Womanizing Mage

Chapter 316: The inside and the outside 1

The blazing flames reflected Long Yi's stoic and handsome face, and even those daunting black eyes seemed to be ablaze.

The bowstring was still unceasingly pulled apart, a long arrow composed of fire magic elements formed between Long Yi's fingers, the string was gradually pulled into a full moon.

"How is this possible, how did he do it." Some people who knew the inside story couldn't help exclaiming, and the red lady who was the owner of the red blood bow was even more shocked, even she couldn't pull the red blood bow into a full moon , and this man actually did it.

Suddenly, Long Yi's right hand loosened, and the straight bowstring snapped out. There was only a sound of "swoosh", and everyone felt red light flashing, and waves of heat rolled like they were about to scorch people. The flames in Long Yi's hand The arrow turned into a dazzling red light and shot towards the opposite hill.

With a loud bang, the ground trembled, and the small hill was razed to the ground by the flaming arrow. The air was filled with mist, filled with a strong smell of burning, and the mutilated corpses of several beasts were steaming, and they were actually roasted.

A gust of cool wind blew past, and the oppressive aura dissipated a little with the wind, and everyone came back to their senses one after another, looking at Long Yi with awe-inspiring eyes. Among these people, only Nalan Ruyue was not surprised. She had seen Long Yi's strength long ago, and also knew his endless abilities. When she was with him, she always did unbelievable things.

"It really is a good bow. Of course, my skills are also very good, otherwise I wouldn't be able to exert such great power." Long Yi ignored the eyes of everyone, and handed the red blood bow back to Hong Niangzi.

The red lady took the bow and couldn't help asking: "Master Ximen, how did you do it?"

"How did you do it? Archery? Isn't it just pulling the bow and shooting it at the target? This is the same as some primitive human-making sport." Long Yi laughed. Of course he was like a bright mirror in his heart, others might lose face, but when he met him, Long Yi would have made a wrong calculation.

Seeing that Long Yi was talking nonsense, Hong Niangzi knew that she couldn't ask anything. I had no choice but to give up, but my heart became more curious about this man. This notorious man is so unfathomable, what level of his strength has reached?

After this little episode, Long Yi's status was immediately elevated. Not only the cavalry of the Nalan Empire, but even the lightning mercenaries looked at Long Yi in awe. is respected.

It was already late at this time, in order to reach Cangyue City as soon as possible, Long Yi and Hong Niangzi had already ordered their subordinates to pack up and set off, more than a thousand people marched towards the destination in a mighty manner.

Through the dense forest ahead. The sky had already dimmed, and the red-hot sun shyly showed half of his face on the horizon. This place could be regarded as the territory of the Nalan Empire.

Long Yi looked forward.

It can be seen that the front is an endless wilderness plain, it seems that today it is impossible to reach the nearest city from here.

Withdrawing into the carriage, Long Yi saw Nalan Ruyue retracting her eyes in panic, her pretty face flushed, as if she had been caught as a thief.

Long Yi stared at Nalan Ruyue suspiciously. Hehe smiled and said: "You were peeking at me just now, right? If you want to see it, just watch it. It's not that I won't show it to you."

"You're talking nonsense. Who...but who peeked at you?" Nalan Ruyue yelled guiltily as her pretty face became redder and redder.

"Hehe, why didn't you peek if you didn't peek, why such a big reaction." Long Yi sat beside Nalan Ruyue with a smile, feeling how cute she looked when she became embarrassed.

"You like to be narcissistic, I advise you to restrain yourself, don't always go out to flirt, and you won't be afraid of being disliked." Nalan Ruyue's blushing pretty face returned to normal, and said with a cold snort.

Long Yi was startled. Wondering: "Where did you start talking about it? When did I hook up?"

"You said no. When you look at the red lady, you look like a wolf that has been hungry for a few days. And at noon when you borrowed a bow from her, you quietly touched someone else's hand. Don't think I didn't see it." Nalan snorted like a moon, as if he was being taken advantage of.

Hearing this, Long Yi's expression became very strange, he laughed and said: "You shouldn't be jealous, otherwise why would you pay so much attention to me and Hong Niangzi, you can even notice such subtle movements of touching a little hand, you really are so observant .”

"I will be jealous? It's so funny, I'm too lazy to tell you, don't talk to me." Nalan Ruyue's expression seemed a little flustered and unnatural, and she turned her head away from looking at Long Yi.

Long Yi touched his nose, woman, it's really strange.

On the other hand, Xiao Cui looked at her own princess curiously and then at Master Fu Ma, a little confused, Nalan Ruyue did not tell her about the marriage on leave.

