Womanizing Mage

Chapter 312 Departure (Part 2)

"Smoke." Long Yi shrugged his nose and called out subconsciously.

Every woman has her own unique fragrance, and Long Yi's nose is very sensitive, so he naturally possesses the high technology of smelling and recognizing women.

When Long Yi reflexively called out Han Yan's name, the phantom in front of him had already turned into a real one, and at this moment, Long Yi was surprised to find that this huge phantom turned out to be a big pure white bird. Its feathers are smooth and delicate, its beak is silvery white, slender and hard, and it looks like a white crane from the previous life, but its body is more than ten times larger.

Han Yan was wearing a close-fitting long skirt and standing on top of the white crane, looking at him with a half-smile.

By a small stream in the outskirts of Tenglong, Long Yi sat on a rock by the stream, throwing a few small stones towards the clear stream from time to time. And Han Yan was sitting not far from Long Yi. She took off her shoes and socks, revealing her delicate snow-white feet. She was kicking the stream with great interest. own feathers.

The place where Long Yi's eyes lingered the most was this big bird that resembled a white crane, its flying speed was super fast, and the most important thing was that it could freely change its body shape like Tiger San and Thunder Beast, just from this point of view, it must be SS class I just don't know if there are other abilities besides flying.

Looking at the sky, Long Yi felt helpless, and said impatiently: "What on earth did you ask me to do? I didn't talk when I came, I don't have time to waste with you."

Han Yan turned her head to look at Long Yi with a cunning smile, and said with a smile: "What? I miss those women of yours, let me tell you. I did it on purpose, not to let you succeed."

Long Yi rolled his eyes, got up abruptly, and said: "I don't bother to talk to you anymore. Can you stop me if you want to leave?"

The smoky smile suddenly faded, and the pretty face was full of grievances, and said: "You are a heartless person, do you treat me like this? You just ignore someone who took away their virginity, this scoundrel who started messing up and gave up all the time."

Long had no expression on his face, if he would be deceived like this, he might as well not be fooling around. If it wasn't for the black shadow in his body to stop him last night, maybe he would really kill him, but the black shadow said she was of great use to him, but how could he? Can't see it? He said: "Stop pretending. I can admit your chastity, but isn't that chastity the weapon you sacrificed to use against me? You lost in the end, didn't you?"

Han Yan was startled, and giggled coquettishly twice. Mei Sheng said: "You are quite smart, don't go back to those women of yours, how about letting Han Yan serve you well tonight?"

"It's good, it's good, but I'm afraid of being eaten by you until there's no bones left, so I'll avoid it." Long Yi said with a faint smile. Thinking of how this woman felt last night, his heart shuddered, indeed. This woman is the best in the world, and he still has endless aftertaste of that wonderful feeling.

Seeing Long Yi turn around to leave,

Han Yan hurriedly said: "Don't go, I can tell you something about Zhaoxi that you want to know."

Long Yi stopped when he heard the words, and said with a smile: "Can you tell me everything I want to know?"

"Of course not, but I can selectively reveal one point." Han Yan stretched out his hand to caress the show on his chest, and looked at Long Yi with winking eyes like water.

"But, why did you reveal it to me? Aren't you afraid of your organization?" Long Yi stared at Hanyan suspiciously.

"Sit down here. I'll tell you slowly." Han Yan said to Long Yi like a little woman.

Long Yi hesitated for a moment, but sat next to Hanyan, he was really curious about Hanyan's identity.

The smoky woman moved towards Long Yi's side, embraced Long Yi's hand with her jade arm, and then rested her head on Long Yi's shoulder, just like a pair of lovers who have been in love for many years, natural and generous, without a trace No affectation.

"To tell you the truth, I don't belong to any organization, I am who I am, I can do whatever I want, no one can control me." Han Yan said.

Long Yi frowned, then how to explain her relationship with sister-in-law Liu and the man in black, he asked: "What is your relationship with the dark forces behind Long Zhan, don't say you don't have it."

"Yes, but I can't tell you this, I can only tell you that I have a little relationship with them, but I am not controlled by them." Hanyan smiled lightly.

"Then what was your purpose in seducing me last night?" Long turned his head to one side, his chin resting on his smoky head, and he could smell the fragrance of her show.

"I want to control you." Han Yan said this answer without hesitation, and her little hand actually started to gently scratch Long Yi's thigh.

"Only with your body?" Long Yi asked with a smile.

"It can be said that now that you think about it, you also know that the Beitang family is actually a member of Long Zhan. They tried every means to put a curse on you, and I just wanted to save you because I was pleasing to the eye, but you didn't get cursed at all. .” Hanyan giggled.

"You said you want to control me and save me?" Long Yi said angrily.

"Isn't controlling you the same as saving you? Do you know that the puppet curse is so powerful that it can make your body explode instantly, leaving no scum left. If I have control, I won't let you die so cruelly." Yes, isn't this just to save you?" Han Yan argued forcefully, drawing circles on Long Yi's thigh with her little hand, touching Long Yi's little brother intentionally or unintentionally.

Long Yi was speechless, but the little brother started to salute under her teasing, he grabbed her wobbly little hand, and said in a low voice: "Don't move around, if you move again, you will be at your own risk."

"What are you conceited about, people are yours now, what can you do to stop you?" Han Yan smiled coquettishly, broke away from Long's big hand, and pressed directly on his crotch.

Long Yi gritted his teeth, feeling the pain in his heart, this slut really wanted to push her down immediately and fight wildly, being with her was purely to challenge his fragile self-control.

"Is it so hard? This place is so remote, there must be no one coming." Hanyan flicked Long Yi, the little brother who seemed to be coming out of his pants, giggling and hinting.

Long Yi cursed inwardly, grabbed the smoky body with his big hand, scratched violently, and said: "I still have a question, why were you able to discover me last night? Can you see through?"

"This question, can you answer this question later? It's important to do serious things." Han Yan's pretty face was like a cloud, and she murmured with a lustful breath, but her little hands had nimbly untied Long Yi's belt, and poked into him. in the panties.

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