Womanizing Mage

Chapter 399 Is it really the God of Darkness?

How can this be? Could it be that what I saw just now was an illusion, I clearly saw the four withered claws of the two mummified corpses piercing through Wushuang's chest, but why...

Long Yi's big hand reached out to Wushuang's milk, gently picked up a drop of dry blood with his fingers, put it in his nose and sniffed it, it was unmistakable, it was indeed human blood, dyed the plain white clothes on Wushuang's body red It is absolutely impossible to be something like tomato juice.

Long Yi took off his coat to cover Wushuang's delicate body, and his eyes shifted to the blood-stained crystal ball on the ground. He saw clearly just now that the crystal ball should have fallen from the two vanished corpses. . Long Yi poured mental power into the crystal ball, but there was no reaction at all, it seemed no different from an ordinary crystal ball.

"How could this happen? Was that true just now?" Nalan Ruyue still couldn't believe it, the situation just now was so shocking that it almost drove her out of her wits, and Long Yi, his crazy appearance just now really worried her, If it was him, would he do the same? Nalan Ruyue thought foolishly in her heart.

Staring at Wushuang's comatose face, Long Yi sighed softly, stood up and said, "Let's rest here for a while." After speaking, Long Yi walked towards the fainted Man Niu not far away. After pressing twice on the acupoint, Man Niu woke up, but he practiced the horizontal kung fu of the golden bell cover, and there was no other serious problem except for a little internal injury.


The night of the Lost City was extremely dark, and the black fog covering the sky became thicker. There were no stars and moons, and there were piles of undead armies.

These undead troops crawling out of the ground formed an iron barrel with the City Lord's Mansion as the center. But they just stood quietly, like rows of sculptures standing in the wind. Without human control, this kind of strange scene may only be seen by the lost city, and it should be because of Wushuang's presence. .

Long Yi and his party set up a tent in the ruins of the east courtyard of the City Lord's Mansion, and hugged Wushuang on the bed to rest. At this time, Long Yi was sitting on the top of the highest building in the City Lord's Mansion, playing with the crystal ball that could not be seen as anything unusual, frowning and thinking.

What happened in the City Lord's Mansion today played back in Long Yi's mind like a movie, the more he thought about it, the more suspicious he felt, the whole thing was shrouded in a thick layer of fog. But Long Yi seemed to smell a conspiracy.

Legend has it that the Lost City was cursed by the God of Darkness. Could this series of events be led by the God of Darkness. This association is not convincing at the end.

Long Yi began to analyze slowly, the clothing and arrangement of the bodies of the city lord and his wife are very intriguing. With their honorable status, they would never lie on the ground after being cursed to die, and it was obviously man-made to arrange them so neatly.

Thinking about it this way, Long Yi has some doubts,

The city lord and the city lord's wife have been dead for thousands of years, is such a big game set up to deal with Wushuang who will be resurrected thousands of years later? It seems that something doesn't make sense.

Long Yi recalled the situation at that time carefully, over and over again. He found that the sudden resurrection of the two mummies was because Wushuang's tears fell on the very clean area, and then the strange magic circle on the costumes of the two mummies started to work, and a series of things followed.

"So, this game is still set up against Wushuang." Long Yi muttered, his head was dizzy, so he simply didn't think about it.

At this moment. Long Yi suddenly remembered the black shadow in his body, that old man had been muttering for a long time to come to the dark space of the Lost City, now that this old guy seemed to have disappeared in the Lost City.

"Stinky boy. What are you muttering about? You're talking bad about my old man behind your back." The familiar cold voice sounded in Long Yi's mind. It had been a long time since I heard it, but it made Long Yi miss it a little.

"Immortal, I told you a long time ago, let's say hello when I come out, it's okay to come out suddenly and want to scare people to death." Long Yi cursed in his heart angrily.

"Jie Jie Jie, brat, you have to thank me. In order to repair your broken skeleton, you tossed away one-third of my original dark power." The black shadow monster laughed, and his voice did reveal a trace of fatigue.

"So hard? Thank you so much, old man. When you have a real body, I promise to make you popular and hot. If you want money and money, you want girls and girls." Long Yiyi smiled when he heard that Long Er was fine, and gave a bad check Throw it over.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go to the dark space while it's still early." Heiying scolded with a smile.

"Go now? But..." Long Yi hesitated, Wu Shuang was still in a coma, he didn't want to leave at this time.

