Womanizing Mage

Chapter 47 It Doesn't Matter to Have One More Wife

Seeing that Long Yi hadn't moved for a long time, Leng Youyou's enthusiasm gradually faded away. The two hugged each other so intimately and fell silent, neither of them spoke, and the atmosphere was very strange.

I don't know how long it took, Long Yi climbed up from Leng Youyou and straightened his clothes. At this moment, his mind was very confused, he never thought that the one who was meditating was actually Lucia, and the one who was sleeping was Leng Youyou.

"You just left?" When Long Yi walked to the door of the tent, Leng Youyou tried her best to calm down, but the trembling voice still revealed her chaotic mood at this time.

Long Yi paused, sighed lightly, and said in a low voice: "I'm sorry." After speaking, he opened the tent door and strode out.

Putting on her clothes coldly and humorously, the hot touch still seemed to remain in her private parts, but her heart suddenly felt cramped, which made her almost out of breath, when did she like that hippie smiling face? What about the mysterious man? Whether it was the mental battle when they met for the first time or the temptation of him holding her in his arms to isolate herself from the dark temptation, she was not very clear, but she knew that she liked Long Yi, but he didn't like herself .

Leng Youyou doesn't blame Long Yi, she thinks all of this is her own fault, she already knew it was him when Long Yi hugged him, she struggled at first out of a kind of instinct, but later catered to her Selfishly, she clearly knew that Long Yi mistook her for Lucia, but she still didn't remind her aloud, she naively thought that as long as she gave her body to Long Yi, she would become her woman.

Two lines of tears overflowed the eye sockets, carrying the girl's deep affection and pattered down, falling to pieces one by one.

Long Yi walked back and forth in the tent irritably, he suddenly felt that he was a little shameless, he left after bullying, wasn't it too irresponsible. But he is not stupid, he is very clear that a large part of the responsibility for this oolong incident is Leng Youyou, but she is a girl, so what can you say if you take such a big advantage?

"Oh, she must hate me now, but what can I do under the circumstances at that time? Do I have to promise to marry her?" Long Yi patted his forehead, and threw himself onto the big bed.

Long Yi buried his head in the pillow, thinking carefully about how he felt about Leng Youyou. She looks very ordinary, but she is not ugly and has a great figure. Dark magic and spiritual magic, this is the same kind of person as himself, so it's not unacceptable, after much deliberation, Long Yi came to such a conclusion.

It seems that in the future, I will get closer to her and cultivate my relationship. Anyway, there are three default wives, so it’s okay to have one more. Anyway, in this world, as long as you have the ability to marry as many as you want, no one will say you. Instead, it is a status symbol. After figuring it out, Long Yi fell asleep heartlessly, he didn't know that Leng Youyou was tossing and turning in a turmoil right now.

Early the next morning,

Lucia woke up from meditation, she stood up and stretched her muscles, turned her head left and right, but found that Leng Youyou was no longer there. After stepping out of the tent, a burst of cold air rushed towards us, and the morning air in the swamp area was humid but not fresh. Lucia tightened her clothes, looked up and saw Leng Youyou standing not far away looking into the distance.

"Sister Youyou, you woke up so early." Lucia walked behind Leng Youyou and said.

Leng Youyou turned around, smiled stiffly and said: "Yeah, I can't sleep, come out to get some air."

Seeing that Leng Youyou had haggarded so much overnight, Lucia couldn't help being taken aback, and asked concerned: "Sister Youyou, why do you look so bad, are you feeling unwell?"

Leng Youyou lowered her head bitterly, and sighed: "I'm fine, it's just that I didn't sleep well last night."

Lucia had a strange expression on her face. It stands to reason that the quality of sleepy eyes of magicians is very good, because they are backed by strong spiritual power, but she wisely didn't ask any more questions.

At this moment, a lazy voice came from behind: "Good morning, you two beauties."

When Lucia heard Long Yi's voice, she happily turned and ran over, holding Long Yi's arm tightly with both hands.

"I can't bear the title of beautiful woman, you can flirt slowly." Leng Youyou snorted coldly, lowered her head and hurried past Long Yi and the others towards the tent.

"Hey, Leng Youyou, don't go, two flirts, how could three of them have fun together." Long Yi shouted at Leng Youyou's back.

Hearing Long Yiyi's soft words, Leng Youyou's body froze, and her heart couldn't help jumping up. What did he mean by this sentence? A joke or ready to take her cue? Leng Youyou didn't dare to think too much, and quickly got into the tent.

"Long Yi, sister Youyou seems to have something on her mind." Lucia worried.

"Well, there should be, you know that you women are in a bad mood for a few days every month and like to think wildly." Long Yi said with a chuckle.

Lucia blushed and said angrily: "I hate it, I just like to talk nonsense, sister Youyou's is not at this time."

"Oh, when is that?" Long Yi asked with interest.

Why am I telling you, pervert. "Lucia gave Long Yi a flamboyant look.

"Then tell me your assembly." Long Yi said with a chuckle.

Lucia looked left and right, and when she was sure that Harley the Bull and the others hadn't gotten up, she tiptoed to Long Yi's ear.

"Satisfied this time, I'm going to accompany Sister Youyou." After finishing speaking, Lucia didn't dare to look directly into Long Yi's fiery eyes, and ran away blushing.

After casually eating breakfast, Long Yi and his party started to move forward again. Along the way, Long Yi looked for opportunities to tease Leng Youyou from time to time, but this chick seemed to be determined after eating the weight, so she didn't ignore him.

"Harley, how long will it take to cross this swamp?" Lan Tian said weakly, as he was already too weak to take it anymore.

Harley took out the map and looked at it carefully, and said, "Come on, at our speed, we can cross this swamp in just one day."

Hearing that it only takes one day to cross the swamp, everyone couldn't help being shocked. After crossing the swamp, it means that they have reached the Lost City. For a while, everyone was in a happy mood, and they started talking and laughing along the way.

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