Womanizing Mage

Chapter 39 Conflict

The reason why Harley could tell the identity of this half of the corpse at a glance was because of the magic robe and guild medal he was wearing. The professional costumes of the professional guilds in each country are different, and the patterns on the costumes of each level are also different, so a discerning person can determine the identity of the other party at a glance.

In Long Yi's eight-person adventure team, except for Long Yi, Lucia and the mysterious Leng Youyou, everyone else has joined the professional guild. Although after joining a professional guild, you can receive a high monthly salary and be protected by the guild, but at the same time, you also have corresponding obligations. For example, when there is a conflict between your own country's guild and another country's guild, or when people in the guild are in danger, you must help. There is no need to intervene in the infighting among members of the guild in the country.

Just when everyone was wondering about the identities of the fighting parties, suddenly two fireworks rose into the sky almost at the same time, exploded in the sky with a bang, and two completely different patterns appeared.

"So it's the Aoyue Empire Magician Guild and the Nalan Empire Magician Guild. It's none of our business. Let's find a hotel to rest." Harley felt relieved. got caught up in it.

At this moment, strong magic fluctuations surged from all directions, Long Yi said in shock: "It seems that the battle is about to escalate, this town will not be razed to the ground by the magicians."

"No, they will automatically go outside the town to solve it later." The voice of the light mage Lan Tian is still gentle, but behind the gentleness, why doesn't it reflect the cruelty of human nature? Everyone puts their own interests first, even this group of bright priests who are full of benevolence, righteousness and morality are no exception.

After a while, magicians of all colors and levels almost filled the street, among them were mixed warriors, thieves and archers, presumably they were all called helpers. This small wild town is filled with tens of thousands of adventurers and groups from all over the world. How many people will be involved in the conflict between the magic guilds of the two empires?

Sure enough, as Lan Tian said, after a stalemate for a while, the two sides of the attendants began to rush out of the town in a mighty manner. Many people actually used the levitation technique that can only be cast by a great magician. The scene was really spectacular.

"Why don't we follow to see the excitement." Long Yi suggested, such a large-scale PK is not easy to see.

"I don't want it anymore. The destructive power of so many magicians is amazing. If we go there, we may be accidentally injured. Now let's find a hotel to stay, and we will start to enter the barren plain tomorrow." Harley objected.

This adventure team is led by Harley, since he objected, there is nothing to say. They randomly found a hotel and asked for four rooms, one for two, Lucia and Leng Youyou naturally lived together, two magicians lived together, Shi Yan said that he would live with Harley, and finally only Long was left. As soon as they were with Brute Bull, people including Harley obviously didn't want to share a room with Brute Bull. Although they never expressed it, it still reflected their discrimination against orcs in some ways.

After entering the room, Long Yi closed the door and suddenly lowered his voice and said to Man Niu: "Big man, come here."

Man Niu admires Long Yi very much and regards him as a life-and-death brother. On the one hand, it is because the orcs worship the strong. On the other hand, only he and the little elf would talk to him from time to time, and they would hang shoulder to shoulder with him like friends. , although he is rough-headed, he also knows that other people look down on him more or less, only Long Yi's seemingly teasing words always make him feel warm.

Hearing Long Yi's words, Man Niu lowered his head and moved closer. He is eight feet taller than Long Yi by a full head. This posture looks a bit ridiculous.

Long Yi whispered in Man Niu's ear, Man Niu's eyes lit up, and he nodded repeatedly.

Hanging a Do Not Disturb sign outside the door, Long Yi opened the window, poked his head out and looked down, the window was not facing the street, it was just an uninhabited alley. Using his internal strength, Long Yi grabbed Man Niu and jumped out, landing lightly on the ground. This made Man Niu admire him greatly, and there seemed to be some personality worship in the bull's eyes looking at Long Yi.

The two rushed towards the outside of the town. Just after leaving the gate of the town, there were quite a lot of people rushing to watch the excitement. At this moment, Long Yi suddenly saw two familiar figures running ahead.

"Little elf, wait for us." Long shouted, and unexpectedly, the two girls ran in front of them.

Hearing Long Yi's shout, the two women stopped, turned around and waited for their approach.

"Long Yi, I knew you would sneak out." Lucia said with a coquettish smile, as if she was extremely proud of her judgment.

"You two are so mean, you didn't say hello when you came out." Long Yi smiled and flicked Lucia's nose habitually.

"Sister Youyou said that you will definitely catch up, so we came out first." Lucia seemed to be used to being played by Long Yi, and she didn't show annoyed expression at all.

Long Yi looked at Leng Youyou, but she avoided it. In the past half month, she basically avoided Long Yi whenever she could. For a person who knew that he was practicing dark magic and was very mysterious, Leng Youyou subconsciously avoided him. Wary of him.

At this moment, there were bursts of rumbling explosions in the distance, and the earth trembled and moaned.

"The fight is on, let's hurry over." Long Yi excitedly said.

Seeing that there should be a long distance from here, Long Yi hesitated for a while, applied several blast spells to several people, and rushed out by himself. The three of Leng Youyou only felt their bodies lighten up, and their speed suddenly increased by a few points. They were all startled, what kind of exercise is this? But without thinking about it, he knew that it was Long Yi who did it, so Long Yi's mystery became a little more intensified.

The battlefield was on the edge of the wild grassland, and there were more than a thousand people on both sides of the melee. The scene was truly magnificent. Apart from Long Yi and the others, there were some other people who were also watching.

"What are you doing? I thought it would be so tragic, what's the point of fighting like this." Long Yi said disappointedly after seeing the scene of the two sides fighting.

"That's right, these magicians know how to be a coward and shoot cold arrows behind their backs." Man Niu nodded in sympathy.

However, Man Niu soon discovered that Lucia and Leng Youyou were glaring at him, and then remembered that these two companions were also magicians, so Hanhan touched the horns on his head and said: "I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about them .”

The two women snorted coldly. You must know that Lucia is also a magician. To be precise, she is a magic archer. We all know that elves are born archers and magicians. The power of magic in bows and arrows is very powerful. Archers are much tougher.

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