Womanizing Mage

Chapter 390 Sacrifice, orc invasion

It was almost noon when Long Yi and Bei Tangyu walked out of the large tent of the Chinese Army, and they tossed and tossed inside for a whole morning. At this time, soldiers 66 of the Wushuang Battalion who went out for training came back one after another, and the leaders of the battalion set up a big nest and started preparing lunch.

After being nourished by milk, Beitang Yu is glamorous and incomparable, her pretty face is no longer as cold as before, and her charming femininity radiates from the inside out.

"Husband, it's all your fault, I can't even stand firmly now." Beitang Yu complained slightly.

"Blame me? I don't know who was yelling for more." Long Yi laughed, and patted Bei Tang Yu's buttocks twice with his big hand.

Bei Tangyu blushed and gave Long Yi a white look, and said softly: "Who told you to seduce me, I don't blame you."

Long Yi was stunned, then hugged Beitang Yu's waist and laughed, this girl is really a wonderful person, he likes it.

"General." At this moment, a rough and pleasant cry came, but it was Xiong Ba who was waiting outside.

Long Yi let go of Bei Tang Yu's waist, smiled and punched Xiong Ba's strong chest, and said: "Xiong Ba, why do you want to win, I heard that you killed the most enemies in the whole army."

Xiong Ba chuckled, and said: "My old Xiong likes to kill people, it's much more comfortable than plotting and plotting."

Long Yi smiled and was noncommittal, he knew that Xiong Ba was definitely not a brave and foolish person, but the Wushuang Battalion had Bei Tang Yu who was better than him, so he abdicated and let Xian concentrate on killing the enemy.

"Xiong Ba, how many people did our Peerless Battalion lose in this battle?" Long Yi asked.

"Up to now, our Peerless Battalion has experienced dozens of battles, with 1,568 dead and 610 seriously injured." When mentioning casualties, Xiong Ba's tone became serious. These are the elite of the elite. ah.

"Have you done a good job in the care of the aftermath?" Long Yi asked indifferently. The total number of dead and seriously injured people was more than 2,000, and the total number of people in the Peerless Battalion was only 12,000.

"Return to the general, it has been dealt with properly. The ashes and names of the dead soldiers have been sorted out and collected. The seriously injured soldiers are sent back to the empire to recuperate. The pension is three times that of other soldiers in the army." Xiong Ba replied.

"Very good, well done, inform all the soldiers, gather after lunch, I want to pay homage to all the dead soldiers, I want everyone to know that these soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the Peerless Battalion are heroes, and the Peerless Battalion will always remember them They, I, Ximenyu, will always remember them." Long Yi said solemnly, he didn't say die for the country but for the Peerless Battalion, because what the Peerless Battalion did was never for the Kuanglong Empire, but The fighters of the Peerless Battalion are only loyal to him, Long Yi.

"Yes, General." Xiong Ba gave a military salute, turned around and informed the non-commissioned officers under him.

At this time, the curtain door of a military tent not far from the main tent of the Chinese army was opened, and Man Niu, Nalan Ruyue, and Wu Shuang came towards Long Yi. When they arrived at Wu Shuang Camp, Long Yi ordered Nangong Nu to inform Man Niu and Kisaragi's.

Nalan Ruyue carefully looked at Beitang Yu beside Long Yi, and secretly admired in her heart, as expected, none of the women beside her husband were ordinary.

"Husband, why didn't you wake me up when you left, I was so worried that I didn't see you when I woke up." Nalan Ruyue said coquettishly, when she woke up, Long Yi and Wushuang were gone, and she was the only one left. In the carriage, she was very panicked at that time, but fortunately, as soon as she got out of the carriage, she found a small group of soldiers from the Peerless Battalion standing upright and waiting, and then she put her heart back.

"Seeing that you are sleeping soundly, I can't bear to wake you up." Long Yi smiled and pinched Nalan Ruyue's nose.

"Forget it this time, if you want to leave next time, you have to let me know anyway, you know I will be worried." Nalan Ruyue patted Long Yi's big hand away and hummed.

"Understood, I will definitely take you along next time, okay, the three of you get to know each other, and you will be good sisters in the future." Long Yi smiled and said to Wu Shuang and the three women.

The three daughters are all smart women, and they knew long ago that it is impossible to monopolize Long Yi, so if they want to get along together in the future, they must cultivate their relationship well.

In fact, Wushuang, Nalan Ruyue, and Beitangyu are all cold-tempered people. Logically speaking, it would take a while for them to warm up, but what surprised Long Yi was that the three girls had a tacit understanding. They have gotten along with sisters who have been good for many years since they were young, at least on the surface.

After lunch, there was still a lot of goose feather snow outside, and the north wind whizzed and rolled the snowflakes all over the sky. As soon as I got out of the camp, I felt the wind was like a blade, and it hurt people's cheeks, and the wind and snow blocked the eyes. .

