Womanizing Mage

Chapter 42 At the critical moment, how can you pee

After seven days of trekking, Long Yi and his party finally arrived at the deserted area of ​​the barren grassland. According to Harley's map, they only need to pass through a swamp to reach the legendary lost city.

"This desert is the habitat of earth dragons, everyone must be careful." Harley warned that earth dragons are very territorial monsters. It is said that they have a little bit of dragon blood. Ordinary earth dragons are only C-level intermediates. Warcraft, but above ordinary earth dragons, there are iron-backed earth dragons, silver-backed earth dragons and gold-backed earth dragons. The iron-backed ground dragon is a B-level mid-level monster, the silver-backed ground dragon is an A-level mid-level monster, and the gold-backed ground dragon is an S-level low-level monster. Ordinary earth dragons usually live in groups of a dozen or twenty, but after evolving into iron-backed earth dragons, they will leave the group and live alone.

In fact, it is a bit reluctant to call the earth dragons monsters, because they don't cast any magic. On the contrary, their physical attacks are very terrifying, and their defenses are also surprisingly high.

With the strength of Long Yi and his party, they might barely be able to deal with a group of ordinary earth dragons or an iron-backed earth dragon. To deal with a silver-backed earth dragon, it is best to run away.

Harley was very familiar with the habits of earth dragons. He led the crowd around, grabbed a handful of dirt from time to time to smell it, and managed to avoid several groups of earth dragons in a few days. Long Yi has observed the earth dragon from a distance, in fact, the so-called earth dragon looks nothing like a dragon's heel, but looks like a giant earthworm, with folds on the back, which looks like a washing board almost.

The routines of earth dragons and humans are similar, they are active during the day and rest at night, so Long Yi and his party had to adjust their biological species, and they all became night owls.

Harley said that he would be able to cross this desert in two days, but the world was not always satisfactory. The sky that had always been clear suddenly began to rain heavily, and it lasted for two days and two nights.

In the middle of the night, the heavy rain was still falling, and the howling wind and rumbling thunder and lightning ravaged the world to its heart's content. Long Yi hid in his big tent, sat cross-legged on his big bed and meditated comfortably, while the little tiger lay beside him and slept soundly.

Suddenly, Long Yi opened his tightly closed eyes, and shouted in a low voice: "Who is it?"

"It's me, Lucia." Lucia's trembling voice came from the tent.

Long Yi frowned, what is this girl doing here in the middle of the night without sleeping? He wouldn't think that Lucia was in spring and ran over to sacrifice herself.

"Come in." Long Yidao, in fact, the reason why he was able to find Lucia during meditation was because he used his mental power to place a restraint around him, as long as someone or an animal touched the restraint, he would sense it.

Lucia's petite body got in and stood at the door a little shyly. Long Yi lit up the magic lamp, and the tent was instantly bright.

Seeing Long Yi's luxurious big bed, Lucia was dumbfounded. She also wore a space ring, which is considered relatively high-end. There is more than ten square meters of space, but it may fit this big bed After that, I can no longer install anything.

"Little elf, my bed is not bad, do you want to come and sleep with me?" Long Yi teased, looking at Lucia's whole body with a pair of perverted eyes.

Lucia blushed, and was about to say something, when there was a sudden thunder, and she screamed and threw herself on the bed. Lucia quickly got into Long Yi's arms, and squeezed out the little tiger nestled next to Long Yi.

The little tiger woke up startled, saw that Lucia had taken his place, immediately whimpered a few times, and seeing no one was paying attention to it, he jumped to the other side of Long Yi and fell asleep soundly.

"Are you afraid of thunder?" Long Yi asked softly, at this moment with the warmth in his arms, and on such a rainy night, it's impossible to say that he didn't have the slightest idea.

"En." Lucia nodded in Long Yi's arms, and leaned against him involuntarily, her tight body slowly relaxed and became soft.

"There was thunder last night too, aren't you afraid?" Long Yi asked strangely.

"Sister Youyou was with me last night, and she meditated early tonight, so I can't get in her tent." Lucia whispered, as soon as she relaxed her body, she sensed the ambiguity between the two of them, and her heartbeat fluctuated. Add suddenly.

