Womanizing Mage

Chapter 369 Thor 4 Great Guards (Sorry, Only 2000)

Long Yi stepped forward, the expected resurrection of the temple guards did not happen, he couldn't help being overjoyed, thinking with his toes that the temple guards must not be vegetarians.

Nothing unusual happened along the way, and soon Long Yi led Long Er and Violent Thunder Beast to the entrance of Thunder God's main hall. Looking around, Long Yi couldn't help but his whole body trembled, and he rushed in in a flash.

The scene that appeared inside was exactly the same as what I "saw" with my thoughts just now. Leng Youyou, Sibi, Fengling, and Dongfang Kexin were respectively tied to four of the stone pillars engraved with mysterious patterns around the altar. The Thunder God Chain was sparkling with silver-purple lightning.

"Youyou, Bi'er, wake up." Long Yi rushed up to the altar of Thunder God, slapping the faces of Leng Youyou and Sibi who were closest to him, but unfortunately they didn't respond.

"Ling'er, Kexin, what's the matter with you?" Long Yi ran to the other side again, calling anxiously, he desperately wanted to tear off the Thunder God chain that bound them, but how could the Thunder God chain be so easy to untie, It's just a waste of effort.

Long Yi's gaze turned to the Thor statue standing on the altar, and then he stared at the Thor God card in his hand without blinking. Maybe with this Thor God card, they can get out of trouble, Long Yi Think so.

Action is worse than heartbeat, Long Yi turned into a stream of light smoke and rushed towards the statue of Thor, and stretched out his big hand to grab the shining silver and purple light of Thor God.

"Zi la." Long Yi's whole body in the air trembled, purple light flashed, Long Yi was sent flying by a vast force, and fell under the altar with a bang.

Long Yi was horrified, his body with lightning-absorbing physique couldn't resist the thunder and lightning counter-shock force from the Thunder God card. But fortunately, he had a strange connection with the thunder magic elemental spirit, otherwise he would have been disabled even if he had just entered the restricted area of ​​Thor.

The feeling of lust gradually disappeared, but Long Yi found that the divine card in the hand of the Thunder God statue burst out circle after circle of silver-purple halos, and the halos slowly expanded. Spread to every corner of the main hall.

Inexplicably, Long Yi felt uneasy in his heart. He looked around vigilantly, trying his best to suppress the trembling in his heart. Ever since he traveled to this world, he had never felt so uneasy and fearful, even in the dead space. The three-headed magic dragon didn't feel like it does now.

It was a kind of oppression from the soul, and the air in the temple seemed to stop flowing.

Is this the divine power? Compared with the original oppression of the God of Light, it is much stronger. Long Yi murmured in his heart, but his tenacious character made him calm down, even if he was a god, no one could make him lower his noble head. No matter what he will face, he will not give in.

Long Yi gritted his teeth,

Straighten the spine like a mountain. With a fierce look in his eyes, he will fight when he wants to fight, and his life will be overturned.

Long Er stood behind Long Yi like a shadow, and the huge coercion made it difficult for him, but he was as arrogant as a dragon. The red light flickered in the black pupils.

As for the Violent Thunder Beast, this kind of magical beast that naturally fears the God of Thunder has a blood contract with Long Yi, and Long Yi's heart has affected it. It instinctively wanted to get down, but the thought from Long Yi's heart made it struggle for the last time.

"Fuck you, shrink your head like a turtle." Long Yi yelled violently, resisting the coercion that wanted to make him vomit blood, he jumped up, and the huge sword in his hand carried the wild earth demon fighting spirit towards the Thunder God on the altar The statue was chopped off.

Hearing the sound of "Keng", sparks splashed everywhere, the statue of Thunder God was as motionless as a mountain, but Long Yi flew back to the original place, his face like paper gold. The giant sword in his hand was shattered into countless pieces, but the armor on the Thor statue never showed a single scratch.

Long Yi adjusted the blood energy surging in his body, his complexion turned from paper gold to pale, and then had two morbid blushes. The gap between gods and humans was so huge that they were separated like a moat. Statues only.

Click, click, the sound of teeth grinding sounded from the four corners of the main hall. Long Yi's brows twitched, his heart trembled suddenly, the extreme sense of danger rushed from the pores all over his body to the marrow of his bones, making his whole body feel cool and cool, and the reaction of the Violent Thunder Beast was even worse. Big, with his back bowed, his hair flaring, and low growls coming out of his mouth.

Crack, crack, the sound of armor rubbing with a peculiar rhythm, slowly walking towards Long Yi's direction from the four corners.

Long Yi's heart twitched, and his pupils suddenly shrank into pinholes. From the four corners of the main hall came four guards who were three meters tall, dressed in thick and domineering silver-purple armor, and held two feet of thunder spears that flashed with lightning. . They are different from the statues on both sides of the road outside, they are real living people.

Four mighty guards with infinite evil aura were positioned five meters away from Long Yi, but they completely blocked all of Long Yi's escape routes. Long Yi thought wrong, the coercion just now was not emanating from the Thunder God statue, but from these four guards, only the guards have such terrifying strength, Long Yi dare not imagine what the real Thunder God is like fear.

"Who are you?" Long Yi's eyes were cold, his face was expressionless, and he didn't show any strange expression.

A guard on the upper left snapped up the Thunder Spear in his hand, and shot Long Yi with lightning-like eyes, his voice had a metallic texture: "We are the four major guards under the Thunder God, responsible for guarding the Thunder God Temple, Kill all the ants that break into this place."

"Ants? Hehe, what if I say I don't want to die?" Long Yi's legs were trembling slightly, not because of fear, but because the coercion of the four guards suddenly increased, as if he wanted to make him kneel on the ground, but how could he? As they wished, there has always been only Long Yi who died standing up, it was like this in the past, it is like this now, and if there is a future, it will still be like this.

"There is only one way, kill us, not only can you come and go freely, but everything in the Temple of Thunder belongs to you." The guard's words were still without a trace of emotion, but Long Yi noticed that the eyes of his copper bell were revealing at this moment. A kind of sadness.

"Thunder God...he's already dead." Long Yi said suddenly, causing the guard to lose his mind for a moment, and at this moment, Long Yi, Long Er, and the Wild Thunder Beast who were connected with each other moved towards him at the same time. attacked.

Long Yi shot at the guard's eyes with two fingers of zhenqi. At the critical moment, he had to use all his strength to nurse, and this zhenqi was strong enough to destroy a small hill. And Long Er's death scythe turned into a bloody light and struck the guard's forehead, and the forbidden spell of the Thunder Beast also fell down.

(Only two thousand, because it is not very easy to write, I can't always write the taste I imagined, depressed.)

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