for his young lady, but they didn't dare to touch her, because Bei Tangyu said that if they touched her, they would be sold into brothels as prostitutes.

Looking at that pale and stubborn pretty face, Long Yi clenched her lower lip with her white teeth, and traces of blood ooze out from it, making people feel sympathy involuntarily. So the Beitang family didn't come out to take care of it, they still had the heart to let such a beautiful girl suffer this crime. A middle-aged woman who was standing on the roof watching couldn't bear it. The boy of Bi Ergou's family served as a soldier in the Kamikaze Camp. It is said that he lost a bet with Ximen Er Shao. This is fulfilling the bet. You also know that the Beitang family is one of the most powerful families in the empire. They can't afford to lose this person. The head of the Beitang family has already posted a notice saying that Miss Beitang will have nothing to do with their Beitang family from now on. The woman's husband said. This kind of bet is too inhuman." A man next to him interjected, and when he asked, a large group of people gathered on the roof immediately.

Seeing so many people surrounding her, the woman's husband suddenly felt that he was someone else, and he raised his voice proudly and said, "Except for Ergou and me, few people really know about this matter." Come on, hurry up listen. "A person said impatiently. On the ground, the second young master Ximen went to the Shenfeng Camp to select soldiers. For some reason, he clashed with Miss Beitang. Miss Beitang is the only female general in our empire, so she is proud and arrogant. Come face to face with Ximen Second Young Master. As a result, Ximen Second Young Master defeated more than 100,000 people led by Miss Beitang with only 20 of the worst soldiers. And he lost twice in a row, so today's scene , Now you know." This man named Sanbeard spit, two hundred people were said to be twenty people, and twenty thousand people were said to be hundreds of thousands. If it is passed on, I am afraid that it will be said that the second young master Ximen will wipe out the entire kamikaze army with a wave of his finger. I don't believe that Ximen Er Shao is so powerful. " Immediately some people did not believe it.

Sanhuzi jumped up like a cat whose tail has been trampled on, patted his chest and said, "If I, Sanhuzi, cheat you, I'm shit, not as good as pigs and dogs."

Three Huzi's oath was immediately believed by most of the people. At this time, someone said: "Although Ms. Beitang lost. But she kept her word and kept her promise. I admire her very much." Admiration. " Immediately someone agreed.

At this time, someone suddenly noticed that something was wrong, turned around and found that the person who just said that he admired Beitang Yu was actually the protagonist of their gossip, Ximen Second Young Master, everyone was terrified. Although the impression of Ximen Second Young Master has changed a lot in the hearts of the people through the snowman incident, and the days when he came back were not as noisy as before, but the residual prestige still exists. The image of a playboy cannot be completely reversed overnight.

Long Yi didn't care about the eyes and expressions that everyone looked at him, he asked softly: "How long has Miss Beitang been crawling like this?". It has been more than half an hour. Someone answered.

At this time, a bolder person suddenly said: "Master Ximen, Miss Beitang is really pitiful, she is a girl, so...does it cancel your bet?"

Long Yi turned his head one by one, and the person who spoke was scared back again and again. I was afraid of offending this evil star, but I didn't want Long Yi to smile bitterly, and sighed: "I told her to cancel the bet, but she didn't listen, so I can't help it."

At this time. Beitang Yu climbed away. Looking at her tough but lonely figure, Long Yi didn't feel any pleasure. On the contrary, he felt a little blocked in his heart. After all, he couldn't bear to let such a girl demean him so much.

Long Yi lightly tapped the sole of his foot, and landed in front of Bei Tang Yu with a dodge, his appearance was even louder among the surrounding people.

Bei Tangyu raised his head and looked at him with empty and indifferent eyes, then continued to say that Bei Tangyu is a pig, and walked around him. Miss home. "The two maids of Bei Tang Yu cried and knelt down towards Long Yi.

The bitterness in Long Yi's heart, obviously he was not wrong, why it seems like Bei Tangyu is his fault, even he himself thinks that he is wrong, what kind of world is this. |

Long Yi took two steps forward and lifted Beitang Yu up, and saw that her trousers had worn out two holes at the knees, and her bare knees were reddened. Yes, you have fulfilled your promise, go back. "Long Yi stared at Bei Tangyu and gritted his teeth. There was a wave of anger in his heart. He didn't know whether to be angry with her or himself. After climbing three laps, he would definitely do it." Bei Tangyu threw Long Yi away and knelt down again. Get down and crawl forward.

Impatiently, Long Yi lifted her up again, he wanted to knock her out and take her away, he really didn't want to waste time with her anymore.

Bei Tangyu seemed to see Long Yi's thoughts, she said coldly: "If you take me away by force, you will drive me to a dead end."

Long Yi looked at the light in the depths of Beitang Yu's black eyes, it was so dazzling, so resolute, he knew she would do what she said, and taking her back would not trap her forever, otherwise she would Will definitely do something stupid. {Literature Reading Network takes care of you. "Long Yi let go of his hand, looking at Beitang Yu who was crawling forward, she was moved, she was stupid, really stupid. If it was him, he would definitely not be able to do it, because he is a villain to begin with, but Beitang Yu's stupid behavior touched his heart.

For no reason, a long-sealed memory suddenly appeared in Long Yi's mind, it was from the previous life, a woman named Xiao Qi. That woman who is soft on the outside and strong on the inside, speaks one word. Long Yi shook his head desperately, shaking off the distressed feeling of suffocation, only felt that at this moment, Bei Tang Yu and Xiao Qi were so similar.

