Womanizing Mage

Chapter 384 Surprised by the Winged Human Race

Long Yi quickly analyzed it in his mind, and felt that these five attacking masters must have come for Patriarch Fenghuang, because he remembered Ruyue said that when Patriarch Fenghuang came to look for him, he was covered in dust and his clothes were torn. The only person who could attract such a master to deal with, besides himself and his party, was probably only the Patriarch of Phoenix.

There is a small courtyard behind the Phoenix Hotel, which is only available in larger cities. It is mainly used for those who come down from the Phoenix family to do business. If you want to come to the Phoenix family, the head of the Phoenix family will rest here.

Long Yi quietly hid in the dark of the small courtyard, opened his mental net to investigate carefully, and felt the five faint auras rapidly approaching.

Suddenly, Long's eyes twitched, and there was no one on the courtyard wall, but he felt that two people suddenly appeared in a corner of the courtyard, while the other three surrounded him at the other end of the room.

"The master of the Phoenix family has offended someone. He sent so many masters to chase after him." Long Yi kept muttering in his heart, these five people were so fast, and their strength definitely ranked at the upper level of the Canglan Continent Pyramid, but they never heard of it. I said that there are such a group of people in the Canglan Continent, so the only possibility is that these people are anonymous and do not often move around on the mainland. Logically speaking, this kind of people generally would not provoke others, so it is the Phoenix Patriarch who provokes others up.

Long Yi didn't move, and finally saw the two people hiding in the corner of the courtyard rushing to the door of Patriarch Fenghuang's bedroom like lightning along the shadows, it was really like ghosts.

"Damn it, angel?" Long Yi stared wide-eyed, looking at the two figures at the door of the main bedroom of the Fenghuang family. Although he couldn't see their faces clearly, he found that there was a pair of wing-shaped things growing on their backs. Could it be that it was installed on purpose?

At this moment, Long Yi felt the aura of the five figures suddenly spread out, and launched an attack at the same time, the barrier set by Patriarch Phoenix was instantly broken.

With two bangs, the door of the bedroom exploded in a flash of red light, and the head of the Phoenix family rushed out like lightning. The huge sword in his hand swung a flame-like grudge towards the two winged birds in front of the door. people.

And the two birdmen did not retreat but advanced, Qiqi showed their weapons and went up to them, they were two dark blue spears.

"It's such a familiar breath, why is it fluctuating with the magic element of the wind element, the magic fighting energy of the wind element?" Long Yi was quite surprised when he saw the two birdmen waving the green fighting energy.

The head of the Phoenix family fought hard with the two, and they all fell into the middle of the small courtyard. At this time, three birdmen with wings rushed out of the room, and one of them formed a triangle with the two at the beginning to surround the Phoenix. Patriarch, while the other two were hovering in the air, and the two giant bows had been drawn to aim at Patriarch Phoenix below.

"Humans, return the sacred artifacts of our winged humans, and spare you from dying." An old voice sounded.

"What holy object? Don't slander my Phoenix family,

Your holy things are nothing to me. "The head of the Phoenix Patriarch said with a cold snort.

"Everyone knows who stole our sacred object. If you don't return it, don't blame us for being rude." Another Yiren said, listening to the voice is also a certain age, no wonder the strength is so high.

The Patriarch of Phoenix didn't answer, but raised his giant sword and attacked first, and the five of them fought together for a while. These five Winged Men probably didn't want others to know what was going on here, and they even created a wind-attribute barrier to frame all the breath inside.

"So it's the Winged Human Race who showed up at the end of many years, and there are such masters. I don't know what sacred object the Phoenix Patriarch stole from them?" Long Yi murmured in his heart. I'm afraid Patriarch Fenghuang and Ben don't pay much attention to those things.

Patriarch Phoenix's Dou Qi is obviously not the primary Phoenix Dou Qi of the past, it should be more than one level higher than before, but Long Yi has already seen that Patriarch Phoenix's failure is doomed in the face of the Winged Human Clan's net.

Swish, swish, two scenes flashed, Patriarch Fenghuang let out a muffled snort, his left shoulder was pierced by a wind energy arrow, he staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"Hand over our sacred objects, or you will only die." A crisp voice rang like a spring, and it sounded like a fairy voice nine days away. Compared with the old voices at the beginning, it was heavenly. one by one.

Long Yi could tell that this girlish and clear voice came from a bow-winged man in the air, but these five winged men had used camouflage, so they couldn't see what they looked like, but Long Yi doubted that a winged man with such high strength Is it possible to be a girl?

Flames flashed on Patriarch Fenghuang's body, and the bleeding wound on her left shoulder was stopped immediately. She put the huge sword on the ground with a clang, and said softly: "Ximenyu, when are you going to watch the play, don't you give it to my old lady?" come out."

