Womanizing Mage

Chapter 48 Bloody Insect Sea

In order to get out of this smoky place as soon as possible, everyone speeded up in unison.

"Wow, what do you see in front?" Lucia exclaimed in surprise.

Everyone stopped, with ecstatic smiles on their faces. It turned out that a lush and undulating hill could be faintly seen in the distance, which meant that the edge of the swamp was not far ahead.

"Work harder, everyone, and we'll get out of this damn swamp in no time." Harley yelled. It was this swamp that swallowed up two members of his adventure team. Although they were to blame, it would be dangerous to lose two helpers. It will be a little more, but he knows that the swamp is not terrible, and their destination, the lost city, is the scariest place.

But when the jubilant six rushed to the edge of the swamp, all the people gasped, and the excitement just now disappeared without a trace. Three hundred meters away is the green grassland, but the three hundred meters wide area is a real dead land. This is a muddy swamp covered with blood-red bugs. The terrifying insect that Tehe Shiyan gnawed to the bone in an instant.

"Harley, what should I do? Is there a mark on the map for how to pass?" Lan Tian looked pale at the bloody sea of ​​insects, and he didn't want to end up like Gretel and the others.

Harley shook his head, his face was more solemn than ever before, he took out the map and looked it over and over again, the route everyone took was completely according to the map, but the map did not indicate that there were such terrifying insects here.

"It's over, our efforts are in vain." Lan Tian sighed, he really didn't have the confidence to pass the last 300 meters.

But at this time Man Niu, Lucia and Leng Youyou all looked at Long Yi reflexively, in their subconscious they already had him as their leader, and they couldn't trust Harley, the captain.

Long Yi was also staring at this sea of ​​insects in a daze, he couldn't figure out how to rush over there for a while, but he did notice that these blood-red insects seemed to only stay in this 300-meter-wide muddy swamp, not One crossed the line, he wondered if it was artificial? Otherwise, how could these bugs be so obedient.

"Unless all of us know how to levitate like a great magician, otherwise we won't be able to get through." Harley said depressedly.

"Even if we all know the levitation technique, we might not be able to make it through." Long Yi smiled wryly.

"How?" Harry asked.

Long Yi tore off a piece of cloth from the hem of his clothes, wrapped two handfuls of soil in it, and threw it over the sea of ​​insects under the puzzled eyes of several people. Just as the mud bag rushed into the sky above the sea of ​​insects, the insects that had just been crawling on the swamp uttered ear-piercing calls and sprang up with lightning speed, and the whole sky was enveloped in a cloud in an instant. Within the red cloud,

But immediately these blood-red insects fell down again, and as for the mud bag, there was no trace of it.

"Did you see it? Unless we can fly to an altitude of 500 meters, we won't even think about it." Long Yi said.

Now everyone is silent, what else can Feidu fly over? Is it really going to be a disaster?

Seeing that the sky was getting dark gradually, but everyone was helpless, so Harley had no choice but to order everyone to camp on the spot and think of a solution at night.

When everyone set up camp and prepared to rest, the last ray of the sun also sank into the horizon, and the whole world became dark. But at this moment, Long Yi and the others all opened their mouths wide, staring blankly at the sea of ​​insects one by one.

"Wow, it's so beautiful." Lucia couldn't help saying, no one thought that these evil insects that eat people and don't spit out their bones will be bright at night. The red-glowing insects form a meandering red sea that cannot see the edge, which looks so beautiful and coquettish in the dark night.

The six of them just stood there in a daze, looking at the magnificent sea of ​​insects under the night in silence. I don't know how long it took, and bubbles suddenly popped up in the fiery red sea of ​​insects, and crocodile-like reptiles came out of the swamp. They were extremely ugly, and their protruding triangular eyes scattered green. Its mouth is long and full of sharp teeth. It is a bit similar to the gators on Earth, but it is much more ferocious. The strange thing is that those blood-red insects did not attack them, but scattered as soon as they encountered them.

"What is this?" Long Yi asked, seeing these crocodile-like animals he seemed to have caught something, but he was not very clear.

"This is a swamp man-eating beast. Thousands of them often live in groups. As long as they fall into the swamp, no matter whether it is a sword master or a great magister, they will die. Originally, this terrifying bug was enough to cause headaches, but now there are more of them." Man-eater, can we really stop here? I'm really not reconciled." Harley shook his head and sighed, and he entered the tent lonely.

In the middle of the night, Long Yi woke up from his meditation, he always felt that he seemed to have thought of a way to pass through this swamp, but it was a bit vague, and he couldn't grasp the key point every time he thought of it.

As soon as Long walked out of the tent, the fiery red sea of ​​insects was still shining. He walked to the edge of the swamp and sat down, staring at these insects and swamp man-eaters in a daze. The man-eaters obviously noticed Long Yi and surrounded dozens of them at once, but they were the same as those blood-red insects. Don't dare to cross the line.

Leng Youyou looked at the figure sitting on the edge of the swamp, with a very complicated expression, and pulled back the script that stepped out. She risked her life to do the mission of this lost city, of course she also had her purpose, and she was also very troubled that she couldn't get through the swamp, but it was nothing compared to the troubles brought by this man.

In the past few days, Long Yi has been teasing and talking to her to make her happy. She noticed it, but she still didn't dare to face it. From Long Yi's words, there was an intention of accepting herself, but she suddenly became afraid. On the one hand Afraid that this is a gorgeous soap bubble that would shatter when touched by the sun, on the one hand, he was afraid that Long Yi would be implicated because of himself.

"Come and sit down when you wake up." Just when Leng Youyou was about to shrink back, Long Yi's voice suddenly rang in his ears.

Leng Youyou was startled, looked up, Long Yi was still in place, but why did his voice seem to be right next to her ears? Maybe she was used to Long's endlessly surprising abilities, Leng Youyou just hesitated for a while and then walked towards Long Yi.

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