Womanizing Mage

Chapter Thirty-Four: Underwear in Beauty Place

"Bang, bang, bang." Long Yi knocked on Leng Youyou's door without Lucia behind his back, but no one answered for a long time.

Long Yi held his breath and pressed his ears to the door, but there was no sound in the room, he probably wasn't there anymore. There was no other way, so Long Yi had to carry Lucia to his room, put her on his big bed, and then sat on the edge of the bed and looked at this elf carefully.

Lucia's sleeping face is very peaceful, innocent and pure like a newborn baby, no wonder it is said that elves are the race closest to nature. Looking at Lucia's long soft ears, Long Yi couldn't help being curious. He reached out to stroke her long ears, but he didn't want to cause Lucia to tremble. He didn't expect the elves' ears to be so sensitive. Long Yi couldn't help feeling interested, and kept touching and pinching Lucia's long ears.

Finally, Lucia muttered twice and grabbed Long Yi's big hand with both hands. At this time, something happened that Long Yi didn't expect at the beginning, Lucia grabbed Long Yi's big hand and didn't shake it off, but pulled it over and put it on her chest, then embraced it with both hands.

Long Yi was stunned immediately, could it be that this little elf used his hand as a pillow. Feeling the softness and elasticity under the palm, Long Yi couldn't help scratching, his body galloped unstoppably, the body's tent faithfully reflected the owner's evil thoughts.

"It's terrible, it's really terrible." Long Yi wanted to pull out his big hand, but he couldn't bear to let go of these two soft and fragrant soft flesh.

Long Yi looked at Lucia's quiet pretty face, the wings of her nose opened and closed cutely, her pink lips twisted from time to time, it was extremely cute.

How can I desecrate this innocence? Besides, she trusts me so much. Thinking in Long Yi's heart, his body suddenly calmed down, he gently wanted to pull out his hand, but he didn't want the sleeping Lucia to treat his big hand as a treasure, and hugged him tightly and refused to let go.

Long Yi smiled lightly, never thought that he would not be able to achieve his wish to be an upright gentleman. He pushed Lucia's little hand away with gentle force, and then stuffed a pillow into her arms.

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door.

The door opened, and Leng Youyou stood impatiently at the door, as soon as he saw Long Yi, he asked: "I heard from the buddy that you are looking for me, what's the matter?"

"You'll know when you come in." Long Yi stepped aside.

Leng Youyou stood still at the same spot with a hesitant face, her cautious character made her dare not easily enter a stranger's room.

"What? Afraid of what I will do to you? Don't worry, I'm not interested in girls without salt." Long Yi teased.

Leng Youyou gouged Long Yi with cold eyes, pushed Long Yi away and walked in.

Although I don't know what No-Salt Girl means, but I think it's a mockery of her words.

"I'm coming in now, just tell me if you have anything to do with me." Leng Youyou snorted.

"Let's talk in the bedroom." Long Yi pointed to the half-open bedroom door.

Leng Youyou immediately took a step back, stared at Long Yi with defensive eyes and said nervously: "What do you want to do?" "

Long Yi was stunned, then he laughed loudly, and finally said: "What do you think I want to do to you? I just want to ask you for a favor."

"Help, what can I help you with?" Leng Youyou put her right hand behind her back, secretly gathering dark magic power, if this guy did anything to her, she wouldn't care so much, who told her that her spiritual magic couldn't beat him.

There was a wave of bloody skull in the palm of Long Yi's left hand, Long Yi immediately knew that Leng Youyou was gathering dark magic power, he chuckled lightly: "Don't be nervous, I have absolutely no malice towards you."

But it sounds like a big bad wolf saying to a little white rabbit, don't be nervous, I won't eat you.

"What's the matter with you? Tell me quickly. If you don't tell me, I'll leave." Leng Youyou said in a cold voice, her eyes had already quietly turned to the door.

Seeing Leng Youyou's appearance, Long didn't intend to tease her, he pointed to the door of the bedroom and said, "You can see what I'm going to help after you take a look inside."

Leng Youyou dubiously moved towards the bedroom door, while paying attention to Long Yi's movements.

Seeing Leng Youyou's defensive appearance, Long Yi felt a little funny, and said: "You are exaggerating, I am a good person."

Leng Youyou snorted and said, "You are a good person."

At this time, Leng Youyou was able to see the situation in the bedroom clearly, when she saw the beautiful elf archer she saw today lying motionless on the bed with a pillow in her arms, she pointed at Long Yi and said sharply: "You Bastard, what did you do to her?"

Long Yiyi spread his hands innocently and said: "Don't blame me, I ate with the elf and she got drunk, I wanted to send it to your room, but you weren't here just now."

"I believe you." Leng Youyou went in and saw that Lucia's clothes were intact, and the bed was neat and clean, and said to Long.

"Leng Youyou, do you know the word trust? We are teammates now. If teammates can't even achieve the minimum level of trust, why do you join in? Our lives will be more dangerous with you." Long Yi said with a serious face, he knows the importance of trust between teammates when doing missions, and if someone is divorced, everyone will be in danger.

Leng Youyou was startled, and said after a long while: "You look so distrustful."

Long Yi was stunned, touched his face and smiled wryly: "Really? Is it written on my face that I am a bad person?"

Leng Youyou didn't answer, but pointed to the sleeping Lucia and said calmly: "You can carry her to my room."

Without saying a word, Long Yi wanted to hug Lucia, then he heard Leng Youyou say again: "Don't take advantage."

This little girl is really naughty, Long Yi murmured in his heart and carried Lucia into Leng Youyou's room.

"Wait, don't go in." As soon as Long Yi carried the elf into Leng Youyou's bedroom, she rushed in and stopped Long Yi with a cry of surprise.

But it was too late, Long Yi's bright eyes had already seen some colorful and exquisite obscene underwear on the big bed, and even saw the logo of Beauty Square embroidered on it, which made Long Yi immediately think of Si Bi, remembering her She also wears underwear from Beauty Square.

Leng Youyou hurriedly hid her underwear into the closet, her face was already blushing.

Long Yi secretly smiled inwardly, but put Lucia on the bed calmly, turned around and left the bedroom.

"Long Yi will try to trust you." Leng Youyou's stiff voice came from behind.

Long Yi's footsteps paused, knowing that these words were not easy for Leng Youyou, he turned his head and smiled and said, "Take good care of Lucia, she is also our teammate."

Leng Youyou nodded, and suddenly felt that this kid wasn't so hateful anymore.

Long Yi opened the door, turned around suddenly and showed a strange smile, said: "The underwear from Beauty Square is very good." After speaking, he rushed out immediately and closed the door with a bang.

This dead pervert, Leng Youyou gritted his teeth, his face was burning like a fire.

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