Womanizing Mage

Chapter 398: Mummy Resurrection and False Alarm

Long Yi and the others looked at each other, reacted and ran out almost at the same time, but Wushuang had already disappeared. Just now she used space magic, this kind of teleportation magic has no magic at all except for the magic fluctuation in the disappearing place. They couldn't reach the route, so Long Yi and the others had no choice.

"Husband, do you think sister Wushuang will go out?" Nalan Ruyue asked.

"Of course I won't go out. Didn't you hear sister Wushuang calling her father and mother just now? She must have run into her parents' room." Bertha raised her small face and analyzed triumphantly, looking at Nalan Ruyue with contempt , seems to say that she doesn't even know this.

Seeing Bertha's provocation, Nalan Ruyue looked at Long Yi who was smiling heartlessly, snorted coldly, and gave the little fox a glare.

"Long Yi, do you think my analysis is correct?" Bertha glared at Nalan Ruyue and smiled, then asked Long Yi with a clever smile.

"Well, it makes sense." Long Yi smiled, he was 99% confident that Wushuang went to her parents' room.

"Then let's go find it quickly, but where should we go?" Bertha asked after responding.

"Idiot, I don't even know this. In Canglan Continent, living in the four courtyards in the southeast and northwest is very particular. Generally, the host lives in the east courtyard, the lady lives in the south courtyard, the young master lives in the north courtyard, and the west courtyard is generally reserved for guests. Yes. Seeing that the courtyard of Sister Wushuang is obviously facing south, it means that the living habits of the City Lord's Mansion are almost the same as those of Canglan Continent, so Sister Wushuang's parents must live in the east courtyard. Husband, do you think I am right? ?” Nalan Ruyue used this topic to fight back against Bertha. Bring back a city.

"That's right, I thought so too." Long Yi said with a smile.

Nalan Ruyue glanced at Bertha triumphantly, while Bertha wrinkled her nose, the two of them were really engaged.

"Two stinky girls, don't stare at me and I'll stare at you, let's go find Wushuang quickly." Long Yi smiled and knocked on the heads of the two girls, and walked eastward with the two girls.

Long Yi couldn't control that much, he ordered the bull to break open everything that was in the way, it felt like gods would block and kill gods, and demons would block and kill demons. Wait for Long Yi and his party to find the East Courtyard. A total of ten houses were demolished.

Man Niu waved the green jade verdict in his hand, and hummed: "I'm not happy. I thought I could have a big fight in the barren grassland, and I will suffocate my old cow."

Long Yi kicked the bull's butt. He laughed and scolded: "It's fun, right? Go out later and let you have a good time. I remember that when I was looking for a way out, I found an sss-level bloody golden falcon in the southwest. Let you go single-handedly."

Man Niu scratched its horn and said: "Boss, my old cow can't fly, how can I challenge it one-on-one.


"Of course we have to pick the strongest one-on-one, so it's decided. Don't talk now, let's go and have a look." As soon as Long entered the courtyard, he felt Wushuang's aura.

Sweeping away a few big stones blocking the way, Long Yi saw a broken gate at the corner, and Wushuang in white was kneeling straight on the dusty ground, his back so lonely and sad.

Long Yi and the others moved over gently, at this moment. Long Yi's heart beat violently twice unconsciously, he only felt that the adrenal glands were rushing, and his palms started to sweat.

Long Yi's pupils shrank suddenly. The whole body tensed up like a leopard, this was his innate beast-like intuition, and he felt a strong danger.

Sensing Long Yi's nervousness, Man Niu immediately cooperated with Long Yi and made an attacking gesture. Even though Bertha and Nalan Ruyue didn't know what was going on, they were on strong alert.

The four of them slowly appeared at the door, and in front of Wushuang, there were two mummies dressed in gorgeous costumes, a man and a woman, both naked and terminal. father and mother.

Seeing that there were only two mummified corpses, and they were Wushuang's parents, Nalan Ruyue and Bertha relaxed their bodies, and began to sympathize with Wushuang's experience. After waking up again after a thousand years, facing the dead bodies of their loved ones, the pain should be How uncomfortable.

But Long Yi didn't relax his vigilance at all, on the contrary, the sense of danger in his heart became stronger. He carefully observed the two mummies, or Wushuang's father and mother, and found that the rest of the room was covered with a thick layer of dust, but the place where the two lay was spotless.

"Magic circle? What a weird feeling." Long Yi looked at the dark crystals inlaid on the gorgeous clothes of the two mummy lying side by side. There were extremely complicated runes and lines between the crystals, which looked very much like a Magic circle, but Long Yi felt very strange.

Wushuang stared blankly at the two of her closest relatives as if in a daze, her mind went blank.

A drop of clear tears slid down Wushuang's cheeks, and landed on the ground with a thud. With the dripping of Wushuang's tears, the black spar inlaid on the fine clothes of the two mummified corpses suddenly reflected faint black awns.

Suddenly, the two mummy opened their closed eyes at the same time, with a strange black light flowing in the eyes.

