Womanizing Mage

Chapter 311: Departure (Part 1)

Soon Long Yi returned to Ximen Mansion, Ximen Nu went to the night banquet, but Dongfang Wan said she was sick and did not attend, at this time she was chatting happily with Nangong Xiangyun, Leng Youyou and Beitang Yu three daughters, seeing Long As soon as he appeared suddenly, Qiqi showed a surprised expression.

"What are you talking about? We had such a happy chat." Long Yi walked in with a smile.

"What else can we talk about except you, the three of them mention you in every sentence, and I don't know what kind of blessing you will get in your life." Dongfang Wan said with a smile. Panicked, almost to the point of turning pale, but now she is surrounded by beauties, and the girls around her are prettier than the other, which makes her smile from ear to ear, and she can already imagine the scene of a full house of children and grandchildren in the end.

The three girls couldn't stop laughing shyly, but the trace of sorrow between their brows was hard to erase.

Seeing the four people's eyes intertwined, sparks flew everywhere, Dongfang Wan stopped being an annoying light bulb, she just gave Long Yi a few words of concern and left.

As soon as Dongfang Wan left, Nangong Xiangyun couldn't help but her eyes turned red. The tears flowed before the words were said. The two got married not long ago, and their relationship became more and more stalemate. How could she bear to say goodbye?

Long Yi sighed softly in his heart, he had expected this situation long ago, all he could do was comfort.

"Okay, don't cry, it's not that you won't come back, just go to Nalan Empire for a while." Long Yi stepped forward and embraced Nangong Xiangyun in his arms, patted her fragrant shoulder to comfort her.

"Even if it's a round trip, it will take three or four months at the earliest, so what should I do?" Nangong Xiangyun wept softly, she was not a fragile person. But because love makes her heart softer than dough.

"Farewell is for a better reunion. It is inevitable to part and reunite in life, so we must face it with strength. Sometimes missing someone is not a happy thing. Do you understand?" Long Yi caressed Nangong Xiangyun's beautiful face. , looked at Beitang Yu and Leng Youyou who were beside him at the same time.

Leng Youyou smiled at Long Yi, but the smile was unavoidably bitter. Missing is indeed a happy thing sometimes, but more often it seems like thousands of ants are gnawing at the heart. can not breathe. Leng Youyou knew that it was impossible for her to follow Long Yi to the Nalan Empire. In fact, she had received a notice from the church to return to the church several days ago, because Long Yi kept procrastinating. Now that Long Yi is leaving, there is no need for her to stay.

"I don't understand, and I don't want to understand. Even before you leave, my heart is dying of pain." Nangong Xiangyun choked up in Long Yi's arms.

Long Yi is helpless, if one day, he can take all his confidante to travel around the whole world, and don't have to worry about it, that would be great. But he knows. This wish is still a wish for now.

Nangong Xiangyun's tears also seemed to have affected Leng Youyou and Bei Tangyu,

The eye sockets of the two women also had mist, and Bei Tangyu opened his mouth to say something. But his throat was blocked, he stomped his feet and hugged Long Yi from behind, and together with Nangong Xiangyun made dumplings for Long Yi.

Both sides were flooded, Long Yi's front and back were soaked.

After a long while, the second daughter's emotions finally stabilized, otherwise Long Yi suspected that he would be drowned in tears.

"Okay, don't cry anymore, whoever cries again will hit his ass, it's like parting with life and death." Long Yi stretched out his big hand to rub Dixiu, the two girls. These two girls were crying so much that his heart was sore and astringent.

"Husband, let's stop crying, it's getting late now, why don't we rest." Nangong Xiangyun's tears were still there, but her pretty face was covered with a layer of red, and she looked at Long Yi eagerly with teary eyes.

The corner of Long Yi's mouth curled up, and he smiled expectantly: "Are the three of you coming to bed together tonight?"

The three girls looked at each other shyly, each of them couldn't let it go, but they were reluctant to leave Long Yi, after all, there was only tonight left, so it was extremely precious to them.

Long Yi saw that the three women were coy and refused to answer, he laughed and said: "That's the deal, now I'm going to the Wushuang camp to pray for some things, you go back to your room and wait for me for nothing." After speaking, Long Yi **disappeared in the room.

The three women looked at each other in dismay, their pretty faces were full of enthusiasm, could it be that tonight was destined to be a night of debauchery?

Long Yi used the flying technique to float towards the barracks, but in his mind he was imagining the wonderful scene of sleeping with Leng Youyou and the three daughters when he came back later. If he could have a 4P, how wonderful it would be, Long thought while thinking Drooling.

The security in the barracks is still tight, with bright knives and guns and countless dark and bright sentries, murderous aura rushing towards the face, which is very different from the festive atmosphere of Tenglong City. Anyone can relax, but the soldiers must not relax, especially the city guards. The more lively and festive the day, the greater the intensity of their responsibilities and work.

