Womanizing Mage

Chapter 342: Sea of ​​Flowers of Death

Not long after, the crackling lightning on Long Yi's body completely disappeared, and the skin on his body actually exuded a layer of silvery purple light. He opened his eyes, the purple glow flashed, the eyes turned like two vortexes, and then returned to their original black.

"The blue waves are chaotic, the god of thunder descends, the green blood shines on the world, and breaks through the sky with the blade." Long Yi murmured, these words seemed to be what Xiaoyi said to him when he was dreaming last night, and there were some messy fragments. After waking up, I almost forgot about it. I didn't expect to be struck by lightning today, but I remembered it. This passage is the one I remember most clearly.

"Is it Xiaoyi's prophecy? What exactly does it portend?" Long Yi frowned. Xiaoyi's prophecy was destroyed at the last moment on the extremely cloudy day, so that only some fragments remained.

Canglan chaos is naturally very easy to understand, Lei Shen Jiang may refer to this Lei Shen restricted area, as for the last two sentences, Long Yi is completely scratching his head.

Since I can't figure it out, I don't want to think about it anymore, Long Yi stood up with an exploding head on his head, and the Violent Thunder Beast saw that Long Yi woke up and shrunk its body again, turning into a cute puppy-like appearance.

As soon as Long turned around, he saw Nalan Ruyue's eyes flicker, his cheeks blushing while covering his small mouth, while Wushuang turned around quickly, Man Niu was staring at Long Yi's lower body with wide eyes.

Long Yi was startled, only to realize that he was naked now, he looked down, and saw that huge brother hanging between his crotch, and the hair on it stood up very stylishly, like a hedgehog.

"Grandpa, I'm so ashamed." Old Long Yi blushed, found a set of clothes from the interspatial ring, put them on in threes and twos, used two small water balloons to flatten his soaring head, and then turned back in a flash. to the channel.

"Uh... like this, let's go through the sea of ​​flowers of death." Although Long Yi has a thick skin, he is still a little embarrassed at this time, the appearance just now was really embarrassing.

Wu Shuang turned around, seeing that Long Yi had put on his clothes, he secretly heaved a sigh of relief, his pretty face was still a little hot right now.

The four started to walk to the other end of the passage, and Nalan Ruyue asked about what happened just now. Long Yi couldn't explain clearly for a while, so he just found a reason to perfunctory. Nalan Ruyue knew it clearly, but obediently didn't ask again.

With the lessons learned from Hong Niangzi, Long Yi cast an airtight barrier to cover the four of them early on, so as not to be damaged by the poisonous gas of the sea of ​​dead flowers.

Soon they arrived at the entrance of the passage, seeing the scene in front of them, the four of them were too shocked to speak, it was simply too spectacular and beautiful. Boiling-Teng-Literature-Xue Collection This is really an endless sea of ​​flowers, colorful, purple and red, the breeze blows, and the sea of ​​flowers sways like waves, while the sky above is as blue as washing, with a few cotton candy-like white clouds dotted on it, It constitutes such a beautiful picture of nature.

"It's so beautiful.

"Nalan Ruyue and Wushuang praised at the same time, girls always lack immunity to beautiful things.

"Okay, stop sighing, it's not like you don't know the horror of this death flower sea, the more beautiful things are, the more dangerous they are." Long Yi said.

Nalan Ruyue gave Long Yi a white look, and said: "You made a pun, are you referring to us?"

Long Yi twitched the corner of his mouth, and said with a chuckle: "Is there? Don't you think you are beautiful?"

"Then you mean that I'm not beautiful anymore." Nalan Ruyue's small hand secretly pinched the soft flesh at Long Yi's waist.

"We have to make out after going out, there is not much air in the barrier, we have to go there as soon as possible." Wu Shuang said with a hint of chill.

The words were absolutely right, Long Yi didn't refute, grabbed the flightless bull with one hand, and Nalan Ruyue with the other, and flew to the sky above the sea of ​​death flowers at the same time as Wushuang.

"Hey, we haven't seen the end yet. How big is this sea of ​​death flowers?" After flying for a while, Nalan Ruyue exclaimed in surprise. According to the inhuman speed of Long Yi and Wushuang, they still couldn't see it. to the end.

"Stop, something is not quite right." Long Yi said in a low and deep voice, this sea of ​​death flowers seems to be endless, he was still admiring the magnificence of this sea of ​​flowers just now, but now when he looked around, he saw exactly the same scenery everywhere, It makes people dizzy.

"There is a problem, I think we seem to be spinning around here." Wushuang said lightly.

Long Yi frowned and smiled wryly, he also thought so, the death flower sea is really not that simple.

"Wushuang, you make a mark with two mysterious icicles, we will fly forward." Long Yi turned his head and said to the expressionless Wushuang.