Long Yi's pupils shrunk suddenly into a needle-like shape, and he pulled Wushuang back like lightning. At the same time, the two lifeless mummy left an afterimage on the ground and jumped up before Long Yi dragged Wushuang away. In an instant, the two pairs of claws went up and down to grab Wushuang's head and heart.

"Take care of Wushuang." Long Yi threw Wushuang back to Nalan Ruyue and Bertha, then he and Man Niu shouted and attacked.

Because these two mummified corpses were the remains of Wushuang's parents, it was inevitable that Long Yi would be somewhat restrained when fighting. But the strength of these two mummies is beyond Long Yi's expectation, their strength has definitely reached the level of a sword god, and they are merciless in their attacks.

With a bang, the bull and the dragon were both thrown out, and the corners of their mouths were bloodshot.

Long Yi couldn't stop laughing wryly, the city lord and his wife who turned into mummies actually came back to life, and attacked his own daughter, is this world turned upside down? Those undead guards who climbed out outside seemed to know Wushuang and generally didn't attack her, but the two elders wanted Wushuang's life as soon as they opened their eyes.

The two mummies mechanically turned to Wushuang, their eyes were even darker, and their withered claws stretched out, facing Wushuang directly.

Wushuang was like waking up from a dream, with a look of disbelief on her face, she cried out sadly: "Father, mother, it's Ning'er, I'm your daughter Bing Ning."

But the two mummies turned a deaf ear to them, they shot towards Wushuang like lightning, their withered claws went straight to Wushuang's vital parts.

Bertha and Nalan Ruyue exclaimed and pulled Wushuang back, while Long Yi and Man Niu rushed forward. At this moment, Long Yi didn't care too much anymore. Demon Dou Qi and compression magic attacked alternately, and the already crumbling courtyard completely collapsed in an instant.

Wushuang broke free from the hands of Bertha and Nalan Ruyue, and rushed into the battle circle, making the scene even more chaotic.

Wushuang didn't dodge or dodge, but crazily dodged Long Yi's protection and walked towards the two mummies, the pressure on Long Yi and Man Niu increased greatly. Not long after, Man Niu was knocked unconscious by a smear of black grudge, Long Yi had no choice but to summon three divine beasts to come out to help.

"You all get out of the way, let my parents kill me if they want to kill me." Wushuang suddenly screamed with tears streaming down his face, teleported to the side of the two mummies with space magic, and then cast a barrier to trap Long Yi Waiting for everyone to stop outside. "Wushuang!" Long Yi wanted to burst into tears, frantically concentrating all his internal energy to break through Wushuang's barrier, but Wushuang is a god of law, and it would take a little time for Long Yi to break through the barrier she cast, but at this time, even It can't be delayed for a few seconds. The desperate Wushuang will die under the claws of her parents. Is there anything more painful in this world than this?

Wushuang spread his arms and murmured: "Father, mother, do you want Ning'er to accompany you, Ning'er is willing."

Seeing that Wushuang was close at hand, the two mummies didn't hesitate at all. Four sharp withered claws pierced Wushuang's chest in an instant, and the blood quickly slid down drop by drop, staining Wushuang's plain white clothes in the blink of an eye. flushed.

"Wushuang..." Long Yi let out a mournful cry, suddenly felt a tightness in his chest, a mouthful of blood spewed out, he went crazy, and desperately hit the barrier set by Wushuang.

The corner of Wushuang's mouth twitched. She didn't know whether it was a smile or pain. She turned her head slowly and looked at Long Yi who looked like crazy. There was a sparkle in her eyes, which was as affectionate and apologetic as the sea. At this moment, she just wanted to say to Long Yi Two sentences, one is sorry, the other is I love you...

Blood-red, blood-like red ran along the arms of the two mummies, and the crystals inlaid on their costumes were completely shattered at the same time. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew by, and the two mummies disappeared like a dream bubble, like a fist. A large and small crystal ball fell from mid-air and stopped moving after rolling twice on the grass.

At the same time, Wushuang collapsed limply, right on top of the crystal ball.

The enchantment under Wushuang shattered with Wushuang's fall, Long Yi almost crawled to Wushuang's side, while throwing light healing spells on her body, while pushing against her vest and injecting it into her body. Enter infuriating.

"I want to save her, I want to save her." Long Yi kept repeating these words with trembling lips.

"Long Yi, Long Yi..." Bessa pulled Long Yi's shoulder and called out.

"You fucking don't touch me, don't you see that I'm saving Wushuang?" Long Da yelled, making Bertha's eyes red with grievance.

"I just want to say... I want to say... Sister Wushuang seems to be fine." Bertha took a deep breath and muttered.

The frenzied Long Yi couldn't help being startled when he heard that Wushuang was fine, he quickly turned Wushuang over, tested his breath with his hand, um, it was very stable. Looking at her chest again, Long Yi's breathing was rapid, he could only see a pair of towering breasts protruding from the broken clothes, the pink breast beads trembled in the cold wind, but he couldn't see a single inch of it the wound.

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