Womanizing Mage

Three hundred and fortieth chapters array eye

With a flash of divine light in Long Yixing's eyes, the energy on his body burst out suddenly, and he shattered the black flower vine that was attacking him, and then cut the flower flower beside Man Niu with his palm, while Wushuang had two blasts of cold air The other two flower vines were resolved.

Mistake, Long Yi blamed himself a little, why didn't he think that danger would come from under his feet.

Now, Nalan Ruyue had difficulty breathing again, Long Yi couldn't help it, so he could only breathe out his true energy again, but he was secretly crying in his heart, he might not be able to protect himself after a while.

At this moment, the wild bull sitting cross-legged on the ground suddenly yelled, his chest heaved sharply, and the black bull's face turned dark purple.

Long was startled, the bull started to breathe, and he seemed to be poisoned. Long Yi didn't care too much, he slapped Man Niu's back with a palm, protecting Man Niu's heart veins with a ray of true energy.

"Boss, my old cow is almost out of breath." Man Niu opened his eyes, pinched his neck with his right hand, and gasped for air, but his expression became more and more painful.

Long Yi became anxious, thinking in his heart to calm down, but seeing Man Niu in such a state, how could he calm down, over the years of getting along, he had already regarded this honest and loyal beastman as a person closer than his own brother .

Wu Shuang looked at Long Yi with an anxious expression, his face changed slightly. After thinking for a while, she took out three crystal clear balls from the interspatial ring, still braving a touch of cold air, exuding magnificent colors under the refraction of the sun, she held one in her mouth, and took the other two. passed by

"Long Yi, press one on the tip of his tongue, and the other... just keep it in your mouth, but don't blame me for not explaining, the cold air on this jade pill is very heavy, if you can't suppress it, although you won't freeze to death, But he can't move." Wu Shuang said lightly as he passed the jade ball in his hand.

Long Yi was startled, gave Wushuang a strange look, squeezed Man Niu's big mouth without saying a word, and put a jade pill on the tip of his tongue. Man Niu was trembling all over, and his painful expression gradually eased, but his body temperature dropped like a mountain avalanche. Except for the warmth in his heart, other places were as cold as ice.

Long Yi smiled wryly in his heart, knowing why Wushuang didn't take out this thing earlier, thinking that although this thing has the effect of detoxification and anti-virus, it is beyond the reach of ordinary people, and she only gave it to herself but not to Nalan Ruyue, presumably it was her fault It must not be able to bear the cold air on the jade pill.

"You'd better put it in your mouth quickly. I think you should be able to resist the cold with your strength. As for her, you...you should use the old method." Wushuang's indifferent pretty face showed a touch of embarrassment The blush obviously reminded her of the artificial respiration that Long Yi had given her just now.

Long Yi threw the ice-cold jade pill into his mouth, and immediately shuddered like a bull, traces of extremely cold air radiated from Long Yi's mouth to all parts of his body,

If it wasn't immediately dissolved by the internal strength of the bodyguard, I'm afraid he would be as immobile as a bull at this time.

Long Yi took a deep breath, smelling the refreshing fragrance of flowers, it was really a wonderful thing to be able to breathe freely. Long Yi felt comfortable, but poor Nalan Ruyue couldn't hold it anymore.

There was no other way, Long Yi had to warm up his breath of cold air with his internal energy, and then transfer it to the blushing Nalan Ruyue, truly experiencing the pain and happiness.

"Wushuang, what is this jade pill?" Long Yi asked while looking at the attacking black flower vines around him.

"It's made from the shed skin of Ruyi ice silkworm. It can cure all kinds of poisons, but ordinary people can't use it." Wushuang said lightly. Although her real name is not Wushuang, for some reason, she didn't resist this title at all. .

Ruyi ice silkworm? Long Yi raised his eyebrows. He remembered that when he was on the ice field with Wushuang, he was frozen into an ice sculpture by that little ice silkworm. Later, he happened to be rescued by the woman in the ice palace, and then the Ruyi ice silkworm didn't know how to get into it. where it goes? Was he caught by them again later?

When Long Yi asked this question, Wushuang just said indifferently: "Ruyi Iceworm likes to consume the magic power of curses, it sucks up the curses in my body, and when I wake up, it is beside me, master Said it was in me from the beginning."

Long Yi was taken aback suddenly, his expression became distorted, he was actually given a bad impression by the woman in the Ice Palace, and even lied to himself that he didn't see the Ruyi Iceworm at all, and said there was another way to get rid of the curse on Wushuang, his mother It's all farting, one day I have to go to the ice field and smash her ice-breaking palace, causing Wushuang to be separated from me for two years, not to mention, and forgetting about myself completely, maybe if I was by her side, there would be no Such a result.

That's all, let's talk about this matter later, the most urgent thing is to find a way to get out of this sea of ​​death flowers.

