Womanizing Mage

Chapter 370 Fierce battles, changes in the magic cards

The Thunder God guard's eyes flashed purple, and a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, obviously he didn't take this kind of attack seriously.

With two dings, the Thunder Spear in the hand of the Thunder God guard quickly shook twice, Long Yi's two fingers of true energy and Long Er's red light attacking his eyebrows disappeared without a trace in an instant, and the Thunder Beast cast The thunder-type forbidden curse that came out did not cause the slightest harm to him, but instead looked like he was enjoying it.

The corners of Long Yi's mouth twitched twice, he gritted his teeth and burst out two words: Abnormal.

Indeed, Long Yi, Long Er, and Violent Thunder Beast, no one dared to be unconvinced when they walked sideways in the Canglan Continent. Except for a few old immortals who advanced to the god-level realm, almost no one could compete with them. But in front of this Thunder God guard, the three of them together are still far apart.

"Take another move from me." Long Da shouted, the inner strength of his whole body was concentrated in his ten fingers, and the ten genuine qi hit the face of the Thunder God guard with soft force.

"Don't waste your energy, in my eyes you are no different from an ant." Thunder God's guards were not fooled at all, even though Long Yi's ten zhenqi attacked him silently, he could still detect the subtle Undulating, the palm of the hand was wide open, grasping the hidden ten true qi in his hand and pinching it, it disappeared immediately.

Long Yi's discouraged expression suddenly changed, and the corner of his mouth curled up into a smug smile. When Thunder God's guards sensed something was wrong, he suddenly felt a pain in his right eye, and a burst of numbness began to dissipate from his head, and his whole body went limp. With a click, his huge body in heavy armor knelt down with an expression of disbelief.

Taking advantage of the gap in the encirclement and the momentary stupefaction of the other three Thunder God guards, Long Yi flashed his figure and rushed out of the encirclement like a ghost. The target was still the Thunder God jade tablet in the hands of the Thunder God statue on the altar.

The moment Long Yi's big hand caught the Thunder God Jade Card, there was a loud noise in his ears, and a sharp and violent force penetrated from his back, Long Yi's body softened and fell down, and a mouthful of blood mist spewed out from his mouth.

Long Yi turned his head back with difficulty, only to see two Thunder God guards staring at him with hostile eyes, which made his heart shudder, and another Thunder God guard was standing next to the one who had just knelt on the ground. Behind Thunder God's guards, frightening silver-purple lightning flashed on their bodies.

"Damn, I'm not dead yet, life is really hard enough." Long Yi murmured in his heart, it was a failure to fail to pull a back before he died.

Of course, in reality, Long Yi's strength cannot compare with the Thunder God's guard who spoke just now, but he played a trick by taking advantage of the Thunder God's guard's underestimation of the enemy. The two-fingered zhenqi at the beginning was indeed his best effort, and the Thunder God guard knew that Long Yi was indeed like an ant in his eyes, no matter how strong an ant's attack was, it would have a limit. But ants are not as cunning as Long Yi, Long Yi hid a killing move when he attacked for the second time, he hid a silver needle as thin as a cow's hair behind his ten fingers' soft and true energy.

The power of femininity will only be revealed when it is in front of you.

It was silent during the attack, but Thunder God's guards noticed it, of course, this was expected by Long Yi. The silver needle didn't stand out under the cover of ten qi. When Thunder God's guard stretched out his hand to easily stop the Ten Daoes of True Qi, the ox-haired silver needle pierced through his fingers and pierced through his right eye, directly penetrating the brain and destroying the cranial nerves inside. .

It stands to reason that if a person's brain is destroyed, no matter how strong he is, he will definitely die, but obviously this Thunder God guard cannot be compared with ordinary people.

At this time, because of the injury of one Thunder God guard, the other two Thunder God guards ran away violently. With a few sizzling sounds, the thunder spears of the two Thunder God guards stabbed towards Long Yi, the culprit like lightning, but Long Yi was already powerless at this moment, and could only wait for death with his eyes open.

There were two crackling sounds, and a black shadow stopped in front of Long Yi, but it was Long Er who had the ability to think logically just now, the bony armor on his chest and abdomen was pierced by the thunder spear, and appeared There are two bowl-sized holes, and the bone armor near the hole is in the shape of radioactive cracks. But Hongmang, who was attacking the two Thunder God guards by Long Er, was stopped without any suspense.

With a bang, the two Thunder God guards pulled back the Thunder Spear, and Long Er was knocked down by Long Yi's side.

"Long Er, are you okay?" Seeing Long Er recklessly standing in front of him, Long Yi was moved.

"Boss, I'm fine." Long Er's dark eyes flashed red, and he got up again holding the death scythe. Fortunately, he didn't know the pain, otherwise it would not be so pleasant for ordinary people to wear two holes. thing.