After showing the token and matching the code, Long Yi entered the barracks, many soldiers looked at Long Yi with strange eyes, why did the bridegroom come to the barracks at the wedding night in the bridal chamber.

Before reaching the camp of the Peerless Battalion, Long Yi heard the enthusiastic applause from the soldiers. Now this time should be the regular after-dinner training, which is relatively free. Generally, no one cares about you. You can train alone or find someone Duel practice, but usually at this time the most people are looking for one-on-one duels, so the night is always the time when the atmosphere of the Peerless Camp is the most lively.

Seeing Long Yi's arrival, the soldiers on duty immediately ran over to salute, Long Yi waved his hand and walked inside.

I saw that the empty camp inside was surrounded by soldiers. It is estimated that the people from the Peerless Battalion had gathered here, which made Long a little curious.

Long Yi squeezed in curiously, those soldiers who were pushed away were furious and wanted to beat them up, but when they looked back they were his own generals, they all wanted to salute in shock, but Long Yi stopped them.

Squeezing to the front, Long Yi realized why all the people came to watch, it turned out that the ones in the arena were his brother-in-law Nangong Nu and Xiaoyi's brother Xiong Ba. According to the rules of the Peerless Battalion, as long as he can beat the person he challenged in all aspects, the challenger can replace the challenged person. Could it be that Nangong Nu wants to replace Xiongba?

Long Yi looked at it with interest for a while, then shook his head and smiled, there is still a gap between Nangong Nu and Xiong Ba. Nangong Nu is a magician. After training in the Peerless Battalion, his body is much stronger, and he is also good at close combat. But after all, he is only an intermediate mage with limited lethality, and his physical strength is weak due to his age, so how can he fight against Xiongba? However, his courage and courage are still worthy of appreciation.

In fact, Xiong Ba has been giving way to Nangong Nu all the time, saying it is a one-on-one match rather than a sparring partner. And at this moment, he noticed Long Yi's arrival with sharp eyes, dodged the two ice arrows of Nangong Nu, his huge body flashed like the wind behind Nangong Nu, lifted him up like a chicken and threw him out.

With a bang, dust flew up, and Nangong crossbow fell to the ground, his teeth cracked in pain. If he hadn't learned how to minimize the damage when he lost his balance in the air, he might have fallen apart.

Xiong Ba laughed twice, walked towards Long Yi with big strides, stood up straight and gave a military salute, and said loudly: "This subordinate, Xiong Ba, sees the general." At this time, all the soldiers of the Peerless Battalion Seeing Long Yi's arrival, Qiqi performed the military salute to see him.

Seeing that it was brother-in-law coming, Nangong Nu immediately jumped up from the ground, ran over quickly, climbed onto Long Yi's tiger body, and said happily: "Brother-in-law, don't you want a bridal chamber today? Why did you come here? "

Long Yi grabbed the Nangong Crossbow, knocked it with a violent chestnut, and said: "You forgot again, you have to call the general in the barracks, if you violate the military law again, you will be dealt with."

Nangong Nu stuck out his tongue, straightened his chest and said loudly: "Yes, General, this subordinate will definitely not do it again."

Long Yi nodded with a smile, and patted his much stronger shoulder.

Instructing other soldiers to continue training, Long Yi alone called Xiong Ba to a corner of the barracks.

"Xiong Ba, you also know that I will leave tomorrow. After I leave, there may be some unexpected incidents in Tenglong City. What to do at that time is up to you to decide. You just need to remember one thing, Wushuang The battalion is an independent battalion, it's my Long Yi's independent battalion, even the emperor has no right to order you, understand?" Long Yi's light tone carried a huge pressure, his words were tantamount to treason.

Xiong Ba straightened his face, and said firmly: "This subordinate understands that the Peerless Battalion will not obey anyone's orders except the general's, and the Peerless Battalion is only loyal to the general."

Long Yi nodded in satisfaction, and said: "The Peerless Battalion will be handed over to you. As soon as the war starts, you will go to the front to kill the enemy, and your dream of crossing the battlefield will come true soon."

Xiong Ba was a little excited, knowing that this day would not be too far away.

Long Yi ordered some other things that need to be paid attention to, looked at the sky, and then flew away from the barracks.

"I don't know if Leng Youyou and the others have taken a good bath, will they really sleep with me tonight? If it's true, it would be great." Long Yi's heart became hot when he thought about it, and he couldn't wait for the next second Appeared in that fragrant bedroom.

But when Long Yi rushed home with full horsepower, suddenly a huge phantom stopped Long Yi in front of him, and a refreshing and familiar fragrance rushed into his nostrils.

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