Womanizing Mage

Chapter 41: The Strange Beast

Long Yi and the others returned to the wild town, and what they heard most along the way was the name of the great fire magister, Puxius, and speculations about why he appeared on the wild plain.

Long Yi also had the figure of Puxius lingering in his heart. Long Yi was deeply shocked by his terrifying strength that caused thousands of magicians to lose their combat power in an instant while talking and laughing. What are the odds? Long Yi shook his head, not very optimistic about the answer to this question.

After flipping through some classics on the bookshelf of the space ring, Long Yi realized why Perseus has the ability to instantly evacuate the magic elements around him. A field, in this field, except for the caster, all magic grudges are invalid, but the attack power of the caster will be increased several times.

Not everyone who has reached the realm of a great magister can cast the magic field. The most important thing is the word "enlightenment". So far, only two of the five great magisters can cast the field, and one is a master of the fire department. Magister Purseus, and the other is Pope Charles of Light. Since there is a domain of magic, there is also a domain of fighting qi. Murong Bo, the sword master of the Mad Dragon Empire, can cast the domain of fighting qi. As for whether the domain of magic or the domain of fighting qi is more powerful, it is unknown.

Long Yi was a little discouraged, the gap between himself and these top powerhouses was too great, if he faced thousands of magicians, he would have to run away, it seems that he was better at escaping. Suddenly, Long Yi's eyes lit up, he naturally had no chance of winning against a thousand magicians, but he might not have no chance of winning against Puxius. Although he couldn't cast battle qi magic in his magic field, his internal energy was not within the limit. Didn't he use his internal energy in the Forbidden Sky Prison in Tenglong City back then? If you use the Great Teleportation of the Universe and the top-level palm technique of hitting objects in the air, you still have a slight chance of winning, but who knows how strong the great magister is?

Long Yi suddenly remembered the surprise in Pu Xiusi's eyes before he left, he thought he would come over to get to know him, but he just sized him up for a while and then disappeared without a trace.

In the early morning of the next day, Long Yi's eight-person adventure team began to march towards the vast wild plain. According to the map on Harley's body that is said to have been handed down from his ancestors, the lost city is in the deepest part of the east of the wild plain. Travel through the vast swampy desert and face the threat of monsters of all levels.

Perhaps it was due to the great melee between the magicians of Nalan and Aoyue yesterday, so few people went to the barren grassland to do missions today, unlike the rumors that countless adventurers were sent out every morning, and the barren grassland was full of heads. .

There is basically no danger at the edge of the barren plain, and most of the people that haunt here are low-level magical beasts. Long Yi and his party chatted and laughed all over the world. Among the eight, the fire mage Gretel seemed reluctant to speak, while the light mage Lan Tian would occasionally insert two gently. listen. The loudest ones are Harley and Man Niu, both of them are like thunder when they speak, spittle flying all over the sky, interspersed with the humorous jokes of Long Yi and Lucia,

It was fun to walk along the way, as for Leng Youyou, she still kept a straight face, only occasionally muttering with Lucia beside her and not knowing what to say.

One day passed without knowing it, Long Yi and his party set up several tents, lit a bonfire, sat around salivating and looking at the few fire rabbits strung on the fire, all of them were Lucia Those who shot and killed also let Long Yifeng realize how powerful the magic archer is. The arrows transformed from magic elements disappeared without a trace, and the speed was extremely fast. Those fire rabbits were shot by the magic arrows without even the consciousness of running away. pair wear.

"Long Yi, are you done roasting? I'm going to starve to death." Lucia asked while looking at the Fire Rabbit that was emitting a strong meaty smell.

"Wait a little longer, it will be ready soon, you slanderous cat." Long Yi said with a smile, at this time the rabbit had turned golden yellow, and drops of oil were falling straight down, looking very attractive, plus The smell of meat makes even gods drool.

"I hate it, the big stupid cow is more slanderous than me." Lucy pointed at the wild bull with a jerk, and saw him staring at the rabbit meat without blinking. Appears extremely loud.

Seeing that it was almost done, Long Yixun took out the seasoning and smeared it on, the smell of the meat suddenly became more fragrant, this time the eight of them swallowed together.

There were four fire rabbits in total, and each of them got half of one. Under the temptation of the fragrance, everyone couldn't wait to gnaw on it.

The bull gnawed the fastest, and half of the fire rabbit went into the belly of the tripe. He licked his big mouth, and watched the others eat deliciously and sweetly.

