Womanizing Mage

Chapter 481: 5 Departments of Law Gods

Yi's expression froze, his back was icy cold, and the hairs all over his body stood on end, feeling extremely dangerous.

The air flowing in the stone room gradually became stagnant, and the four magicians who showed up were all shining with their own original magic power. It was on them that Long Yi felt the unfathomable pressure and crisis.

"Hey, I didn't expect you to have four more decent dogs." Long Yi's dantian's internal energy began to surge, resisting the wave after wave of pressure on the five people.

"Ximenyu, don't sow discord, they are the four dogs I raised." Charles laughed loudly, while the four magicians from different departments still remained expressionless, looking at Long Yi with deep silence.

Long Yi's smile was still bright, but the few beads of sweat falling from his temples showed that he was not as relaxed as he appeared on the surface.

"What level are they?" Long Yi asked with a smile, but the blood vessels in his neck had already protruded high, but his back was still as straight as a mountain.

In fact, he had vaguely guessed what state these four magicians who suddenly appeared had reached. After all, the increasing pressure on them was not fake, but he couldn't believe it.

"You already know, so why ask again? I'll give you another chance to hand over the Divine Card of Light, and then tell the secret of the divine inheritance. You already know the consequences. I, Charles, have never had anything I want. Arrived." The mask on Charles's face has long since been removed, replaced by ghastly, cruel and crazy.

Long Yi's heart suddenly trembled. There is no doubt that Charles has reached the realm of the god of law. He said that he admitted in disguise that all the magicians in the four corners of the stone room had reached the realm of the god of law. Although this is unbelievable, what? time to start. Canglan Continent Dharma God is so cheap that he can be a dog for people?

"It's not impossible to entrust the god card to you, but you and your four loyal dogs can relax a little bit, you know, I've always been a timid person, and the bastard spirit on you makes me feel cold , I can’t control my hands and feet, how can I give you the divine card.” Long Yi smiled, but the laughter seemed a little unnatural under the huge pressure of the five Dharma gods.

Charles looked at Long Yi and laughed twice, and said: "Don't play tricks with me. If you cut off your left hand, I can promise you."

Long Yi's eyes flashed, he laughed and said, "Can't you cut off your right hand?"

"Ximenyu, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. Since you have already felt that your entire left hand has been cut off by us, you know that your secret is no longer a secret to me. I am afraid that the beast in your dark dimension It's because I can't help you. I'm already very impatient.

Long Yi laughed twice. It is not surprising that Charles knows these things, he can know enough things just through Dongfang Kexin.

Light, darkness, water, fire, and earth five systems of Dharma gods, what kind of concept is this. If it was one or two Dharma gods, Long Yi was confident that even if he couldn't win, he would definitely be able to escape easily, but the five Dharma gods formed a net together and suppressed him preemptively, which had already pushed him into a desperate situation.

Long Yi struggled to maintain the smile on his face, but his mind was running wildly, he said with a smile: "Do you want the magic card? I'll give it to you."

As soon as he finished speaking, a soft ray of light shot out from the center of Long Yi's eyebrows. The transparent God of Light card spun and shot towards Charles in an instant.


Nalan Ruyue opened her eyes in a daze, looked around, and found that there was only Niuer who was still soundly asleep, but Liuli had disappeared, and the sound of the pattering rain outside was still lingering.

Lifting the curtain of the bed and jumping out of bed, Nalan Ruyue saw the lonely figure of Liulidi on the balcony.

"Liuli, can't you sleep?" Nalan Ruyue walked to Liuli gently and asked. She knew that Liuli was a woman brought back from Longyi. Although never seen before. But Liuli's demure character made her feel good, besides, she is Long Yi's woman. Naturally, she has a good relationship, so she doesn't have as complicated feelings towards Liuli as her sister Rumeng.

Liuli turned her head, her pretty face was a little pale, and her expression was very flustered, she said: "I don't know why, I always feel restless, it seems that something happened to the young master."

Nalan Ruyue was stunned, and said: "No way, it's just that Pope Guangming has important matters to discuss with her husband, how can something happen?"

Liuli closed her eyes, her long eyelashes trembled and then opened suddenly, a strange light flashed in her blue eyes, she suddenly grabbed Nalan Ruyue's hand, and said anxiously: "Sister Yue'er, why don't you take me with you?" I'll go to Guangming Church, I have a soul contract relationship with the young master, and I won't feel this way for no reason."

Nalan Ruyue was flustered by Liuli's expression, but she really didn't want to believe that Pope Charles of the Light would be detrimental to Long Yi. The belief in the Light was deeply rooted in her mind, but this matter was related to Long Yi's safety. She gritted her teeth and said: "Wait for me to change clothes, let's go to Guangming Church to have a look."

Just as Nalan Ruyue was changing clothes, there was a knock on the door suddenly, and Liu Xu's voice sounded outside: "Princess Ruyue, it's me."

When Nalan Ruyue heard Liu Xu's voice, she put on her clothes and ran to open the door.

"What's the matter?" Liu Xu asked lightly, she had just finished her work in the next room, when she came out to breathe, she suddenly heard Nalan Ruyue talking to a strange female voice, so she came to have a look.

Nalan Ruyue calmed down a lot at this time, and told Liuli clearly what happened to Long Yi.

"Dragon?" Liuli stared at Liu Xu for a long time, then asked suddenly.

A ray of light flashed across Liu Xu's eyes, she stared at Liuli closely, and faintly sensed an unusual aura from Liuli's body.

At this moment, Liu Xu's whole body shook suddenly, and a black and gold mixed light suddenly shot out from her body. These two colors of light formed strange lines and shone on the ground, forming a strange magic circle.

"Something really happened to Long Yi." Liu Xu's expression changed, and she stood in the magic circle next to her in a flash. At almost the same time, Liuli and Nalan Ruyue also rushed in, and the three women and the magic circle were in an instant. Annihilated in the room.

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