"It won't take long. You have been in the dark space for so long. You should know that you will stay in the dark space for a month, and it's only been half a day outside. When you come back, I guarantee that the sky is still dark." Heiying said .

Long Yi thinks about it too, he and Leng Youyou stayed in the dark space for so long at the beginning, but it was only a day after they came out, if it wasn't for this, Lucia and Man Niu would have turned into a single loess at that time.

Long Yi flew up, guided by the black shadow inside his body, to the outskirts of the lost city. At this time, a wisp of black air emerged from Long Yi's left hand, and the wasteland covered with miscellaneous growths opened a deep hole just like before, like a swallowing black hole, which made one's heart palpitating.

"Why are you still standing there, jump down." Hei Ying urged.

Anyway, I have already gone down once, Long Yi touched the soles of his feet, and jumped lightly into the black hole, the cracked hole slowly closed, and he returned to the original state after a while.

After a long period of falling, Long Yi fell into this dark space that only had black and white colors. Different from when he landed in the dark monster group all over the mountains and plains, this time Long Yi landed directly beside the cold pool.

"Immortal, are you going to enter the secret cave at the bottom?" Long Yi asked, doubts deepened in his heart, could it be...

"Nonsense, don't waste time, go down quickly." Hei Ying was silent for a while, and said angrily, he had obviously sensed what was going on in Long Yi's mind.

Long Yi muttered, today is different from the past, he can still come and go freely in the small cold pool. Withstood the cold and pressure in the water and dived for a while, Long Yi finally saw the entrance of the secret room, used the old method of spiritual channel to deal with those powerful strange fish, and easily got into the entrance of the secret room.

Going all the way unimpeded, the guys who turned into sculptures had already been turned into coke by the Thunder Beast, and the only five who survived were trained by him to become puppets of the Seven Fiends. The shield was wiped out.

When Long Yi stepped into that familiar hall, an unknown excitement suddenly surged in his heart, every cell suddenly became active, and he felt the sensation of electric current rushing through his body.

"Put the magic staff of the underworld on your body in, you should know how to do it." Soi Ying's tone became very unsteady, and it was conceivable that he was also very excited.

Long Yi was a little stunned, feeling that the excitement in his body was affected by the shadow. He took out the staff of Hades, found the concave hole in the ground, and put the staff down. He was very curious about what would happen. Is the black shadow the legendary God of Darkness as he guessed?

Creaking, the wall near the innermost turned over as Long Yi thought, and a statue covered by a black robe from head to toe appeared in front of Long Yi's eyes.

"Is this the God of Darkness?" Long Yi asked in his mind.

"Hey, old man, where did you die?" Long Yi replied after seeing the black shadow for a long time, and when he probed into the sea of ​​consciousness, he found that the black shadow had disappeared.

Just when Long Yi was in doubt, the sculpture of the God of Darkness suddenly erupted with a burst of black light, spreading circle after circle from top to bottom.

At the end of the day, the black glow subsided, but Long Yi fell into petrification, and the statue of the God of Darkness unexpectedly came back to life.

"Jie Jie Jie, it feels so good to be back in my own body." Hei Ying's signature strange smile echoed in the underground hall, and he flew down from the altar lightly. He couldn't see his face, only his eyes. A pair of strange purple eyes.

Even though he had already guessed it in his heart, Long Yi's shock still did not subside. The God of Darkness really existed, and he followed him for several years.

"You... are you really the God of Darkness?" Long Yi came back to his senses and looked at the legendary God of Darkness. His stature was not obvious, but his height seemed to be a little shorter than him, so he didn't feel anything. He is a bastard, but a pair of flowing purple eyes make him feel dizzy when he looks at them.

"Jie Jie Jie, what do you think?" The God of Darkness let out a piercing and strange laugh.

Long Yi rolled his eyes, he didn't have the feeling of meeting God as he imagined, perhaps because he was too familiar with Hei Ying, no, it should be the God of Darkness, in his heart the God of Darkness was still the one who laughed and scolded him. The age-old monster.

"Immortal, don't think that you can be arrogant just because you have a real body, what kind of B is you wearing a rotten robe." Long Yi gave the God of Darkness a contemptuous look.

And the laughter of the God of Darkness stopped abruptly like a cock being strangled suddenly, almost choked to death by Long Yi's words.

"I ask you, is the Lost City cursed by you?" Long Yi asked with his cynical expression turned serious.

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