Womanizing Mage

Chapter 389 Reunion after a long absence

At this moment, Long Yi looked at the soldier who was lurking in the snow and attacked him first, and asked with a smile: "Why did you attack me at that time, don't you know that it would be easy to expose your hiding place and scare the snake?"

Seeing Long Yi's question, the soldier straightened his chest and said, "Return to the general. At that time, when I saw the general walking around where we were lurking, I suspected that the general might have discovered our whereabouts. Later, I heard what the general said about the family If there is no food, then it is certain that the general must have done it on purpose, so he launched an attack."

"Oh, why?" Long Yi raised his eyebrows with a smile, this soldier is a man to be made.

"Because I observed the general when he came from a distance. The general's clothes are even better than those of the nobles. How could there be no food at home? Besides, the general doesn't look like a shop boy." The soldier said said loudly.

"Okay, very good. From now on, you should be a small captain first. No matter how high the position is, you have to rely on your military achievements." Long Yi said with a smile.

"General Xie, my subordinates must fight the enemy with all their might, so as not to fall into the prestige of the Peerless Battalion." The soldier looked excited. You must know that the selection of non-commissioned officers in the Peerless Battalion is extremely strict, and even a team leader of ten people is very competitive. It is a great honor for him to be appointed by the general himself, as you can see from the other envious expressions.

At this moment, one team after another of the Peerless Battalion soldiers surrounded the place, thousands of people gathered in the blink of an eye.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, what's going on?" A loud shout sounded from the outside, and all the soldiers voluntarily moved out of the way.

"Sister...brother-in-law..." The person who came was Nangong Nu who was dressed in general uniform. When he saw Long Yi suddenly, he was stunned. Having experienced the baptism of war, this immature boy has grown into a dignified man. The young general has become a lot stronger, his fair and tender face has become a healthy wheat color, and even his lips have a light landscape beard.

"Subordinate Nangong Nu sees the general." Nangong Nu came back to his senses after being stunned for a few seconds, strode forward and gave a military salute, but his eyes looked at Long Yi excitedly, with a flash of admiration.

Long nodded, and said to the thousand soldiers of the Peerless Battalion surrounding him, "All of them are there. The captains will continue to lead the training and gather back to the camp after the completion."

All the captains made a promise, and took their subordinates to disperse for retraining.

"Brother-in-law, why did you come back?" Seeing that there was no one else, Nangong Nu's eyes turned red, in front of Long Yi he was still the mischievous brat he was back then.

"Xiao Nu, why is a man acting like a daughter like this? When you grow up, Xiangyun will be very happy knowing that." Long Yi smiled and put his hands on Nangong Nu's shoulders and tightened them.

Nangong Nu sniffed,

Suppressing the tears that were about to burst out, he proudly said: "Brother-in-law, I have killed more than a thousand enemies in this war, and besides General Xiong and General Beitang, I belong to the most."

"Well, the little crossbow is awesome, but you are now a thousand-man leader, and you need to use more strategy and coordination. This is what a superior should do, and you don't have to compete with the soldiers below for military exploits, you know? ?" Long Yi rubbed Nangong Nu's head, this child was almost as tall as him, remembering that when he first returned to Tenglong City, he was not even close to his chest.

"Brother-in-law, I will pay attention to it in the future... who are you?" Nangong Nu nodded, and suddenly found a fragrant wind, a beautiful woman in a white plain shirt appeared behind Long Yi out of thin air, and the nerves of her whole body tensed subconsciously. Stretch.

"Don't be nervous, she is Wushuang, quickly call sister Wushuang." Long Yi smiled.

"Wushuang?" Nangong Nu thought for a while and couldn't help but suddenly realized that the reason why brother-in-law named the independent camp Wushuang was because of her, and he called obediently: "Sister Wushuang."

Wu Shuang smiled and nodded, the beautiful smile made Nangong Nu lose his mind for a moment, when he regained his senses, his face was already red.

Long Yi laughed twice, it seems that Wushuang's smile is really lethal, he said: "Xiao Nu, take us back to the camp, I haven't seen Xiong Ba and Yu Er for a long time, I miss them."

"I think my brother-in-law misses General Beitang, and General Xiong is just incidental." Nangong Nu smiled slyly, and in front of Long Yi, he resumed the behavior that a teenager should have.

"Go, what does the little boy know, don't hurry up and lead the way, the breasts are itching again, right?" Long Yi smiled and scolded Nangong Nu's breasts.

Nangong Nu dodged and ran forward with a smile. His speed was extremely fast. As a master magician, he was enough to amaze people.

Long Yi and Wushuang followed behind Nangong Nu unhurriedly, and soon saw a stretch of camps with flags flying, especially the flag sticker of the Wushuang camp flying high, it was this flag Let all Aoyue Emperor's troops tremble with fear, that is, this flag has created an undefeated myth on the battlefield.

