Womanizing Mage

Chapter 32 Meeting Yu Feng Again

"Do you know where the Wizard of Oz originally came from?" Lucia sat beside Long Yi with a fresh scent of green grass, also holding a glass of light green Wizard of Oz in her hand.

"Let me guess, it can't be your elf forest." Long Yi looked at Lucia and said with a faint smile.

Lucia looked at Long Yi in surprise, and muttered: "Won't you pretend to be stupid?"

"I'm sorry, cleverness has always been my biggest shortcoming." Long Yi said with a cheeky smile.

"Hee hee, it's really fun for you to talk, where are you from?" Lucia asked.

"I come from a place far, far away. Why do you ask so clearly? Could it be that you... fell in love with me?" Long Yi stared at Lucia and smiled straight, with a pair of undisguised eyes looking at Lucy Ya has a good figure.

Lucia blushed pretty, and spat: "Cheeky, big pervert."

When Long saw that the little elf was shy, he was about to make fun of it, but out of the corner of his eye, he caught a familiar figure, it was Yu Feng who he rescued from the pack of demon wolves yesterday. He looked like he was still wearing a dazzling flaming red leather armor. She seemed to have something on her mind, she was drinking wine one glass after another, and beside her were two beautiful maids standing on the left and right, if Long Yi had been present yesterday, he would have recognized these two maids as Yu Fengniang Fly here together.

"Hey, she's the young lady of the Phoenix family, don't think about her, or she won't know if she died." Seeing that Long Yi was talking to her, Lucia glued her eyes to other girls. I feel a little better in my heart.

"I want to hit you up, you are much more beautiful than her." Long Yi turned his head and said with a smile, anyway, there is no need to pay for sweet talk, so there is no harm in talking more.

"How come, I'm not half as good as her?" Lucia blushed, but the smile on the corner of her mouth showed that she was quite receptive to Long Yi's sweet talk.

Long Yixiao didn't answer the question. Although Lucia was beautiful, she was indeed not as good as Yufeng in terms of flavor. I don't know where the age of the elves has grown, like Lucia is 158 years old, but she is still very young both physically and psychologically.

"Long Yi, I'm hungry, shall we go have dinner together?" Lucia tugged on Long Yi's sleeve and said.

"Okay, it just so happens that I'm hungry too." Long nodded and stood up, and walked out of the Adventurer's Bar side by side with Lucia.

But as soon as he walked out of the bar, Long Yi heard an urgent call from behind: "Wait, wait."

The two turned around,

I saw Yu Feng and the two maids rushing towards them.

Yu Feng stopped not far from Long Yi, and looked Long Yi up and down. She had just seen his back in the Adventurer's Bar, which was exactly the same as the back of the benefactor who saved her yesterday, so she chased him out in a hurry. But when he turned around, Yu Feng recognized that the man in front of him was the wretched man who somehow touched her breast in the small town yesterday, and his eyes immediately showed disgust. How could the big hero in her mind be compared to this wretched man? Yu Feng snorted coldly and wanted to turn around and leave.

At this moment, the people on the side of the road suddenly screamed in panic. I saw a young man in a Chinese suit riding a black unicorn galloping down the street, yelling arrogantly: "Get out of the way, you all get out of the way, young master."

All of a sudden, people were turned on their backs, and many stalls on both sides of the road were knocked down. Unfortunately, there was a six or seven-year-old child standing in the middle of the street, who seemed to be petrified when he saw the unicorn rushing towards him, and stood motionless with a frightened expression on his face.

"Bastard." Yu Feng cursed and rushed over with all her strength, but she was obviously too far away from the boy, and the boy was about to die under the horse's hooves.

Suddenly, Yu Feng felt a gust of wind blowing by, and a figure appeared beside the child like an illusion, and the next moment the unicorn had rushed over, people exclaimed and thought that both of them had been hit. After blinking his eyes, he saw a boy in brocade clothes floating down from the sky with the boy in his arms, like a fairy descending from the earth.

Yu Feng stared blankly at Long Yi's falling figure, and the ghostly speed of the benefactor who rescued him and the chic and graceful figure when he rose from the ground appeared in his mind, all of them were so similar to this man, Could this wretched man be her benefactor? Yu Feng felt a little hard to accept.

At this time, the young man in Chinese clothes who was riding a unicorn horse rampantly stopped after running for a certain distance, jumped off the horse and walked back, his eyes fixed on Yu Feng's body without blinking.

"Miss Feng'er, I scared you just now, why don't I treat you to dinner as compensation." The young man said to Yu Feng flatteringly.

"Yinjian, don't act recklessly just because you are the son of the city lord. You know that horse riding is not allowed in this street." Yu Feng said angrily, staring at him coldly with two cold eyes.

silver sword? **? Long Yi couldn't help being amused when he heard the young man's name, and felt that the name was somewhat familiar, and the actions of the young man were also very familiar. After thinking about it carefully, the actions of the young man were not the same as the soul of this young man before. Is the young master normal?

"Bumping into a low-sighted pariah is nothing wrong." Yin Jian said arrogantly, looking at Long Yi with a pair of hanging eyes, his eyes froze suddenly, as if he was thinking about something.

Yin Jian strode towards Long Yi, clasped his fists at Long Yi and said: "This brother is very familiar, don't you know Gao's name?" As a member of the upper class of the Dragon Empire, Yin Jian knew of Long Yi's traits. Brocade clothes are not affordable for ordinary people, and he looks familiar, so he puts away his arrogance.

Yu Feng was a little surprised to see Yin Jian's attitude towards Long Yi. You must know that this guy has always been lawless in Guangming City, and ordinary people don't pay attention to him at all.

"In Xialongyi, I've never been to Guangming City before, and I haven't seen this Your Excellency." Long Yi smiled back and saluted, he probably guessed what was going on. Since this guy is the son of the Lord of Guangming City, he might have been to Tenglong City with his old man before, or he might have messed around with the former Ximenyu.

Of course, Long Yi would not be so stupid as to reveal his identity. Although everything was calm after escaping from Tenglong City, and there was no official document to arrest him, he was careful to sail for ten thousand years. Besides, he did not intend to use that identity. Called Long Yi instead of Ximen Yu.

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