Long Yi exhaled a foul breath. She didn't go to pull Bei Tangyu again, since she insisted so much, then let her do as she wished. Why is it so ugly? "Xiao Yi saw Long Yi push the door open and came in, and immediately went up to meet him. Then he found Long Yi with a gloomy face. He stood beside Long Yi, looking at him worriedly. Let's go to bed." Long Yiqiang said with a smile.

Under the service of the two girls, Long Yi took off his clothes, and half-lyed under the quilt, while Yu Feng and Xiao Yi cuddled up to him. If it is normal. The evil ghost in his color has long been yelling and trying to take advantage of it, but now he is frowning, hugging the two women, he doesn't know what he is thinking, but the look in his eyes keeps changing, blurred for a while, blurred for a while, Reminiscing, happy for a while, painful for a while. Literature Reading Network

Yu Feng saw Long Yi's handsome face suddenly showing some vicissitudes. Her heart trembled slightly, she never thought that her always joking, old and unscrupulous lover would have such a heavy heart, which made her feel very uncomfortable, and felt that she could do nothing to help him.

Yu Feng bit her lip, and suddenly stretched out her little hand between Long Yi's legs to grab the drooping little Long Yi and began to fondle it. She didn't want Long Yi to sink into thoughts that made him suffer. And the only thing she can do is to divert his attention, and the best way to divert a man's attention is naturally sex.

Feeling the stimulation of the **** in the lower body, Long Yi came back to his senses, seeing her coquettish and coquettish expression, he couldn't help calling out in doubt: "Feng'er." Well. "Yu Feng's red lips were slightly parted. Her limp and delicate body kept rubbing against Long Yi's body, and the orchid-like fragrance of sex radiated from her body.

Xiaoyi looked at the sister who had suddenly become so bold in surprise, but saw her blinking at herself, and Mingru immediately understood what Yu Feng wanted to do, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart. |The women around the young master are really infatuated with each other. Now she is following suit. Jerky began to tease Long Yi.

Long Yi was like a mirror in his heart, he knew the intentions of the two women. In addition to being moved, my body also responded faithfully, and the memories that suddenly surged in my heart were also diluted a lot. Such a good night, how can we live up to the love of the beauty? The trademark smirk appeared on Long Yi's face again, and the two wolf claws began to plunder the two girls, touching Yufeng's buttocks and Xiaoyi's snowy buttocks, grabbing and pinching the two girls Soon the emotion was overwhelming.

The brocade quilt was taken off, Long Yi's trousers were pulled down to his knees by the bold Yu Feng, and a soft jade hand was holding Xiao Long Yi and moving it up and down.

Long Yi lifted off the brocade quilt, and let out all the joy. Xiao Yi let out a cry, seeing Yu Feng being thrown down, she was a bride after all, and she still couldn't let go. Looking at Yu Feng's slightly parted red lips, Long Yi's heart became hot, he tapped Yu Feng's lips with his thumb, and then lightly pressed her head to his lower body, the meaning was obvious. Feng looked at Long Yi with eyes full of spring, but the tip of his tongue involuntarily licked the corner of his mouth.

Damn, this little goblin, when Long saw Yu Feng making such a sexy and seductive provocative move, his breathing couldn't help but stagnate, and Xiaolong swelled up a bit in an instant.

Xiaoyi stared at the two curiously, wanting to see what would happen next.

Seeing Xiao Yi staring at her, Yu Feng was a little embarrassed, but seeing Long Yi's expectant expression, she gritted her teeth, anyway, they will be sisters in the future, and I'm afraid we will have more exchanges about this boudoir, so why be ashamed.

Yu Feng slowly leaned down, opened her red lips, and took Xiao Longyi into her mouth, her little head began to heave up and down, but Xiaoyi was dumbfounded, it turns out that the relationship between men and women can still be like this.

Long Yi groaned comfortably, staring at Xiao Yi next to him with fiery eyes, groping her body deftly with his fingers, Xiao Yi suddenly became a snow-white lamb.

Under Long Yi's demonic hands, every inch of Xiaoyi was touched to its core. Looking at Yu Feng who was working hard, Long Yi suddenly let out a wicked smile, and asked Xiao Yi to stand up and straddle him, so that Xiao Yi's snow-white and hairless valley was completely presented in front of his eyes. Xiaoyi rubbed her legs subconsciously, and covered them with her hands to block Long Yi's fiery sight. study. "Long Yi laughed and pulled Xiaoyi's hands away, and then parted her tight nipples, looking at the pink and pink girl's private place, wisps of fragrance radiated from it.

Involuntarily, Long Yi grabbed Xiao Yi's buttocks, and slowly moved towards her... Yi was about to die. "Xiao Yi's body is extremely sensitive, when she was licked by Long Yi's tongue privately, she immediately trembled convulsively, and she was thrown to the highest point within one round.

Long Yi let go of the limp Xiao Yi, took off Yu Feng's clothes in three or two strokes, pressed his strong body on top, and began to attack wantonly.

Perhaps it was the first time playing the game, Long Yi was very excited, he played all the tricks, and finally perfectly overlapped the two girls, and made a bow up and down.

A few hours later, Yu Feng and Xiao Yisan lay limply in Long Yi's arms, unable to lift any more strength. Thinking of the various postures of their lover just now, they blushed. The boudoir is also a special taste.

Seeing that Long Yi's expression returned to normal, the two women began to ask what happened cautiously. Long Yi sighed softly, then told what happened during the day's selection of soldiers, and also said that the silly girl Beitang Yu was outside fulfilling her promise at this time.

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