Womanizing Mage

Chapter 253: Provoking Generals

When Yu Feng and Xiao Yi heard that Beitang Yu, a big lady, did something that no one could bear in public in the street, regardless of her dignity and face, they cried out in unison.

"Husband, you have to think of a way. Miss Beitang can fulfill such a promise. Feng'er admires her very much, but she is only a girl in her teens. Now she must be in great pain, maybe she will collapse because of it." Yu Feng said anxiously.

Xiao Yi didn't say anything, but just looked at Long Yi quietly, she only lived for Long Yi, her thoughts were not quite the same as Yu Feng's, although she sympathized with Bei Tang Yu, she still thought she deserved it. Because Long Yi said that this kind of vicious condition was put forward by herself from the very beginning, if Long Yi lost in the battle, then wouldn't it be her lover who was crawling on the street at this time.

"There is no way to think about it. I can't persuade me. She is determined to do this. If she is forced to tie her back, she may do more extreme things according to her character." Long Yi smiled wryly.

"Then let her demean herself like this?" Yu Feng asked worriedly.

Long Yi shook his head and pondered: "Perhaps the situation is not so bad. Although she looks ashamed on the surface, in fact, the common people know very well in their hearts. I am afraid that her reputation for her commitment will be even louder after this incident. " Long Yi's words were not without reason, along the way, many common people admired Bei Tang Yu's qualities, and thought she was a strange woman.

In the early morning of the next day, Yu Feng rushed to deal with family affairs, and Long Yi, as the general of the Kuang Emperor Empire, naturally had to rush to the barracks. The 15,000 miscellaneous soldiers dug by the battalion were trained to become the most elite soldiers of the Kuanglong Empire.

On the way, Long Yi couldn't help following the flow of people to look at Bei Tang Yu. She has been crawling all night, her body is stained, her face is extremely pale, and her lips are blue. She still looks like the high-spirited imperial female general yesterday. Her two maids brought food and water and wanted to feed her, but Bei Tangyu stubbornly refused to eat or drink, her eyes had lost any luster, only hollow and cold.

Long Yi sighed lightly, and dodged towards the barracks.

Arriving at the barracks, Long Yi first called all the members of the Violent Bear Mercenary Group, took out a training schedule, and officially named this newly formed independent battalion the Peerless Battalion, which means "Unparalleled Under Heaven". At the same time, it is also to miss Wushuang who is far away on the ice sheet. Back then, the Ice Palace promised to release him in two years, but now the time is almost up, thinking that he will be able to meet the mysterious girl who made him worry about it soon. Long Yi felt a tinge of sweetness in his heart, she would come to him as soon as possible.

When Xiong Ba looked through the training plan, he couldn't help but secretly startled, many of the contents were unheard of, and they were all the kind of torture people in different ways. What is cross-country with heavy loads, armed swimming, 24-hour lurking. It is even stipulated that everyone must attend classes. Teach some grappling and fighting, as well as the transformation and combination of various large and small formations. The time is scheduled from early morning to late night, it is not an exaggeration to call it devil training.

"In the recent period, I will be in charge of teaching you. When you are finished, you will teach the soldiers below. But don't miss a single physical training. There is an assessment once a week. If you fail the assessment, you will be whipped. Magicians are no exception." Long Yi was dressed in a majestic general's uniform, and his deep voice was full of evil spirits.

"General, do we mages also need to undergo physical training?" an earth magician timidly asked.

"Of course, a magician's body is too weak, and if he fights in close combat, his life will be over, so I have a set of independent training methods specially prepared for magicians, and the course of grappling and fighting must also be taken." Long Yi said majesticly. He said in a serious manner that he looked a bit like Ximen Nu, and his gloomy appearance made people tremble.

Long Yi didn't intend to make the Peerless Battalion complete with all kinds of troops like the Kamikaze Battalion, it would be of no use for an independent battalion with less than 20,000 people to do that, it would be better to make it into a special forces from another world, Although it is impossible to confront the cavalry head-on on the battlefield, sneak attacks and assassinations, urban street fighting, etc. are definitely worth ten.