It was night, and since there were no towns nearby, the large group of people could only camp in the wild. All kinds of wild beasts were roasting on the crackling bonfire, and mercenaries in twos and threes sat around bragging and farting, while drinking freely, and some even sang loudly, startling countless nocturnal birds.

Long Yi was lying alone on the big rock in the distance, holding a long piece of grass in his mouth, with his hands behind his head, quietly looking at the vast starry sky.

In the blink of an eye, it has been four years since I came to this world, and I have experienced so many things, so many that sometimes I feel incredible in retrospect. Did I really experience this kind of life?

"Why are you staying here alone? Aren't you going to accompany Princess Ruyue? She went to rest in the tent early." A soft and charming voice sounded in Long Yi's ear.

Long Yi bit the grass root, eyelids did not lift and said: "She doesn't need me to accompany her, she wishes for me to be as far away from her as possible."

"Hehe, where would it be? I can tell that she likes you very much." Hong Niangzi sat down beside Long Yi and laughed.

Long Yi smiled slightly and did not answer, there has always been an ambiguous relationship between him and Nalan Ruyue, but no one broke it. Nalan Ruyue should have a little affection for him, but to what extent Long Yi is not sure.

At this moment, Long Yi shrugged his nose and smelled the rich fragrance from Hong Niangzi's body. I heard that women with strong fragrance have strong penis, I don't know if it is true? Although Hong Niangzi looks passionate, she has a very good reputation in the male-dominated world of mercenaries. There are many people who pursue her, but she has always remained celibate.

"What do you smell?" Hong Niangzi turned her head slightly and asked curiously when she saw Long Yi sniffing something.

"The red lady smells very good, I couldn't help but smell it a few more times." Long Yi chuckled lightly, spat out the grass in his mouth, sat up straight, his handsome face was only a few centimeters away from the red lady, and he could feel it to her scent.

Long Yi's sudden standing up startled Hong Niang, hurriedly turned his head away a little, and said angrily: "Have you always been so contemptuous of women?"

Long Yi smiled, stretched his legs, and sat side by side with Hong Niangzi, he said: "What do you think? Everyone knows that the prostitute Ximen Yu is in Canglan Continent, right?"

The red lady looked at Long Yi, lightly shook her head and smiled, "I don't think the rumors are true. Although you are sometimes glib, you are definitely not that kind of person."

"So sure? Maybe it's just that I'm good at disguising." Long Yi laughed at himself.

"I believe I see people with the eyes. If your nature is really like the rumors, then it will be too scary." The red lady giggled coquettishly.

Long Yi glanced at the red lady, and said with a smile, "Are you curious about me? Be careful, usually a person's affection for another person begins with curiosity."

The red lady was taken aback for a moment, then turned around and covered her mouth and giggled, laughing until the branches trembled, her pair of breasts trembling non-stop, letting Long Yise give her soul.

Sensing Long Yi's gaze resting on her chest, Hong Niangzi didn't take it seriously, she was someone who had seen strong winds and waves, so she wouldn't cover her chest with her hands and shout insults like some little girls, but puffed out her chest to show herself proud.

"Sister's figure is really good." Long Yi praised.

"How is that compared to Princess Kisaragi?" The red lady laughed.

"This... It's easy to say, from the outside, my sister's breasts seem to be bigger, but I just don't know if it's the same." Long Yi looked at the red lady's towering breasts, and said teasingly.

The red lady couldn't stand it anymore, she gave Long Yi a glance, and said angrily, "You are really incapable, if you give you a few rays of sunshine, you will be brilliant."

Long Yi laughed happily, only then did Hong Niang realize that even in the dark night without sunlight, Long Yi is still so brilliant.

"Where is your home?" Long Yi put away his smile and asked.

"Wherever you go, there is home." The red lady smiled lightly, feeling calm and breezy.

"It's so cool, isn't it homeless everywhere?" Long Yi said with a smile.

"No home everywhere? Home everywhere? Well, that's right, that's how it is." Hong Niangzi glanced at Long Yi in surprise, but found that his star pupils were a bit blurred, and he suddenly lost his mind.

It took a long time for Long Yi to come back to his senses, but he saw Hong Niangzi looking at him searchingly.

"Sorry, I was distracted just now." Long Yi shrugged.

"Do you know what you looked like just now?" Hong Niangzi asked.

Long Yi shook his head and said with a smile: "Could it be different from now, more handsome or ugly?"

"It makes me feel so sad, as if I have experienced ups and downs for most of my life." The red lady looked at Long Yi, but she couldn't find that feeling in him anymore.

"I pretended it on purpose, because I heard that men with vicissitudes of life are very attractive to women." Long Yi approached the red lady and smiled lightly. Without waiting for the red lady to answer, he flew towards the camp, leaving Hong The lady looked at his back thoughtfully.

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