Patriarch Phoenix's words made the five Winged Men who surrounded her tighten, and the two Winged Men in the air immediately circled around the courtyard quickly, but the giant bow in their hands was still aimed at Patriarch Phoenix below.

Long Yi rubbed his nose and smiled wryly and emerged from behind a pillar, the figure was still in the same place, but there was another Long Yi beside the Patriarch of Phoenix.

The five Winged Men were shocked at the same time, they didn't even feel that Long Yi was hiding under their noses, and the strength that Long Yi showed just now made them quite afraid.

"Who are you? Who is her?" The Yiren with a nice voice asked nervously.

"I am me, her daughter is my woman, in other words, she is my last mother-in-law." Long Yi shrugged and replied with a smile, then asked: "Who are you?"

"I am Ou Yala, the wizard of the Winged Human Race. She stole the sacred objects of our Winged Human Race. Can you ask her to return it?" The Winged Human Race instinctively sensed the danger of Long Yi, and asked in a pleading tone.

"This... Patriarch of the Phoenix, did you borrow a sacred object from their Yiren clan?" Long Yi turned around and asked the Patriarch of the Phoenix, he could speak, he would not steal words and borrow them.

The Phoenix patriarch shook his head, and said flatly: "I just accidentally broke into their territory of the winged humans, and in the end they accused me of stealing their sacred objects, which is simply unreasonable."

Long Yi smiled inwardly, he didn't believe that Patriarch Fenghuang didn't take other people's things, but firstly, Patriarch Fenghuang is his mother-in-law, so who can he help if he doesn't help her, and secondly, Long Yi is not an honest gentleman, the holy things of Yiren clan are good to think Otherwise, Patriarch Phoenix would not be tempted.

"I think you must have made a mistake. She didn't take your things. You should go. I won't bother with you for trespassing and attempting to kill people." Long Yi said seriously.

"Wizard, don't talk nonsense with them, they won't hand over the holy relics until you teach them a good lesson." One of the Winged Men said in a hoarse voice.

"You bird man, if you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb. If your voice is so unpleasant, don't say it. Your wizard knows what to do." Long Yi smiled, listening to the wonderful voice of this winged human wizard, Listening to the broken voice of this bird man is really uncomfortable enough.

"You..." This wing was very angry, if the wizard in the air hadn't stopped him with a hand gesture, maybe he would have gone berserk.

"If you don't hand over the sacred object, we can only do it." The wizard of the Winged Human Race seemed a little hesitant. For some reason, she had an intuition that the five of her party could not please him in front of him, although this seemed a little unbelievable.

"Please do it, it would be the best if you can move your hands and mouth at the same time." Long Yi chuckled, a little impatient to see the true face of this winged human wizard, hoping not to disappoint him.

The wizard Ou Yala gritted her teeth and made an offensive gesture. She flicked the giant bow several times with her small hand, and several wind arrows from deep scenery hit Long Yi from different angles, while several wingmen on the ground Using the spear to block Long Yi's other escape routes at the same time is really a tacit cooperation.

Long Yi giggled, his figure soared into the sky, he slammed the bow left and right with his big hands and abruptly scatter the two arrows, rushed towards the wizard Ou Yala in the blink of an eye, and grabbed her neck like lightning.

With the sound of air crashing, Long Yi's big hand pierced Ou Yala's neck, but it was just an afterimage left in the air. It's just that Ou Yala's speed is very fast, but Long Yi's speed is not slow either. When the blow misses the target, he turns around, and his body reverses to the oblique rear at a strange angle.

"Ah..." Ou Yala exclaimed in embarrassment, her figure flashed a few times, the giant bow smashed and shot, and flew panting to the side of another bow-winged man.

"Wizard, are you alright?" the other four Winged Men asked in unison.

"No...it's okay." Ou Yala said after calming down.

Long Yi smiled and floated in mid-air, put his right hand between his nose and sniffed it intoxicatingly, and said with an evil smile: "It really smells like a tentacle, and it's not too small, and it feels first-class."

Ou Yala's body trembled, her eyes spewed fire, just now her chest was desecrated by this shameless human being, which made her extremely ashamed and indignant. From Long Yi's expression and what he said, Patriarch Fenghuang naturally understands that this stubborn brat never forgets to tease girls wherever he goes, and he must be taught a lesson later.

"Formation, Fengshen domain." Ou Yala gritted her teeth.

Hearing the words of the wizard Oyala, the three winged figures on the ground flew into the sky with blue light, and formed a strange formation with Oyala as the center.

"The Fengshen Domain seems interesting, but how is it compared to my Thunder God Domain?" Long Yi murmured, waiting for the five of them to jointly activate the Fengshen Domain.

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