Since it was the first day, Long Yi simply told them some macroscopic war theories, which made these guys who had never heard of such theories mesmerized. It turns out that there is so much knowledge about war.

After one class, Long Yi called out all the soldiers of the Peerless Battalion to assemble, and put all the hundreds of mercenaries from the Violent Bear Mercenary Regiment in as junior officers, and appointed Neng Ba as the deputy general of the Peerless Battalion.

Long Yi made an impassioned speech on the high platform of the camp, stirring up the hearts of all the soldiers, waiting to make meritorious deeds and glorify their families.

Long Yi handed over the rest to Xiong Ba, and asked him to be in charge of training all the soldiers of the Peerless Battalion, while he himself disappeared without a trace.

Long Yi watched the picket team wrapped in heavy armor approaching, and appeared in front of them with a swipe, and the ones who greeted him were the shiny knives and guns of the picket team.

"Captain Vengeance, we meet again." Long Yi smiled and looked at Vengeance who was walking in the front.

Seeing Long Yi's identity clearly, these picket members immediately put away their weapons, and gave a military salute to Long Yi and his party, after all he is also a general now.

Chou Fu ordered several of his subordinates to leave first, and raised his hand to remove the heavy helmet, revealing the scary scarred face. But maybe because of his similar appearance to his previous life, Long Yi had a kind feeling.

The general is not going to train soldiers at this time, why come to me? "Qen Fu asked lightly.

Long Yi chuckled, and said: "What? Squadron Captain Qiu wants to join me in sabotage?"

"If I can catch the handle, it's not impossible." Vengeance showed a rare smile.

The two came to a remote grassland and sat down, and Vengeance asked directly, "Tell me, what do you want from me?"

Long Yi pondered for a moment, then slowly said: "If I'm right, your ancestors should be from the Phoenix Dou Qi lineage of Raging Flame Villa."

Chou Fu's face changed slightly when he heard the words, and he said calmly, "I know what you are talking about. I don't even know what Lieyan Villa is."

"Don't speak dark words in front of Ming people. Phoenix Dou Qi is divided into two types, one type is suitable for women's cultivation and the other type is suitable for men's cultivation. You and Phoenix Villa are both descendants of Lieyan Villa." Long Yi said with eyes of revenge.

Revenge froze for a moment. Maybe he can't figure out why Long Yi knows so much.

"Actually, you don't need to deny it. The Phoenix Dou Qi you used last time has already explained everything, and the reason why I know so much is because the eldest lady of the Phoenix family is my wife." Long Yi said.

"Wife? Are you married to the Phoenix family?" Chou Fu asked suspiciously, he didn't deny it anymore, presumably he had already admitted it.

"No, of course she was the one who got married, the distance is always determined by people, isn't it?" Long Yi said with a chuckle.

Chou Fu was silent, and after a long time he said calmly, "Tell me your purpose."

"There's no particular purpose. It's just that my wife wants to see you, and you must come from the same bloodline, and you should be in the same hatred." Long Yi smiled.

"I won't see her. I also don't want to see anyone from the Phoenix family." Chou Fu said coldly, his tone seemed to have something to do with the Phoenix family.

"Why?" Long Yi asked in surprise, in his opinion, both factions belong to Raging Flame Villa, so they should be very happy to meet again.

"Hmph. Go ask your wife, it's a good thing they still have the face to call themselves the descendants of Lieyan Villa." Chou Fu got up abruptly, picked up the helmet that was on the ground and strode away.

Long Yi froze on the spot. What's going on. Listening to the tone of revenge, it seems that he is very contemptuous of Phoenix Villa. What did Phoenix Villa do that made him look down on it?

Long Yi shook his head, really couldn't figure out what was going on, it seemed that he would have to ask Feng Er carefully when he went back.

After wandering around in the barracks for a while, he returned to the camp to supervise and guide the Wushuang camp training. The day passed quickly like this.

When returning back, Long Yi was still going to visit Beitang Yu, she had already crawled for a day and a night without eating or drinking, if ordinary people would have collapsed already.

