Womanizing Mage

Chapter 317: The Red Lady who Attacks and Fights Closely

The sky is full of bright stars, and the gentle breeze blows gently. The night of Canglan Continent is always so charming. In the previous life, it was difficult to see such a pure and quiet night sky. Technology has made the pure land of that world obliterated and become history.

Long Yi felt very lucky to be able to come to such a magical and beautiful world. But in some respects he is unfortunate, because the water-blue planet earth is his root, no matter how bad it is, it cannot be discarded. No matter how gorgeous a person without roots lives, his heart is still There is a lonely place that no one can touch.

"Damn, why are you getting sentimental tonight." Long Yifei shook his head vigorously in the air, shaking his annoying emotions out of his mind. It is undeniable that no matter how many beauties around him, some things can only rot in his heart forever.

Landing in front of his and Nalan Ruyue's luxurious tent, Long Yi easily slipped in with a barrier. I saw that this luxurious tent was divided into two halves by a curtain. The two of them had been sleeping like this for the past days. If they happened to meet the city, even though they slept in the same room, they would still sleep in the same bed. tent.

"Risue, Ruyue, woman, are you asleep?" Long Yi called several times, but he didn't hear Nalan Ruyue's response.

Are you meditating? Long Yi secretly lifted a corner of the curtain, glanced inward, but suddenly met a pair of angry eyes, it was Nalan Ruyue sitting on her bed and staring at him fiercely.

Long Yi was startled, this girl obviously didn't sleep or meditate, why did she just ignore him? Could it be that she is still angry? Thinking about it, she really hasn't said a word to herself since noon.

"Wow. Eyes wide open are scary, why are you looking at me with such hatred, did I provoke you?" Long Yi simply lifted the curtain and walked in, ignoring Nalan Ruyue's murderous gaze. One day sat on her soft bed.

"You go out, I don't want to talk to you." Nalan Ruyue turned around and said angrily, like a girl who is angry with her lover.

"But I want to talk to you, tell me, how did I offend Her Highness the Princess?" Long Yixing blinked at Nalan Ruyue, pretending to be aggrieved.

Nalan Ruyue felt a little embarrassed, thinking that Long Yi didn't provoke her much, but was angry with him for no reason, and became even more angry when he saw him getting intimate with the red lady.

What's wrong with me? Nalan Ruyue asked herself, her current appearance was really unreasonable. She didn't understand why she became like this. But Nalan Ruyue suddenly remembered that when she went out just now, she saw Long Yi and Hong Niang's intimate appearance from a distance, and became angry again for no reason, she snorted. Turning around and pushing the dragon away with his small hands, he said, "Go out, go out, I don't want to see you."

Long Yi grabbed Nalan Ruyue's little hand and put it in his arms,

Nalan Ruyue rushed into his arms with an unsteady upper body. A thick, musky masculine scent surrounded her.

"You, what do you want to do?" Nalan Ruyue's heartbeat increased violently, as if it was about to jump out of his throat. Even the palms are sweaty.

"What do you think I want to do?" Long Yi put his big arms around Nalan Ruyue's fragrant shoulders, his handsome face slowly moved closer to only a few centimeters away from her.

Nalan Ruyue's tender body trembled slightly, her eyes widened, she suddenly gasped as if she lacked oxygen, and her whole body became extremely stiff.

Long looked at Nalan Ruyue's eyes, and then looked at her slightly parted pink lips due to nervousness, he couldn't help but move his lips closer together.

Just when Long Yi was about to kiss Nalan Ruyue, Nalan Ruyue didn't know where the strength came from. Pushing Long Yi away, he jumped to the other side of the bed like a frightened rabbit, his towering chest still heaving violently.

"Ximenyu, you...you bastard, isn't it enough to bully me?" Nalan Ruyue's beautiful autumn eyes were slightly moist, and her hands were still trembling unconsciously.

Long Yi sat upright, with a wry smile on the corner of his mouth, he said: "I thought you liked me."

"I... like you? You...don't talk nonsense, I don't...don't like you." Nalan Ruyue was a little flustered, as if being told her inner secret, but she still refused to admit it.

"Don't like me? Then why did you react so violently when you saw me getting closer to Hong Niangzi, and you were so angry that you didn't talk to me? Isn't that what you like?" Long Yi looked at Nalan Ruyue with burning eyes.

Nalan Ruyue was stunned for a moment, her eyes flickering, she stammered a little: "Who...who reacted too much, I am angry with you because, because you don't know how to restrain yourself, you are my husband now, but you are my husband just met What will the officials of my Nalan Empire think when they see her so intimately?"

Yes, that's it, that's why I'm angry. Nalan Ruyue thought in her heart, she seemed to relax a lot, because this excuse convinced herself.

