Womanizing Mage

Chapter 38: Desolate Town

After a while, the bloody skeleton in Long Yi's palm became calm.

"It's okay." Long Yi whispered in Leng Youyou's ear.

Leng Youyou blushed, pushed Long Yi away and took two steps back, standing there awkwardly and complicated, not knowing what to say.

"You..." Lucia pointed at Long Yi and Leng Youyou with a face of shock, she didn't know what happened just now, she only saw Long Yi suddenly hugged Leng Youyou, and Leng Youyou obediently Stay motionless in his arms.

"What are you, it's getting late, it's time to go to bed, and I have to get up early tomorrow." Long Yi knocked on Lucia's head, then opened the door and entered the room before closing it, leaving the two girls standing there blankly. land.

After Long Yi entered the room, he quickly opened the window, his body flew up to the roof like a wisp of green smoke, vigorously like an eagle. He looked down at the crowd passing by on the street, and didn't notice anything unusual. The man who cast the dark temptation had concealed his magic fluctuations very well, and Long Yi had no way to do it, so he had no choice but to retreat to the room and start meditating wholeheartedly. It's not easy, he must improve his strength as soon as possible.

Leng Youyou and Lucia lay side by side on the bed, the room was pitch black, but the two pairs of eyes shone brightly in the darkness, neither of them felt sleepy at all.

Leng Youyou was undoubtedly thinking about Long Yi, she only felt that the longer she had been in contact with him, the more mysterious and unfathomable he became. Thanks to his help just now, otherwise her identity would have been exposed. Leng Youyou was sure that Long Yi had sensed the dark magic fluctuations on his body, but why didn't he have any strange expression? Moreover, he easily blocked the detection of the dark temptation, who is he? A series of questions made Leng Youyou toss and turn, her mind was as blurred as if stuffed with paste.

"Sister Youyou, are you asleep?" Lucia finally couldn't help but speak.

"Well, what's the matter?" Leng Youyou asked absently.

"Just now, what happened just now?" Lucia asked. She always felt that the scene just now was a bit weird. Why did the two people who were facing each other suddenly hug each other like this.

Leng Youyou was silent for a long time, then said lightly: "It's nothing, go to sleep."

"Oh." Lucia replied, she knew that Leng Youyou didn't want others to know that she was not a person who knew how to advance or retreat, but she was a little curious and uncomfortable.

The long night slipped away quietly in the respective thoughts of the two women, the sky was bright, and the shouts on the street began to rise and fall one after another.

The three of Long Yi and his party walked towards the east gate of Guangming City, Long Yi walked in the front, and the two women followed behind him like his maids.

All the way silent, in addition to silence or silence. Long Yi didn't know what happened to the two girls today, so he got up early in the morning and dug him up without saying a word tacitly.

Not long after, the three of them arrived at the east gate. Sword master Harley, fire mage Gretel, light mage Lan Tian, ​​senior warrior Shi Yan, and orc warrior Man Niu were waiting there.

"Good morning everyone, are we late?" Long Yi greeted them with a smile.

"No, we just arrived." Harley still had a simple and honest smile on his face.

"Harley, everyone is here now, let's go out." Man Niu said in a loud voice, he seemed to be a little impatient, and he seemed to be an adventurous fanatic.

Harley nodded, waved his hand, and the adventure team composed of eight people began to enter the wild plain. The formation follows the regular formation of the Canglan Continent Adventure Team, with warriors on the periphery, magicians in the middle, and archers at the back.

The barren plain is a large and endless grassland. It is not true to say that it is a grassland, because you can only see green grass on the outside. It is said that even the legendary S-class monsters are haunted. This is the paradise of adventurers, and it is also the cemetery of adventurers. Over the years, this wasteland has ruined the lives of many adventurers. But people die for money, and birds die for food. The barren plain is a huge treasury full of dangers. A magic core of a B-level monster can be sold for thousands of amethyst coins, while a magic core of an A-level monster can be sold for tens of thousands of amethyst coins. Crystal coins are a very common thing, and naturally many people will take risks.

The Desolate Plain is located on the edge of the Kuanglong Empire and the Proud Moon Empire, and is not under the jurisdiction of any country, so it is very chaotic here, and no one cares about killing people here.

Half a month later, Long Yi and his party finally arrived at a small town on the edge of the barren plain. What is surprising is that this town is so prosperous, with all kinds of shops, tens of thousands of adventurers of various professions and Adventure groups flood the town.

"Wow, this place is almost comparable to the last second-tier city." Lucia exclaimed, she had already returned to her usual chattering personality.

"Everyone, be careful. It's not illegal to kill people here. Let's try not to conflict with others." Harley said, he was quite self-aware. Many of the mercenary regiments here are very high-level, and they will suffer when they fight. It's me.

Gretel snorted, obviously disapproving of this, Long Yi couldn't help being a little amused, this guy looked like he was in his thirties, he was no different from a frog in a well, didn't he think that in this small town with a high concentration of adventurers? Is he very attractive in the town as a high-level fire mage? It's not surprising to meet a magister here, I really don't know where his decades of food have gone.

Just when they were about to find a hotel to rest for a while, there was a sudden strong wave of magical battle energy in front of them.

"Let's not go there, and don't interfere." Harley warned.

Just as Gretel was about to express his disagreement, a black shadow suddenly flew over from the chaotic place and landed at his feet with a bang. Gretel's face turned pale all of a sudden, and he hurriedly backed away.

Lucia was also taken aback, she reflexively grasped Long Yi's sleeve tightly, turned her pretty face away and didn't dare to look any further.

"Hey, it's the great magician of the Aoyue Empire's Magician Guild." Harley exclaimed in surprise after carefully looking at the magic robe of the half corpse.

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