Long Yi followed the crowd and quickly found Beitang Yu, she had almost completed one lap after a day and a night of crawling. At this time, her expression was even more haggard, and a faint blood mark would be left on her knees every step of the way.

Apart from Bei Tangyu's two maids who seemed to be fainting, Nangong Xiangyun was also beside her, holding a bowl of water and trying to persuade her to drink it.

"What a stupid girl." Looking at Beitang Yu's chapped lips, Long Yi sighed softly, boiling #文学 She was still opening and closing and shouting that slogan at this moment, but it was already insignificant. At the beginning, the bet only said to climb around Tenglong City three times, and didn't say that she couldn't eat and drink. I really don't know why she didn't eat or drink.

Long Yi couldn't stand it any longer, and appeared beside Beitang Yudi in a flash.

Seeing Long Yi's appearance, Nangong Xiangyun snorted coldly, glared at him and said: "This is all a good thing you did, do you have to force her to death to be reconciled?"

"This is a matter between me and her, you don't need to worry about it." Long Yi snorted unhappily, he was right about this matter, why did everyone rely on him.

"You... like I'm your last wife, so I want to take care of it." Nangong Xiangyun said with a blushing face.

"Since she is my last fiancée, then shut up obediently, if you interrupt a man's work, believe it or not, I will divorce you immediately." Long Yi said with a cold face.

Nangong Xiangyun bit her lower lip, she wanted to say that if you rest, it's a big deal, but she couldn't get it out of her mouth, so she stomped her feet and stood aside, ignoring him.

Looking at Beitang Yu who was crawling forward like a puppet, Long Yi stretched out his hand to snatch the water from Nangong Xiangyun's hand, stepped forward to lift Beitang Yu up, brought the water in front of her and ordered: "Drink water."

Bei Tangyu's empty eyes fluctuated slightly, and then became lifeless again, and there was no Wang Distance in his eyes, as if there was no such person as Long Yi in front of him at all.

Seeing Bei Tangyu's ghostly appearance, Long Yi's temper also came up, why does this girl fulfill a bet and earn a good reputation, but she has to recite the name of the villain by herself, and she still looks like a half-dead, it's really exciting big.

Long Yi held Beitang Yu's chin with one hand, and poured water into her mouth with the other.

Bei Tangyu whimpered and began to struggle, spilling most of the water in the bowl. The clothes on her chest were all wet, her exquisite curves were exposed, and Bei Tang Yu was also coughed due to choking.

"What are you doing, do you want to kill her?" Nangong Xiangyun saw Long Yi treat Beitang Yu so roughly. He stepped forward and grabbed Long Yi's hand and said viciously.

Long Yi shook off Nangong Xiangyun's hand, and said with a sneer, "Yeah, I really want to kill her, but the acting is pretty good, to win sympathy? Don't bet if you can't afford it, and if you lose the bet, it's like that." Looks half dead."

Bei Tangyu's expression finally fluctuated a bit, she raised her head and looked at Long Yi with cannibalistic eyes, wishing to tear him apart.

"What? Did I say something wrong? Since you insisted on climbing three laps, why are you still pretending to be pitiful and not eating or drinking. Oh, I see, do you want to renege on your debts? If you want to renege on your debts, just say so .Why bother?" Long Yi looked at Beitang disdainfully and said.

"I, Bei Tangyu, keep my word, so don't be cautious about judging a gentleman's heart." Bei Tangyu said in a hoarse voice.

"Finally willing to talk, I thought you were dumb. Since you don't want to pay your bills, why don't you eat or drink? Do you think you can persist until you finish climbing three laps like this? See, you're about to die now. You don't want to pass out after passing out. Just let it go, right, this way you can not only gain fame, but you can also renege on debts without any trace, it's really clever." Long Yi's extremely vitriolic words, no one can stand it.

Bei Tangyu was so angry that he trembled all over, his towering chest heaved and fell, and the eyeballs of the perverts onlookers almost popped out.