Bursts of girlish fragrance surrounded Long Yi, different from Sibi's jasmine fragrance, Lucia's fragrance was similar to lavender, clear and long-lasting. Two groups of elastic and soft flesh pressed against Long Yi's chest, trembling with Lucia's faster and faster breathing, Long Yi felt bursts of pain, and had an unstoppable physiological reaction.

"Is your sword also on the bed? It's pressing against me." Lucia only felt a hard thing on her lower abdomen, and thought it was Long Yi's sword that was on the bed.

Long Yi was taken aback, and immediately realized what Lucia was talking about, he smiled wickedly and said: "Yes, I always carry my sword with me."

"Take it away, it makes me very uncomfortable." Lucia said, she reached down her little hand and grabbed a long fiery thing. Lucia squeezed it curiously, and felt the strange hilt push up, she let go of her hand and shouted: "Long Yi, what material is your sword hilt made of, why is it so hot? move?"

"Touch it again and you'll know." Long Yi smiled lowly, no matter how you look at this smile, it looks like Grandma Wolf, staring at the kind little sheep Lucia with malicious intentions.

Seeing Long Yi's weird smile, Lucia always felt that something was wrong, she rolled her eyes and lifted the quilt violently.

The badass. "Lucia looked at Long Yi**'s tall tent, no matter how stupid she was, she knew what it was.

Long Yi looked at the blushing and bewildered Lucia, and pulled her into his arms.

"What do you want to do?" Lucia bit her lower lip and did not dare to meet Optolon's fiery eyes, which seemed to melt her whole body.

Long Yi bent down, blew on Lucia's long ears, and said softly: "I want to kiss you, okay?"

Lucia's whole body froze, and her whole body trembled slightly. She subconsciously nodded and then shook her head immediately.

Half of the dragon was on Lucia's body, their noses touched each other lightly, and they smiled lightly, "You nod and shake your head, does that mean it's OK or not?"

Lucia's towering chest rose and fell violently, and her legs were tightly clamped together. She felt a gust of liquid leaking from her private parts in her vagina and wet her panties.

"Long Yi." Lucia murmured with some pleading, not knowing whether to pray to let her go or to go further.

Long Yi responded, leaned over and held Lucia's lips. Lucia felt her brain go blank with a bang, and all her thoughts flew to the sky, she just responded instinctively with her greatest enthusiasm.

The lotus mouth opened slightly, and the fragrant tongue was sent lightly. The two hearts were tightly connected in the intertwined lips and tongues. I don't know when, Long Yi's big hand climbed up to Lucia's breast peak, even though she is petite, she is not small, that slippery jade peak is changing various shapes in his hands, the top of the peak is bright red Bloom proudly.

Long Yi's big mouth left the red lips that were swollen and gorgeous from his sucking, his eyes stayed on the extremely beautiful jade peak protruding from his breasts, he opened his big mouth and took a milk pearl into his mouth and sucked it lightly. Lucia let out a moan out of her fiery breath, her delicate body trembled uncontrollably, her legs clamped tighter.

Slowly, Long Yi's big hand slowly moved downstream, but Lucia's thigh was clamped too tightly, Long Yi could only hover around the edge of the lower abdomen. Lucia relaxed a little, Long Yi took the opportunity to stretch her big hand between her legs, the hot and humid feeling coming through the trousers made Long Yi secretly lament the sensitivity of the elf's body.

Long Yi gently teased Lucia's mysterious garden. Although it was through the pants, how could the inexperienced elf withstand this kind of stimulation? Her whole body was covered with a layer of pink, The waist unconsciously arched and lowered, and a subconscious moan came out of his throat.

Long Yi untied Lucia's belt, and directly stretched his big hand into the underpants, passing through a piece of soft hair, Long Yi's middle finger directly pressed into a delicate crevice, which was already muddy.

"Don't." Lucia's whole body was shaken, and both hands firmly pressed Long Yi's big hand.

Long Yi didn't withdraw his hand, according to his experience, a woman's saying no is probably an irony, so his perverted hand still kept moving.

"Please, don't." Lucia begged, her hands and feet clamped Long Yi's big hand in her private place.

Long Yi was stunned, seeing Lucia's appearance, he really didn't want to, so he asked: "Why?"

Lucia's pretty face became more and more red, she bit her lip and said, "Damn, why do you want to pee?"

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