Womanizing Mage

Chapter Thirty-Three: Lucia Is Drunk

Hearing Long Yi's answer, Yin Jian turned his eyeballs and didn't ask any more questions. Although he is a typical playboy, he is not a fool. Judging by the other party's bearing and natural nobility, his status is likely to be higher than his own. Gao, wouldn't it be silly to ask further questions? So he confessed his crime to Long Yi, turned around and continued to pester Yu Feng, this girl has never given him a good face since she was a child.

"Miss Feng'er, can I have a meal with you?" Yin Jian shamelessly smiled at Yu Feng.

"Get out." Yu Feng said a word coldly, looked at Long Yi complicatedly and walked back with the two maids, while Yin Jian followed with a cheeky face.

Long Yi shook his head, how familiar this scene is, in his memory, Ximenyu pestered Long Ling'er like this at the beginning, but this guy shouldn't be so bold as to seduce Yu Feng, Yu Feng is not like Long Linger. Weak magician. Thinking of Long Ling'er, Long Yi's expression became a little sad.

"Long Yi, what are you thinking? My stomach is almost starving." Lucia wrinkled her nose and said softly.

"Let's go, slanderous cat." Long Yi came back to his senses and patted Lucia's head affectionately, and took the lead to walk forward. The bleak expression just now turned into a warm smile, as if he had never been with him before. There has been a general appearance on the face.

Weird guy. Lucia murmured, for Long Yi, she has always had a kind feeling, that feeling is as refreshing as the breeze in the elf forest, she is willing to stay with him.

In the Fenghuang Mountain Villa in the south of Guangming City, Yu Feng sat blankly in the room alone, and the light and elegant figure of Long Yi kept flashing in her mind, but due to her preconceptions, she still refused to believe that he was the rescuer from yesterday. his benefactor. In fact, if she hadn't been prejudiced at the beginning, she would definitely have discovered that Long Yi's aura was by no means what ordinary people could possess.

Yu Feng opened the closet and took out the outer robe that her benefactor had put on her back then. She lightly stroked the collar of the dress, and a blush could not help but glow on her pretty face. If the eldest lady hides in the room and thinks of a man in front of a piece of clothing, she may drop her glasses all over the floor. Of course, the premise is that there are such things as glasses in this world.

Yu Feng caressed for a long time, and suddenly found that the style and fabric of this dress became more and more familiar. Their family runs various businesses, and they are also involved in clothing. As a young lady, she still has a certain sensitivity to this aspect. She thought of the wretched man she met today. The style and fabric of his clothes seemed to be similar to this one.

"Could it really be him?" Yu Feng couldn't accept it in her heart, and her preconceived notions couldn't be changed all at once.

"No, I must ask him clearly." Yu Feng still couldn't let it go, if she didn't find out, she would have trouble sleeping and eating.

But at this moment, a maid's call came from outside: "Miss,

Ma'am, please go over and discuss things. "

Yu Feng agreed, thinking that it would be the same if she went to find him later, as long as he was still in Guangming City, she would be able to dig him out.

At this time, Long Yi was dining with Lucia at the most upscale and most luxurious Phoenix Restaurant in Guangming City, one could tell from the name that this restaurant was owned by the Phoenix family. The restaurant was built by the river, with a wide view and beautiful scenery. Long Yi and his wife chose a seat by the window to enjoy the beautiful scenery while enjoying the food.

To Long Yi's surprise, Lucia looked petite and dainty, but she was very bold when she drank wine, and she had the demeanor of a woman who does not give way to a man.

"Little elf, you can drink well." Long Yi praised.

Because of the alcohol, Lucia's pretty face was covered with a layer of blush, and her pink and tender look was truly alluring. Hearing Long Yi's praise, she smiled and said: "Of course, I grew up in a wine tank. When we were in the Elf Forest, we often went to the wine cellar to secretly drink Baihua Niang. Do you know about Baihua Niang? That's much better than the wine here."

Lucia said triumphantly. At this time, her eyes were a little misty, as if she was covered with a veil, and she was obviously beginning to be a little overwhelmed with alcohol.

Long Yi's eyes flashed with surprise when he heard the word "Baihua Niang". As far as he knew, the Baihua Niang of the elves could only be enjoyed by the royal elves, so how could Lucia drink it casually? Unless... she is a member of the elf royal family, maybe she is also a princess of the elf family.

Lucia, who was getting a little drunk, started to chatter, sometimes talking about interesting stories about her childhood, sometimes about what she had seen and heard in the Canglan Continent in the past few years, and drinking two glasses from time to time, and Long Yi not only He didn't stop, and shamelessly filled Lucia's glass as soon as it was empty.

When Lucia was in a daze with drunken eyes, Long Yi felt that the time was almost up, so he asked: "Little elf, tell me, is your mother the elf queen?"

Lucia raised her drunken eyes, gave Long Yi a foolish smile, then suddenly her head tilted and she fell down on the table unconscious. Long Yi smiled helplessly, Huo Hou didn't grasp it well, thought she could hold on for a while? But even if she didn't say it, Long Yi still caught a few words from her unaccustomed narration just now. She is very likely to be the princess of the elves, but the elf queen is so relieved to let her only daughter come out. adventure? Or did this little elf just come from his family?

Long Yi paid the bill and carried Lucia out of the hotel. Long Yi is inconvenient to use Gale Wind Art and Lightness Kung Fu because of the people coming and going on the street, so many eyes are fixed on him along the way, just imagine walking on the street with a beautiful elf on his back without attracting attention? Especially since this elf is unconscious, it will naturally lead to people's malicious guesses.

Long Yi didn't know where Lucia lived, so he carried her back to his hotel directly. When I asked the shopkeeper, there were no vacant rooms. Although Long Yi didn't mind sleeping in his room with a little beauty, he had to avoid suspicion if it wasn't relative or reason. Thinking of that mysterious woman Leng Youyou living opposite him, Long Yi decided to send Lucia to her place.

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