Womanizing Mage

Chapter 46 Stealing Fragrance

The swamp is the most dangerous part of the barren grassland. Not only is it full of the poison of swamp gas everywhere, but also if you accidentally sink into it, you will be destroyed. The most important thing is that all kinds of ferocious monsters are rampant in the swamp here, including SS level Super-level Warcraft Thunder Beast.

Harley took out the map and checked it carefully. In this dangerous area, one who is not careful may die without a burial. Everyone held a wooden stick in their hands and carefully tested the hardness of the ground, so the speed was very slow.

"Everyone follow, be careful." Harley ordered while exploring the road ahead. According to the route marked on the map, it should be correct, but at this speed, it would take half a month to pass through this dangerous area. Still the most optimistic estimate.

"Hey, look, what is that?" Lucia called out in surprise, pointing not far ahead.

Everyone looked and saw a bunch of shiny things not far away. When everyone got closer, they suddenly found a bag of shiny magic cores, most of them were C-level, and there were a few B-level ones, especially one of the A-level fire-type magic cores was particularly dazzling.

"Oh my god, that's the magic core of the flaming monster. How could it be left here?" Gretel exclaimed. He is a mage of the fire department, and the surprise of seeing such a top-quality magic core is naturally self-evident.

Gretel wanted to rush over immediately, but was pulled back by Harley, who said, "Don't be impulsive, it's already deviated from the route marked on the map, be careful of danger."

Gretel took Harley's map and looked at it, and said with a smile: "Harley, how far is this? Going to the bag of magic cores, Shi Yan hesitated for a moment, but followed.

"The magic core of the flaming monster belongs to me, and the rest of us are half." Gretel said immediately when he saw Shi Yan following up.

Harley's lips moved, he sighed softly, and said, "I hope nothing really happens."

Long Yi squinted his eyes, watched Gretel and Shi Yan walking cautiously towards the bag of demon cores, shook his head and said, "I've done my own crimes, I can't live." If a person is more rational, he will find that place Crisis, a person with such a high-level magic core is definitely not an ordinary person. Looking at the fragments of clothes left on the ground, it can be guessed that this person has died. A person who is so powerful died in that place, which has explained a lot of problems.

At this time, Gretel and Shi Yan had already walked in front of the bag of magic cores, but nothing happened. Gretel turned his head and smiled triumphantly at Long Yi and the others, and stretched out his hand to get the bag of magic cores with bright eyes.

"Oh, if I knew I would have gone there too." Lan Tian patted himself on the head, blaming himself for being too timid.

Although Long Yi also wanted that bag of magic core very much, but he didn't regret not following up, only being careful can live a long time.

Gretel's mouth crooked when he picked up the bag of magic cores, but when he was daydreaming, a few ear-piercing chirping sounds of insects suddenly came from his ears. When he raised his head, he saw There were more than a dozen blood-red bugs around, but he only blinked his eyes, and suddenly his eyes were covered with blood-red, but before he could scream, his whole body was covered in blood-red, and Shi Yan beside him naturally also Did not escape bad luck.

"What, what's the matter?" Lan Tian looked at his partners in horror, but everyone had a look of fear on their faces.

"Grete and the others are finished." Harley murmured, apparently still not recovering from the nightmare scene just now.

Long Yi breathed a sigh of relief, he could see clearly what happened just now, when Gretel was giggling with the bag of magic cores, suddenly a few blood-red bugs sprang out from the surrounding ground, but In the blink of an eye, countless blood-red bugs sprang up from the ground like a volcanic eruption, and disappeared into the ground in less than two seconds, but Gretel and Shi Yan disappeared just like that, leaving only the bag of magic cores behind. Still shining on the ground.

"It's so scary, Long Yi." Lucia said tremblingly while holding Long Yi's big hand tightly.

"This is the end of greed." Long Yi said lightly.

With the lessons learned from the past, Long Yi and his party were much more careful, and resolutely followed the route marked on the map, not daring to deviate at all.

I just walked for ten days with such high tension. On the way, I also encountered some ferocious swamp monsters. Some of them were disguised like a swamp. The next one was also passed without any risk.

The night in the swamp is a real night, because every time it is night, the light black mist covering the swamp will become very thick and thick enough to completely cover the light of the stars and the moon in the sky.