Long Yi shrugged his shoulders, and said with a smile: "It seems that I am being sentimental, I will pay attention to it in the future, well, you rest." After saying that, Long Yi got up and walked out, pulling the curtain closed by the way.

Just pretend, just pretend, see how long you can pretend. Long Yi thought in his heart, he didn't believe what Nalan Ruyue said.

Early the next morning, Long Yi and Nalan Ruyue got out of the tent, Long Yi looked refreshed, but Nalan Ruyue's expression was not so pretty, one could tell that he didn't sleep that night good.

At this time the sun has not yet come out, the air is extremely fresh, the green grass is full of crystal dew, it is really a very comfortable summer morning.

Long Yi ran far away to an open place, stretched his muscles and bones, and started a complicated set of Shaolin Kongming Boxing. Now that his Ao Tian Jue has reached the peak of the third level, Kong Ming's punches are of extraordinary momentum, attracting many people to stop and watch.

"Princess, isn't Fuma very powerful?" Xiaocui whispered in Nalan Ruyue's ear with a shy face.

"It's okay, but why is your face so red?" Nalan Ruyue patted Xiao Cui's face and asked with a smile.

"No, I mean..." Xiaocui looked around like a thief, and whispered in Nalan Ruyue's ear, "I mean he was on the bed, seeing how he tossed the princess so hard last night. Sleep, you are still so energetic now..."

Before Xiaocui finished speaking, Nalan Ruyue jumped up as if her pretty face was going to burn, covered Xiaocui's mouth and scolded: "Damn girl, if you talk nonsense again, I will sew your mouth shut. Where did you come from?" Learned these crooked things?"

Xiaocui groaned twice, broke away from Nalan Ruyue's hand, and said with a blushing face: "I heard many court ladies discussing this in the palace before. They said that men can only last a few tens of minutes at most. I think the princess seems to be It looks like he hasn't slept all night, but Fu Ma Ye is still alive and well, that must be very powerful."

Nalan Ruyue bit her lip, pinched Xiao Cui's face hard, and said, "What do you know, kid, don't mention such embarrassing things in the future."

Xiaocui cried out in pain, and muttered, "I'm already eighteen, so I'm still a child, do you think I don't understand anything?"

At this moment, Long Yi felt his whole body relaxed after finishing a set of punches, but there was clapping and clapping in his ears, and when he looked up, it was Hong Niang who was clapping her hands and looking at him with a clever smile.

"What is Master Ximen practicing? I've never seen such an exercise." The red lady asked inquiringly.

"It's called boxing. Naturally, it's a martial art that uses fists to achieve offense and defense, that is, techniques. It's very powerful in close combat." Long Yi explained with a smile, there is no boxer in the professional system of this alien continent.

"Use fists? Why not use a sword? Could this technique still be able to fight against a swordsman?" Hong Niangzi asked in amazement. In her mind, it was impossible.

"Of course, it is possible to practice boxing at a high level. It can smash rocks and crack monuments, and if it hits a human body, it will either kill or injure you." Long Yi said proudly.

"The little girl, can I ask you a question or two?" The red lady asked with bright eyes, obviously wanting to try the power of boxing.

Long Yi was stunned, Hong Niangzi was a long-range magic archer, although he could use the Great Teleport to approach her and then knock her down, but the power of boxing would not be reflected at all.

The red lady giggled, and tied her show into a long soaring ponytail with a belt, and then with a wave of her jade hand, a half-human-high broad sword appeared in her small hand, matching her slender body There is a strong contrast between the two shapes, and there is an indescribable mixed temperament of heroism and femininity.

"Maybe you don't know, but I'm still a great sword master." The giant sword in Hong Niangzi's hand trembled, and a dark blue light of fighting spirit flashed away.

"Now I finally understand how Hong Niangzi's SS-level mercenary title came about. With powerful long-range attack and melee combat ability, I think few people can escape your attack range." Long Yi said with an appreciative tone.

"Master Ximen has won the prize. Everything is for survival." The red lady's beautiful eyes were filled with the cold light of the giant sword, and a trace of incomprehensible pain flashed across her eyes.

Long Yi didn't understand what the red lady said, when he wanted to ask again, the red lady pointed her sword at him, that was the prelude to attack.

Long Yi didn't dare to underestimate him, Hong Niangzi's strength was beyond his expectations, so it's no wonder that there are only ten mercenaries who have reached the se level in the mercenary world, and these people have crawled out of the dead for countless times Those who survived have extremely rich combat experience, and they are all people who use means to achieve their goals.

"Master Ximen, be careful." The red lady held the sword in both hands, and jumped into the air, a circle of dark blue sword light burst out on the giant sword, and struck towards Long Yi who was standing still with lightning speed.

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