"Give me water, give me food." Bei Tangyu gritted her teeth, she thought that what Long Yi said was indeed reasonable, she is now fully supported by a will, if she fainted, it would really make others think she was lying account.

"Miss, wait a minute, we'll go right away." The two maids who followed behind cried with joy, and ran to the nearest restaurant.

After a while, the two maids brought out water and food. Bei Tangyu drank two large bowls of water first, then wolfed down two mouthfuls of rice, and then began to crawl hard again.

Nangong Xiangyun looked at Long Yi in amazement, seeing the satisfied smile on his face, she understood in her heart the painstaking efforts of his harsh words, in fact he is really a good person.

Long Yi didn't have time to guard Beitang Yu any more, he wanted to ask Yu Feng what had happened before, and why Qiu Fu had such a big opinion on the Phoenix family.

"Hey, Ximen Yu, where are you going?" Seeing that Long Yi wanted to leave, Nangong Xiangyun hurriedly asked.

"Of course I'm going home, otherwise what are you doing here?" Long Yi turned his head and said angrily.

"Then I'm going too. I haven't seen my aunt for a long time, and I want to chat with her." Nangong Xiangyun looked away with a guilty conscience, not knowing what was wrong with her.

"Whatever you want." Long Yi shrugged, got up and was about to fly away.

Unexpectedly, Nangong Xiangyun grabbed his hand, and when Long Yi looked at her questioningly, she said confidently: "You need to fly faster, take me with you."

Long Yi pursed his lips, put his big arms around Nangong Xiangyun's waist, tapped the soles of his feet, and the two of them shot into the air, arousing the amazement of the onlookers. The people of Tenglong City are more or less knowledgeable, and they often see high-level magicians flying around here, but they have never seen anyone so fast.

Nangong Xiangyun leaned her head lightly on Long Yi's shoulder, feeling the scorching heat from the big hands around her waist, a trace of sweetness unexpectedly surged up in her heart, she really couldn't figure out what it meant, she was a little confused and a bit confused. panic.

Relying on Long Yi's speed, Ximen's mansion arrived soon.

"It's here, I still want to hang on and not get up." Long Yi's voice rang in Nangong Xiangyun's ear.

Nangong Xiangyun hastily let go of the little hand holding Long Yi's arm, feeling a sense of loss in her heart. After asking the servants in the mansion, Long Yi found out that Yu Feng hadn't come yet, while Dongfang Wan and Xiaoyi had gone to Ye Mansion.

Mrs. Night? Long Yi sat on the sofa and sipped his tea lightly, thinking in his heart whether he should tell Dongfang Wan about Mrs. Ye's affairs, and let her be more on guard. But think about it or forget it, Dongfang Wan is a very measured person, she never asks about official affairs, even if she knows some secrets, she will not talk nonsense.

"Ximenyu, Miss Dongfang has left Tenglong City, do you know?" Nangong Xiangyun said suddenly.

Long Yi was startled, remembering the two teeth marks on his arm and her hateful eyes in the palace, sighed softly: "It's okay to leave, time will dilute everything."

"She said she would hate you forever, maybe she really loves you." Nangong Xiangyun said with some complexity.

Long Yi shook his head, it doesn't feel good to be hated, he smiled wryly: "She doesn't love me, she will understand in the future."

"At first I thought she was just purely possessive, but when I saw her eyes, I thought I was wrong. There is no hatred without love. The deeper the hatred, the deeper the love." Nangong Xiangyun muttered.

Long Yi waved his hands a little irritably, and said: "Stop talking, I still have something to do when I go out, it's up to you whether you wait here for my mother to come back or go home by yourself."

Seeing Long strode out of the hall, Nangong Xiangyun stretched out her hand to stop him, but she didn't know what to say for a while, she could only see his figure disappearing in front of her eyes with a swish.

Alas, Nangong Xiangyun sighed softly, she herself was a little confused about this fiancé, when she couldn't see him, he always appeared in her mind, and when she saw him, she was always so angry by him, and then I swore in my heart that I would never talk to him again, only to end up wanting to see him again after the vow, and this vicious circle tended to become more and more serious.

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