Long Yi was lying on the big bed in the tent, feeling extremely depressed, that Leng Youyou was really abominable, knowing that he and Lucia were on good terms, but this woman dragged Lucia together every night, so that the thoughts in his mind Evil thoughts cannot be put into action. The more Long Yi thought about it, the more panicked he became, and the evil fire burst out in his dantian.

The night was already very deep, Long Yi jumped up from the bed, he decided to take a risk to visit the boudoir at night. When Long Yi thought about it, since Leng Youyou was a magician, she would definitely meditate, even if she sneaked in and seduced the little elves by herself, she wouldn't find out.

You can't see your fingers outside the tent. In the swamp area, you can't light a fire at night, or you will attract all kinds of terrifying beasts and monsters, and you won't be able to cry. Relying on his feeling, Long Yi groped towards the tent on his left, he saw Lucia and Leng Youyou entered this tent before dark.

After groping to reach the tent entrance, Long Yi sensitively discovered the restrictions placed by spiritual magic on the entrance and around the tent, if he forced his way through, Leng Youyou would definitely be alarmed.

Long Yi chuckled, the internal force was released all over his body, he knew that Ao Tianjue's internal force had the effect of assimilating and absorbing magic energy, presumably spiritual magic is no exception.

As expected, the facts were as Long Yi thought, he easily passed through this layer of spiritual magic and entered the tent, and a faint fragrance rushed towards him. Long Yi took two deep breaths, knowing that one of them was the fresh scent of lavender on Lucia's body.

In the darkness, Long Yi vaguely saw one person in the tent meditating cross-legged while the other was lying soundly asleep. Long Yi smiled inwardly, as expected, it was definitely Leng Youyou who was meditating, and the one lying there was his beloved elf. Long Yi quietly touched up and lay down beside Lucia, turned her around and hugged her into his arms.

The person in his arms was startled, and opened his mouth to scream. Fortunately, Long Yi was prepared early on, and sealed his mouth with one big mouth.

His whole body trembled, and he struggled harder.

As soon as Long saw the little elf struggling, he slid his big hand up and grabbed the pair of plump and plump jade rabbits on her chest. He gently squeezed and kneaded them slowly through the clothes, feeling them slowly rising and standing in his hands.

The girl's sensitivity was restrained, and she softened with a groan. Long Yi was proud of himself, and his hands were full of tricks, teasing the girl's tolerance limit.

Long Yi sucked the elf's small mouth, entangled with her mouth, the sweet Yujin was sucked into the mouth, emitting bursts of fragrance. At this moment, the girl was in a state of insanity, and her whole body was entwined like an octopus with octopuses. The breath in her nasal cavity was soul-stirring and soul-stirring, like the most powerful aphrodisiac in the world, which made Long Yi unable to control herself.

Long Yi was drunk, he forgot that Leng Youyou was beside him, his big hands had already slid down, his clothes were loose, and he passed through a flat belly to the edge of the girl's mysterious garden. The little elf didn't clamp his legs tightly like last time, but opened his charming breasts cooperatively, and gently pushed his lower abdomen forward, as if inviting him to start searching for secrets.

Xiao Longyi swelled more and more, Long Yi simply unbuttoned his trouser belt to let him breathe fresh air, he played tricks on the girl's buttocks with one hand, and grabbed her small hand with the other hand and moved towards Xiao Longyi. The little hand reflexively wanted to run away after touching Xiao Longyi, but Long Yi couldn't make her wish come true, he pulled the little hand towards the target, and said softly: "Good." This time the little hand didn't run away again, just held the big guy without moving , Long Yi panicked, grasping his little hand and moving it up and down. Just a few strokes, the owner of the little hand seemed to understand what to do, and began to jerk orgasm.

Long Yi snorted comfortably, he was a little strange, the elf tonight was very enthusiastic except that he started to struggle, he was not at all as shy as last time.

Slowly, Long Yi's desire reached the limit, he took off the girl's trousers somewhat rudely, and pressed his whole body on it, Xiao Long Yi fell into a moist and warm gap. Immediately, Long Yi felt as if he was flying through the clouds, and his whole body felt like he was in a celestial state.

Long Yi kissed the elf's face, and slowly moved to her long sensitive ears. The moment Long Yi kissed his ear, his waist rushing forward suddenly stopped.

Long Yi was covered in cold sweat, and Xiao Longyi also softened a little. Only now did he realize that the person under him was not Lucia. Lucia's ears were long and pointed, while the person under him were obviously human ears. Since it wasn't Lucia, it must be Leng Youyou.

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