I have to say the deliciousness of the fire rabbit's meat and Long Yigao's barbecue technique, because even the two girls, Lucia and Leng Youyou, gnawed down half of the fire rabbit the size of a puppy.

"It's delicious, Long Yi, from now on, can you bake it for us every day?" Lucia's proposal immediately got everyone's approval.

"Okay." Seeing that Long Yi didn't respond, Lucia used a woman's trump card --- acting like a spoiled child. She hugged Long Yi's arm with both hands, and a pair of nipples clinging to it.

Long Yi raised his head suddenly, with a wry smile on the corner of his mouth, he said: "Of course, it's just that the trouble is serious now, let's solve it first."

"Trouble? What's the trouble?" Lucia just finished asking, suddenly her face changed, she stood up abruptly, and a green bow and arrow appeared in her hand in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the others also suddenly felt the oppression in the air, and stood up one after another in fighting postures. Long Yi felt that something was wrong just now, because the sound of insects that had been so noisy just now suddenly disappeared, it is very likely that a powerful monster broke into this area.

The atmosphere in the air became more and more depressing, and Long Yiba was a little nervous. A monster that could display such an aura was at least a B-level monster, and it might be an A-level monster. At this moment, an eye suddenly appeared in the darkness, an eye that was so white that it was almost transparent, but judging from the height of this eye, the monster seemed very petite.

Long Yi's heart skipped a beat, what kind of monster is this? Why is it so weird.

This unknown monster with only one white eye was getting closer and closer, and everyone's expressions became more and more nervous. At this moment, this monster finally revealed its face under the moonlight, and Long Yi realized that what everyone thought was a high-level monster was a small tiger that was half black and half white. One black and one white, it's just that the black eye can't see clearly in the night.

"What a cute little tiger." Lucia exclaimed, and even put down the bow and arrow she was aiming at.

"Lucia, you are crazy, it might be an A-level monster." Harley said anxiously, no one can guarantee whether this harmless looking tiger will attack them.

"Forget it, don't be too nervous, this little thing doesn't seem to be malicious to us." Long Yi saw the little tiger's eyes looking at them curiously and said, if it was a ferocious monster, it would have attacked already.

The little tiger shrugged its nose, looked at the fire rabbit bones on the ground, and the tiger's face revealed a humanized slander. Long Yi probably knew why this little tiger came here, it should be the smell of roasted rabbit meat that attracted this little slandering tiger.

"Little tiger, come to my sister." Lucia squatted down and opened her arms towards the little tiger, as if treating it like a child.

The little tiger saw that Lucia didn't pay any attention to her, its tiger eyes rested on Long Yi's body, suddenly showed an excited expression, trotted past Lucia to the foot of Long Yi, and circled around Long Yi twice. After the circle, he suddenly stood upright and put his two front legs on Long Yi's feet, one black and one white eyes looked at Long Yi and whimpered non-stop.

Long Yi hugged the little tiger suspiciously, how could this little thing with a B-level or A-level momentum show kindness to him. Long Yi put his hand on the little tiger and rubbed it, the little tiger immediately let out a few soft cries, with a look of enjoyment on his face.

"It must be a female." Lucia said jealously, she didn't expect the little tiger to ignore him and nestled in Long's arms, and she immediately felt unbalanced.

Long Yi smiled and asked: "Does any of you know what kind of monster this is?"

Everyone shook their heads, and Harley said, "I've never heard of such a strange monster, and there is no such monster on the map."

Since then, the little tiger has become the ninth member of this adventure team. It is very slanderous, and it would only be satisfied by eating ten fire rabbits every day. Will not have any means of attack. However, thanks to its aura of such a high-level monster, other monsters stayed away along the way.

Long Yi, a slob, directly named the little tiger Long San, and Long Er was naturally the skeleton holding the blood-red sickle in the blood-red skull. Fortunately, this time, one person, one tiger and one skeleton became three brothers. Although Lucia expressed serious protest against the naming of the little tiger, and privately named it Baijiahei (Khan), the little tiger still likes to be called Long San, and every time Long Yi yells: "Little San, hurry up!" Come here." It immediately ran over and wagged its tail.

ps: This chapter is about 3,000 words, and the remaining chapter is only coded with more than 1,000 words. I will fill it up and upload it tomorrow morning. It is really too sleepy.

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