Womanizing Mage

Chapter 35: The Public

Long Yi stood outside the door of Leng Youyou's room, his smile slowly faded away, a few pieces of underwear from Beauty Place reminded him of Sibi, that girl who looked fierce but was incomparably kind. Whenever he thinks of the friendship she fought to protect each other that day, Long Yi feels warm in his heart.

Seeing that it was still early, Long Yi decided to go to the Guangming Church to see if he could find Sibi. The Guangming Church is not in the alley where the professional guild is located, but is adjacent to the City Lord's Mansion. The whole body is built with expensive snow rocks, with elegant and noble shapes, and looks a bit like a western church. The huge statue of the God of Light is located on the top of the building, looking down at the ants-like beings. But in Long Yi's view, the so-called God of Light is just a birdman with eight wings.

The Guangming Church is still very lively, many believers shuttle among them, and you can see people piously worshiping the statue of the God of Light from time to time.

Long strode in, grabbed a priest and asked respectfully: "Dear Mr. Priest, is Miss Sibi, the saint, in Guangming City?"

Seeing that Long Yi had a good attitude, the priest bowed back immediately and said: "I have never been here before."

Long Yi was a little disappointed, he remembered that Sibi said that she would come to Guangming City, did she even change her itinerary in order to avoid him. Long Yi asked several priests again, and they all said that Sibi had never been to Guangming City. Long Yi sighed, and sat down on a lawn outside the church in a lonely way, staring at the believers coming and going, suddenly felt that everything was unreal, had he really met Sibi? Have they really experienced that fragrant and unforgettable day?

At this time, on the top floor of the Church of Light, a figure of Pingting with dark green hair and a golden sacrificial robe was hiding behind a magic mirror, looking at the lonely figure below with tears in her eyes.

"Long Yi, I'm sorry." Sibi bit her lower lip tightly, murmured and stretched out her hand to caress through the magic mirror, as if she wanted to erase her sweetheart's troubles and loneliness.

"Oh, idiot, since you like it, why do you torture yourself here?" A gentle and kind voice sounded behind Sibi, it was a beautiful woman in her thirties, she was full of crescent moons. White holy sacrificial robe, the whole person seems to be shrouded in a layer of holy light. This is Priest Kailin, one of the two sacred priests of the Illuminati Church, and Sibi's master, Priest Zhu Di, is an old friend who has known each other for many years.

"Elder, I can't, I can't." Sibi listened to the consolation of Priest Kailin who treated her like her own daughter, and suddenly tears rolled down her face. She touched the scary birthmark on her left cheek and hated herself for the first time. Why grow up like this.

"Idiot, idiot." Priest Kailin said sadly when she saw this, her figure spread out like water patterns, and the next moment she appeared beside Sibi, hugging her and comforting her softly. For Sibi, she loves Sibi from the bottom of her heart. The word love is really harmful. She and Judy were like this back then, but she didn't expect Sibi to be like this.

A few soft hisses awakened Long Yi from his illusory memories, and his eyes were filled with fiery red.

It was Yu Feng's mount, the fiery red unicorn. Long Yi looked behind it, but did not see Yu Feng's figure, he stretched out his hand to touch its big head, unexpectedly, it stretched out its tongue and licked his palm affectionately.

"Little animal, where is your master? Why did you slip out alone?" Long Yi smiled and teased the unicorn, thinking that this spiritual animal had already remembered him after what happened last time.

At the gate of the City Lord's Mansion near the Guangming Church, Yu Feng was anxiously looking for her mount, Hong Yun. Although Hong Yun was very grumpy towards others, she was very obedient to her, and generally would not run around. This time, she was ordered by her mother to discuss some matters with the city lord, the old fox, about the chamber of commerce, but she didn't want to lose her mount as soon as she came out. Can you be in a hurry?

"Miss Feng'er, I'll ask someone to help you find it." Yin Jian at the side immediately showed his hospitality.

"You don't have to worry about my affairs." Yu Feng said angrily.

"That animal, if you lose it, you lose it. I'll give you my Xueli Shao." Yin Jian suppressed the anger in his heart and smiled forcefully. If it was someone else, he would have used it by force. The Fenghuang family is too powerful, and if it goes up, even his father may not be able to bear it, so Yinjian has always taken a tender offensive towards Yufeng, but they don't like him at all.

"Shut up, you are a beast, don't get in my way here." Yu Feng was furious after hearing Yin Jian's words, and a phoenix fighting spirit flashed on her body.

Yin Jian's face turned ashen for a while, he squeezed his fists secretly, turned around and entered the city lord's mansion with a cold snort, as the saying goes, the clay bodhisattva still has three parts of earth nature, let alone a human being?

Yu Feng looked around while walking, and came to the Guangming Church without realizing it, and saw Hong Yun acting like a baby to a man at a glance.

"This, how is this possible?" Yu Feng murmured in disbelief, Hong Yun never let anyone touch her, let alone act like a baby.

"Hey, it's him." Yu Feng was a little shocked, and her mood suddenly became chaotic. She had suspected that he was the benefactor who saved her last time, but seeing Hong Yun being so affectionate to him today, she felt even more uneasy. She hoped that he was not , I vaguely hope that he is.

After adjusting his mind, he took two deep breaths, and Yu Feng, who was used to strong winds and waves, was still sweating nervously.

At this time, Long patted Hong Yun's big head again and again, and was about to get up and leave. Seeing that he was about to leave, Yu Feng was anxious and couldn't care less, and rushed in front of Long Yi.

"Uh, I didn't abduct your horse, it came here by itself." Seeing Yu Feng appearing in front of him murderously, Long Yi thought she was here to question the crime.

"I, I know." Yu Feng murmured, not daring to meet Long Yi's eyes for a while.

"You know? Then, let's just leave it alone." Long Yi shrugged, muttering in his heart, you know that with this expression, you thought you were going to eat people.

Yu Feng's whole body trembled, and she couldn't help but think of what her benefactor said when he left that day: Healing the sick and saving the lives is a must, so let's just say goodbye, and there will be no future. Except for the ambiguity of the voice, the tone of voice was exactly the same.

"Wait." Yu Feng grabbed Long Yi's arm in a hurry.

"Let go." Long Yi shouted in a low voice.

"I won't let it go." Yu Feng said angrily like a child.

"Then trouble you to take a look at the past." Long Yi said helplessly.

Yu Feng looked back, her pretty face burned immediately, but her hands insisted on holding Long Yi's arm tightly and would not let go. Originally, the two handsome men and beautiful women were eye-catching, and most of the people in Guangming City knew the eldest lady of the Phoenix family. At this time, they saw that the eldest lady with high eyes was entangled with the man in the public, and they gathered around to join in the fun.

ps: It’s the weekly ranking day again. With everyone’s support, this book has risen to the ninth place. I hope it can still stay on the list next week. After 12 o’clock tonight, I look forward to your support! thanks~~~

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