Long Yi was not afraid of flower poison at this moment, he picked up the stiff bull on his back, and said: "There is no other way, let's go while killing, I'll see if there is a way out."

These black flower vines are actually not difficult to deal with, they are just very fast, sneaking up and attacking unexpectedly, they fell down like cutting grass under Long Yi's giant sword, and then quickly withered and disappeared.

Nalan Ruyue was next to Long Yi, she was a mage of light, and her attack power was really pitifully small in the death flower sea where she could only cast six-level magic at most. After a while, the lover would blow his breath to her mouth to mouth, which made her feel ashamed, happy and sad.

Wandering around in the sea of ​​death flowers for a long time, still couldn't find a way out, Long Yi calculated with his little knowledge of Qimen Dunjia, but he had no clue.

While walking, Wushuang suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Long Yi asked.

"Going on like this is not an option, why not destroy this sea of ​​flowers." A cold light flashed in Wu's hands, and a transparent ice silkworm the size of a little finger appeared in her palm.

"Ruyi Iceworm! Has it become your contract pet?" Long Yi was a little surprised.

"Although I can't cast the forbidden spell, it can." Wu Shuang said.

"Could it be that it doesn't use magic elements to cast forbidden spells?" Long Yi asked strangely.

"Generally, monsters that have reached the SE level have their own natal magic power, and your Thunder Beast can do the same." Wushuang said lightly.

Unable to move his mind, the ice silkworm in his hand flew out in the air, easily breaking Long Yi's spiritual barrier, and that transparent and lovely body suddenly began to expand like an inflated balloon.

Looking at the rows of wishful ice silkworm feet in the sky, Long Yi couldn't help but feel his hairs stand on end, is this still a silkworm? It is even bigger than a dragon.

The Ruyi Iceworm erected its big head, and the cold air on its body rushed in all directions like a volcanic eruption. In the blink of an eye, the snow-white cold air covered every place within sight.

After the cold air slowly dissipated, Long Yi and Nalan Ruyue's eyes widened, this sea of ​​flowers turned into a dazzling snow-white, and the chill was piercing, if they walked out of Wushuang's range, the blood in their bodies would freeze immediately.

At this moment, there was a bang, and the frozen world suddenly collapsed, but all the frozen flowers were turned into ice powder. Suddenly, it seemed that the whole world had collapsed a few feet.

succeeded? Long Yi and the others had this thought in their hearts, and they looked at each other, the happy eyes hadn't even started to pass, and there was a sudden change.

One can only see flowers springing up from the frozen world, and the frozen world has disappeared, replaced by a boundless sea of ​​flowers.

"Damn, what kind of ghost formation, still let people live?" Long Yi wailed in his heart, although he already knew that this was not a simple barrier formation, but he did not expect it to be so perverted, even a forbidden curse could not be broken .

With one heart and one mind, the dragon recruited all the Thunder Beast, Little Tiger and Fire Qilin from the bloody skull, and used his thoughts to make them attack wildly. However, there was still a bit of rationality left, and he didn't take out the Holy Bright Jade, the Dark Demon Jade and the Raging Flame Jade. It wasn't because he didn't trust Nalanru or Wushuang, but he had to be careful with such things anyway.

"The Divine Beast Fire Qilin!" Wushuang said in horror, the shrunken wishful ice silkworm in her hand was trembling. Although the Fire Qilin did not have the power of a real divine beast, its natural aura still made these magical beasts awe-inspiring. trembling.

As for the little tiger, although he has dual-attribute magic power, his strength is really limited, and it doesn't look so bright under the cover of the fire unicorn.

Wushuang stared blankly at this enigmatic man, this man who claimed to be her own man, she only knew that the only one who had sacred beasts as pets was God, could it be that he was Vulcan? Impossible, the statues of the seven main gods of water, fire, wind, thunder, earth, light and darkness enshrined in the original temple of the holy city are clearly in the shape of women.

At this moment, Long Yi had an expression of exasperation, he didn't pay attention to Wu Shuang's eyes looking at him at all.

The sea of ​​death flowers was destroyed time and time again, returning to the original state again and again, Long Yi sighed a little frustrated, and was about to order the Violent Lightning Beast to stop attacking, if it used up its natal mana, it would not be so easy to make up for it.

But at this moment, Long Yi's dim eyes suddenly lit up, and he jumped up as if he had been shot with a stimulant.

"Wushuang, Wushuang." Long Yi turned his head excitedly, just in time to meet Wushuang's complicated eyes looking at him.

Wushuang woke up with a start, her expression returned to normal, and she asked, "Did you find anything?"

"The formation eye, where did I find the formation eye of this death flower sea? When I fly up later, you will follow me." Long Yi said with a chuckle.

Wu Shuang responded, and looked at Nalan Ruyue who was also confused, how could she know what a formation eye is, but what is certain is that Long Yi must have found a way out.

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