Wu Shuang understood Long Yi's meaning perfectly, raised her jade hand, and two mysterious icicles exuding biting cold air stood in the center of the sea of ​​flowers, and then flew forward with Long Yi and the others.

"Stop it, we're just spinning in circles." A few minutes later, Long Yi looked at the two mysterious icicles not far away and smiled wryly.

"Then why don't we make marks in this sea of ​​death flowers, so we can know which direction to go?" Nalan Ruyue is an extremely intelligent person, so he thought of this method all at once.

"I'll try it with a forbidden spell." Wushuang took out an ice-blue staff with a swish, and began to recite a spell in his mouth. The water magic elements began to condense crazily, but suddenly stopped halfway through the spell, and gathered together. The water magic element dissipated immediately.

"What's wrong?" Nalan Ruyue asked.

A dignified look appeared on Wushuang's plain pretty face for the first time. She shook her head and said, "I don't know why, but the magic elements gathered here suddenly stopped after a certain amount of concentration."

Nalan Ruyue also tried it when she heard it. Indeed, the gathering of magic elements here can cast a sixth-level magic at most. She couldn't help but look at the person she trusted the most, and asked, "Husband, what should we do?"

Long Yi looked around, and vaguely saw that this was a strange array of heaven and earth. Although he was not very proficient in the formation, he still dabbled in it to make sure that there was no life door in the sky. If he wanted to find a way out, he had to land in the sea of ​​death flowers Among them, it is inevitable to face the danger of the unknown.

"Let's go, there is no way out here, and this death flower sea is definitely not just that simple." Long Yi said.

Starting to land cautiously, the barbarian first cleared an open space with a stick, and the four of them stood in this small open space.

"Boss, why don't we smash all these flowers, so we can go out?" Man Niu hummed.

Long Yi shook his head, with Aotian Jue on his right arm, he struck forward with a move of Thousand Buddha's Hands, the place he passed was not a blade of grass, and he cleared a straight path.

It was too late to be happy, the four of them felt a blur in front of their eyes, the path had disappeared, and even the small open space where they had been standing had returned to its original state, surrounded by an endless sea of ​​flowers.

"What...what's going on like this?" Man Niu mumbled, with his IQ, he really couldn't figure it out.

At this moment, a whispering voice rang in the ears of the four people, and countless black flower vines with spikes protruded from the flowers, rolling towards the four people with lightning speed. The enchantment is just a windproof enchantment, and its strength is not high, and it was punctured all of a sudden.

Long was frightened, not because of these weird flower vines, but because the little air left in the enchantment completely dissipated in an instant, and the poisonous flower fragrance was fatal.

"Shut your breath, the fragrance of the flowers is poisonous." Long Yi shouted, and at the same time used his mental power to form a protective barrier to block the attacks of those flower vines.

The Man Niu and the others immediately held their breath, but how long can they hold their breath with one breath?

"Barbarian, sit down and use the mind-bending method of subduing demons, you can hold on for a while longer." Long Yi said anxiously, as long as the mental method of subduing demons is settled, it can last for a while with one breath.

Man Niu obeyed Long Yi's words, and immediately sat down cross-legged to exercise his mind.

Nalan Ruyue is a priest of light, how could he hold his breath for so long, his whole body trembled after a while, and his face turned red.

Seeing this, Long Yi hugged Nalan Ruyue, mouth to mouth breathed his true energy across, Nalan Ruyue began to regain his strength. After crossing Nalan Ruyue, Long Yi thought that Wushuang should be about the same, he hugged her casually, and kissed her under her terrified eyes.

The four lips met, and the soft, glutinous and sweet feeling came, which made Long Yi's heart shudder, and Wushuang began to struggle violently, clenching his teeth to prevent Long Yi's true energy from entering.

Poor Wushuang has already reached the realm of the God of Dharma, so she has a way to persevere, but after being kissed by Long Yi like this, and struggling again, the oxygen in her body is immediately depleted, and it is useless to allow her to use all kinds of spells.

Forced by the instinct to survive, Wushuang loosened his jaw, sucking in the true energy from Long Yi's lips, but the jade hand pinched Long Yi's waist tighter and tighter. At the end, when Long Yi's lips were about to leave, he still did not forget to bite his lips hard.

Stains of blood oozed from the tooth marks on Long Yi's lower lip, while Wushuang glared at him fiercely with shame and indignation, but Long Yi took care of all this flawlessly, the situation was extremely critical, the mouthful that Long Yi held back really The breath can't last long.

"What should we do?" Long Yi's brain was running at high speed, and the more critical he became, the calmer he became. Only by being calm can he quickly come up with a solution.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred, and four black flower vines suddenly emerged from the ground, entwining the four of them like black lightning.

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