Bei Tangyu sat in the Chinese army camp in a red and black general uniform, tirelessly flipping through some battlefield information collected and sorted out, and annotated and analyzed them one by one.

At this moment, one of Beitang Yu's personal soldiers hastily opened the curtain door of the tent and came in, stammering, "Report...Report to General..."

"What's going on? Why are you so panicked?" Beitang Yu frowned, obviously dissatisfied with the performance of this soldier.

This soldier was shocked, Beitang Yu's iron and blood military methods in Wushuang Battalion made all the soldiers respect and fear her, and Bei Tangyu's frown made this soldier feel as if he had fallen into a cold pool. Taking a deep breath, he said coherently: "General, Commander Nangong and General Ximen are back."

"Come back when you come back, it looks like something at first glance... Who do you think Chief Nangong came back with?" Bei Tangyu was startled, and the pen in his hand fell without knowing it.

"It's General Ximen, General Ximen is back." Seeing Beitang Yu's reaction, the soldier snickered secretly, but on the surface he absolutely didn't dare to show it. Everyone in the Peerless Camp knew the relationship between Beitang Yu and Long Yi. .

Bei Tang Yu got up abruptly and rushed out like a gust of wind. As soon as he got out of the military tent, he saw Long Yi smiling and greeting the soldiers on duty, and those soldiers who were lucky enough to have Long Yi pat on the shoulder all looked excited. Long Yi is the soul of this army, he created this iron-blooded army, and all the soldiers have obsessive admiration for him.

Suddenly, Long Yi raised his head, entwined with Bei Tang Yu's gaze, he smiled warmly, with longing and appreciation.

Bei Tangyu's nose was sore, she thought everything was worth it just from Long Yi's smile, he had her in his heart and agreed with everything she did, that was enough.

As the commander in chief of the army, Bei Tangyu couldn't lose her composure in front of the soldiers, she tried her best to restrain the urge to rush into Long Yi's arms, but her eyes and excited expression gave away her mood.

"Xiao Nu, take sister Wushuang to find a place to rest." Long Yi turned around and ordered, looked at Wushuang apologetically, and Wushuang returned a understanding smile.

Long Yi and Beitang Yu walked into the military tent one after the other, Beitang Yu hugged Long Yi's waist tightly from behind as soon as he entered, tears of longing finally poured out unscrupulously.

Long Yi turned around and hugged Beitang Yu into his arms, letting her tears of love soak his clothes and also soak his heart.

"It's been hard for you these days." Long Yi said softly, stroking Bei Tang Yu's pink back.

Bei Tangyu shook his head in Long Yi's arms, raised his tearful eyes and said firmly: "It's not bitter, it's really not bitter, the military camp is the life I yearn for, and this is your army, even if I die, I will be willing." ……Well……"

After Bei Tangyu finished speaking, Long Yi blocked her small mouth with his big mouth, their tongues were entwined with each other hotly and passionately, once the long-lost lovesickness was ignited, the sky thunder would set off the fire, and nothing could happen Packed up.

The Chinese military tent of the Wushuang Battalion is very large, divided into two halves, the front is where the generals discuss matters and the commander-in-chief works, while the rear is where the commander-in-chief rests.

While kissing passionately, the two moved to Beitang Yu's boudoir behind, their hands didn't stop, they impatiently disarmed each other, and when they fell on the soft big bed behind them, they were no longer naked. Inch strands are gone, and the clothes are thrown all the way.

"Husband, love me..." Bei Tang Yu murmured, holding Long Yi's fiery penis with his small hand and sucking.

Long Yi groaned, and moved his big hands over Beitang Yu's smooth skin, her towering buttocks and the secret between her buttocks became the focus of care.

Long Yi held one of Beitang Yu's tender breasts, and lightly licked that congested and upright breast with his tongue, feeling the beauty's slight tremors, his tongue began to move towards Beitang Yu's smooth, hairless breast. The armpits exuded a faint natural daughter's fragrance, Long Yi knew that this was Beitang Yu's most sensitive place besides his lower body.

"Ah... Husband..." Bei Tangyu felt Long Yi's flexible tongue rolling and licking her most sensitive armpit, her whole body trembled involuntarily, strands of spring dew flowed out from the contracted secret place, she couldn't help but sigh Weeping, it was the emotional venting of being too excited after sex.

Long Yi no longer hesitated, and tightly bonded with Beitang Yu in the most intimate way. Beitang Yu's soul had not yet returned to her body, and the most primitive impact caused her soul to fly away to the sky again, and landed together. Ups and downs in the sea of ​​desire, everything in the world seems to have left her.

I don't know how long it took before the bed began to rest, and the bed was already a mess, with wet marks witnessing the madness of the two.

"Husband, I still want..." Beitang Yu lay softly and weakly in Long Yi's arms, and drew circles with his fingers on Long Yi's strong chest, but suddenly leaned forward and bit Long Yi's ear and said flatteringly .

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