Long Er stood in front of Long Yi again. In his newly formed thoughts, Long Yi was his boss, he created himself, he couldn't let his boss get hurt, even if he disappeared.

With a bang, a blood-vomiting pressure came, and Long Er flew upside down again in the flash of lightning. His left hand was shattered into several pieces, and his right leg was shattered by the thunder, from skull to foot. Not a single piece of the bone was intact.

Click, click, Long Er stood up again, holding on to the death scythe with only one right hand, and jumped in front of Long Yi with one left foot, several ribs were shaking in the empty chest and abdomen.

"Long Er..." Long opened his mouth, his whole body trembled slightly, his right hand tightly grasped the Thor God card that was stained with his blood, and his heart was filled with grief, indignation and heartache. He couldn't bear it, couldn't watch Long Er being tortured in front of him without moving.

Once again, Long Er's incomplete skeleton drew a perfect parabola and fell heavily. His left foot was completely shattered, but only half of his skull was hanging on his neck bone. His eyes were red and he still wanted to struggle. He got up, but he was powerless, and the spiritual connection between him and Long Yi began to weaken slowly.

"Unexpectedly, I, Long Yi, would have such a day." Long Yi smiled miserably, his teeth were clenched, his starry eyes lingered on the four women who were still tied to the stone pillars of the altar, they were very important in his life Women, three wives, a tangled cousin.

"Roar... Roar..." the wild dragon beast roared, it felt the grief and anger in Long Yi's heart that was so thick that it could not be resolved, it was angry, and could no longer care about the natural panic in its heart, it moved wildly at the Thunder God's guards attack.

Some Thunder God guards didn't know why they didn't hurt the Thunder Beast, they just sent it flying to Long Yi's side again and again.

Thunder magic elements surged, and several consecutive forbidden curses hit several Thunder God guards. The violent lightning and electric grid enveloped the entire main hall of Thunder God.

"Eat it." Long Yi suddenly said to the Violent Thunder Beast with his thoughts.

The Violent Thunder Beast hesitated for a third of a second, turned into a ray of purple light and rushed towards the Thunder God's eyeball floating on the altar table, and swallowed the Thunder God's eyeball with a big mouth.

A beam of silver-purple light burst out from the body of the Violent Thunder Beast. It roared up to the sky, and the entire Thunder God Temple trembled under its roar. Its figure kept growing, like a balloon.

At some point, the thunder god guard who was wounded by Long Yi first stood up, staring at the violent thunder beast with fiery eyes, the expression in his eyes fluctuating.

Long Yi's soul seemed to be a little floating, and the scene in front of him began to shake.

"Am I going to die?" Long Yi murmured in his heart, but he didn't notice that the Thunder God Jade Card in his hand had started to change, the blood on it turned into flowing red lines strangely, circulating in the Thunder God Card, Countless thunder magic elemental spirits danced around him.

Long Yi smiled, and the corners of his blood-stained mouth turned upwards, forming a perfect arc.

Suddenly, the Thor chains tied to the stone pillars of the altar disappeared in an instant, and the four girls slid down the stone pillars, opening their beautiful eyes almost at the same time.

They blinked in bewilderment, obviously still a little confused, but soon the surging thunder magic element woke the four girls up like an electric shock.

"Husband..." Fengling, Sibi, and Leng Youyou rushed towards the dying Long Yi with a mournful cry at the same time.

"Cousin." Dongfang Kexin didn't care so much and followed.

But before the four girls approached, they were isolated by a huge aura.

At this time, the Violent Thunder Beast had already started to go berserk, its huge body rushed towards the four Thunder God guards with crackling lightning, its momentum and speed were unmatched.

The two Thunder God guards wrapped around the Thunder God beast and fought fiercely under the altar, and the Thunder God beast, who was vulnerable in front of the Thunder God guard just now, was fighting with the two Thunder God guards in a pitch black battle. The other two Thunder God guards walked towards Long Yi who was lying on the altar step by step, and one of them had the Thunder God guard who spoke.

Although they don't know what happened, the four girls of Sibi already guessed that those who wounded Long Yi must be these terrifying and inhuman Thunder God guards.

Sibi stood in front of Long Yi floatingly, with her frail arms spread out. In this Thunder God Hall, she was basically powerless as a light magister, but she did not hesitate to block Long Yi unswervingly. From the front, there is stubbornness, tenderness, and a little sadness in the beautiful eyes. She doesn't hesitate to blow herself up to protect her man if necessary.

In the next second, Fengling, Leng Youyou and Dongfang Kexin stood beside Sibi at the same time, with the same look in their eyes as Sibi.

Long Yi's body convulsed slightly, and the bloodshot Thunder God card in his hand began to float up, and at the same time, countless thunder magic element spirits began to rush into Long Yi's body, his whole body was covered by a layer of silver-purple The light enveloped it.

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