However, on the empty snow field in the Peerless Camp, there were rows of soldiers with their chests upright standing neatly, unmoved by the wind and snow, and their whole bodies were covered with a layer of snow in a very short period of time. , if it weren't for those eyes full of blood and hostility, they would think they were snowmen.

At this time, Long Yi was wearing general armor and strode up to the wooden platform built, followed by Xiong Ba and Bei Tang Yu.

All the soldiers below looked at Long Yi with fanaticism, they followed the figure of Long Yi's Wei'an, it was their role model and their spiritual pillar.

Long Yi's expression was solemn, and his palpitating black eyes scanned the soldiers of the Peerless Battalion who looked like stone pillars below, and said slowly in a deep voice: "You are all heroes, it is your bravery that created the reputation of the Peerless Battalion and spread it all over the world. The entire Canglan Continent makes it frightening to the enemy."

"Wushuang, Wushuang, Wushuang in the world..." All the soldiers below shouted the slogan of the Wushuang Battalion at the same time. The majestic voice overwhelmed the whistling wind and snow, and echoed in the valley and jungle for a long time.

Long Yi pressed down on the void with both hands, and the voices of the soldiers stopped abruptly.

"Behind me are the ashes of 1,568 brothers. They are all your comrades in arms. They have made themselves and the Peerless Battalion with their blood. We must not forget them and those who fought side by side. Comrades, let us pay homage to their heroic souls today, they will not sacrifice in vain, we will slaughter all of Aoyue's troops to bury them with them." Long Yi moved away, and behind him was piled layer upon layer of pottery filled with ashes. jars, each with a name engraved in the middle.

"Slaughter Aoyue, kill Aoyue... All the soldiers of the Peerless Battalion shouted hoarsely, the blood in their bodies was completely stimulated by Long Yi, and they wished they could immediately kill the Atersianna defense line.

"Bring a long sword and play a bow, and leave the body without punishment. Sincerity means bravery and martial arts. In the end, it is strong and cannot be bullied. When the body is dead, the spirit is the spirit, and the soul is the ghost." Long Yi's voice was somewhat desolate. Soaring to the sky, what he chanted was part of a poem written by an ancient man in the previous life to commemorate the fallen soldiers, called Guoshang.


On the western border of the Nalan Empire, 100,000 border guards have been stationed here for many years to prevent the invasion of the orc army.

It was night, the sky was drizzling, and several teams of Nalan Empire soldiers who were in charge of patrolling the outer borders were negligently hiding in caves to shelter from the rain and warm themselves by the fire, laughing and telling pornographic jokes.

The orcs have not acted rashly for many years. This has led to the extremely lax military discipline of the Nalan Empire border troops. The daily drills are fooled twice, and everyone from the general to the soldiers is like this. I ran to Goulanyuan, an important border town not far away, to vent my excess energy.

"Lao Liu, did the sisters have top-notch kung fu last time? I was next to you, but I heard you move for two minutes and there was no movement, hahaha." In a small cave, a man wearing Nalandi's uniform The little soldier was laughing and teasing his comrades in arms. As soon as he said this, the other soldiers all looked at Lao Liu with contempt.

The soldier named Lao Liu was so angry that his face turned red, and he fought back viciously: "You dog is worse than me. Once I heard Xiaohong say that you have to take medicine in advance every time you go there, otherwise you will suck it for you." You can't even stand up."

"What nonsense are you talking..., Gouzi was stepped on and hurt his feet, and immediately jumped up and wanted to strike.

"What are you two doing, get out and go on patrol again." A soldier wearing the captain's logo shouted loudly.

The two immediately settled down, only to hear the sixth child muttering: "What the hell is patrolling in this terrible weather, how dare the bastard sons of the orcs come to invade our Nalan Empire, they will be scared to death if I fart. "

Gouzi looked outside the cave and said, "You guys said that there won't be any orcs coming to sneak attack tonight, right?"

"Sneak attack, the frontier guards of our Nalan Empire have changed dozens of batches, except for a few little mice, there is no shadow of the orcs." The captain said.

"Yes, yes, even if they borrowed 10,000 courage from the orc clan, they wouldn't dare..." another soldier interjected, but his voice stopped abruptly like a cock being strangled in the middle of his sentence. He saw a few tall shadows suddenly appeared on the cave wall where the flames flickered.

"Li Zi, you're wobbling, why are you trembling?" the captain said with a smile.

"Beast...the orcs are here." Li Zi stammered, and with trembling hands, he wanted to touch the signal flare on his body, but he suddenly discovered that this was a cave, and the signal flare could not fly into the sky at all.

"Don't be kidding, orc...uh..." The other four thought that Li Zi was playing tricks, but when they turned around, they saw a few tall lion soldiers grinning ferociously, and then their eyes went dark and they lost consciousness.

In the cave, the bonfire was still not extinguished, but the five soldiers sitting around all fell to the ground, their heads were torn apart like smashed watermelons, and the red and white brains flowed all over the floor.

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