Womanizing Mage

Chapter 385: Wizard Oyala's Wind Domain

Suddenly, a blue light flashed on the bodies of the five Winged Men, and the flowing air seemed to stop at once. Just like the domains of other departments, the Fengshen domain also completely evacuated the magic elements within the enveloping range in an instant.

A few blue threads entangled Long Yi and the head of the Phoenix Patriarch like snakes, but it was exactly the wind binding technique in the wind magic.

Long Yi didn't struggle, his expression was relaxed, and he didn't have the consciousness of being a prisoner at all. He looked at the five winged humans curiously, and suddenly found that except for the wizard Oyala, the other four were floating in the air like wooden stakes, and it seemed that their mission was to assist Oyala in casting the Fengshen Domain , the attack point is only Ou Yala.

"It's still too late to hand over our holy objects." Ou Yala said in a beautiful voice. She should have breathed a sigh of relief seeing Long Yi trapped in the Fengshen domain, but after seeing Long Yi's relaxed expression, she felt unreasonable. If you don't feel confident, can't this Fengshen domain also restrain him?

"They said they didn't take your holy objects, even if we died, we wouldn't be able to hand them over, isn't your lord the wizard a force?" Long Yi pouted his mouth and looked as if a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water.

Ou Yala ignored Long Yi, pointed the huge bow in her hand directly at the Phoenix Patriarch on the ground, and snorted coldly: "The holy thing is on her body, as long as you kill her, the holy thing will automatically appear."

"Beautiful Miss Wizard, let me tell the truth, she actually took your holy object, and she secretly gave it to me just now, if you want to kill me, kill me." Long Yi laughed.

"Don't think that I dare not kill you." Ou Yala's giant bow turned around and shot an arrow at Long Yi's thigh with lightning speed.

The cyan wind energy arrow increased several times in speed and power in the Fengshen domain, piercing through Long Yi's thigh in the blink of an eye.

"Ah. It hurts so much, I'm going to die." Long Yi yelled, his handsome face wrinkled into a ball.

"Hurry up if you know it hurts... Hey, how is it possible? Why are you okay?" Ou Yala didn't want to kill people at first, but just wanted Long Yi to hand over the holy object, but suddenly found that Long Yi's thigh was not wounded at all. Nothing, except for a hole in the trousers, the skin inside is not scarred at all.

"It's all right? It seems to be all right. I said something was wrong, which caused me to shout in vain. A waste of saliva." Long Yi smiled.

Ou Yala looked at Long Yi like a monster, raised her bow and shot several arrows in disbelief. It could be seen that the wind energy arrow entered his body after shooting off the clothes, but it didn't penetrate through the body, but seemed to be absorbed by him.

"Miss Wizard, it seems that you can't kill me anymore, I was blessed by the wind god, you better not waste your energy." Long Yi said with a chuckle.

"Fengshen Biyou?" Ou Yala muttered,

Could it be that what he said is true, otherwise how could such an incredible thing happen, only those who are blessed by the wind god will not be subject to the wind god domain, right?

"That's right. In fact, the sacred object of your winged human race was originally the object of the wind god. But now the sacred object is the guidance of the wind god in the dark, so you should go back." Long Yi flickered seriously, and it really seemed to have something to say when he said it. It's like that.

Ou Yala was a little absent-minded, is this really the case? The Yiren tribe has always believed in the wind god among the seven main gods, and believes that the wind is the ultimate spokesperson, and the sacred objects of the tribe contain vast magical elements of the wind system. For tens of thousands of years, dozens of generations in the family have devoted themselves to researching the application of energy in sacred objects.

More than a thousand years ago, an elder of the Yiren tribe finally successfully researched the wind magic. The Winged Human Race has taken a big step forward in strength because of the wind magic. At that time, the Winged Human Race wizard was inspired by the wind god, and let all the Winged Human Race escape from the world, otherwise there will be a catastrophe of extinction. Therefore, the Canglan Continent has been at the end of the millennium Seeing the birth of the Winged Human Race, the Winged Human Race only exists in legends.

With a thought in Long Yi's mind, all the Wind Binding Techniques on his body were absorbed. In fact, the reason is very simple. Since Long Yi discovered that he can communicate with the elemental spirits, he can coordinate these magical elemental spirits very well. It can be said that the realm is lower than other magicians. It's hard to hurt him with magic.

"Hey, Miss Wizard, why are you so dumb?" Long Yi walked up to Ou Yala and patted her shoulder lightly with his hand, but he didn't want her reflexes to be too developed, so she jumped up in surprise .

"You...why did you move?" Ou Yala couldn't help but fell into shock again when she saw Long Yi coming to her side without hindrance.

"I said that I was blessed by the wind god, how can a small wind binding technique trap me." Long Yi said with a chuckle.

Ou Yala's eyes flickered, and she said after a long time of thinking: "You must return our sacred object. Maybe you have a way to not be affected in my Fengshen domain, but it doesn't mean you are blessed by Fengshen."

"Then what do you want?" Long Yi shrugged. In fact, this Fengshen Domain still poses a certain threat to him. He can't use magic, and the power of battle energy is also reduced by half, but the opponent can use a few percent in the domain as he likes. With hundreds of strengths, unless one reaches the level of a magician or a sword god, one can regard this kind of great magister level domain as nothing, and a great magister who owns a domain can only use the domain to fight against it, but Long Yi doesn't intend to do this .

Ou Yala didn't speak, the camouflaged wings on the back spread out, and with one flap, hundreds of wind blades attacked Long Yi densely.

The corner of Long Yi's mouth twitched, and he dodged and ran away. He was not really blessed by the wind god to avoid all wind magic attacks. He could undo the wind binding technique through communication with the wind magic elemental spirit, but the speed was extremely fast. He didn't want to expend too much internal energy to hard-wire the wind blade, and it was a super wind blade that was multiplied by the power of the domain.

How spectacular are hundreds of wind blades? Anyway, the whole small courtyard is covered by those half-moon-shaped wind blades, and what makes Long Yi even more depressed is that these wind blades will not disappear under Ou Yala's control, but turn around and chase after him. later.

"Hmph, you still dare to lie to me that you are blessed by Fengshen." Ou Yala smiled, thankful that she was not deceived by Long Yi, but just after she finished thinking about it, her smile froze at the corner of her mouth again in the next second.

She saw a cyan wind barrier appearing in front of Long Yi, blocking all the wind blades outside, and what surprised her even more was the huge wind blade that was formed in front of Long Yi, which was as big as a real person. , seems to be cast by Long Yi.

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