Womanizing Mage

Chapter 482: Ancient Heavenly Demon Formation

The transparent light god card suddenly shot out from between Long Yi's eyebrows, drawing a parabola in the air and attacking the dark magic god in the right corner.

Although light and darkness are essentially the same, there is no doubt that their attributes are mutually exclusive. The God of Light card has extremely pure light power, so the dark magic god's breath was a little unstable for a moment, causing a slight crack in the pressure circle, and it was Charles himself who made the crack widen. Watching the God of Light card appear helplessly, after so much consideration there, he flew up and grabbed the God of Light card into his hand.

At this time, although Long Yi's left hand was still isolated, it gave Long Yi a chance to activate the teleportation magic circle in the dragon-shaped bracelet on his wrist. In his mind, all he wanted was an opportunity, as long as Liu Xu came to disturb this With tight pressure, he has the hope of breaking out.

Long Yi quickly recited the incantation, the dragon-shaped bracelet on his wrist emitted a burst of golden light, and a crack in space appeared silently behind Long Yi, the black hole was very scary.

At this time, Charles, who was holding the magic card in his hand, began to recover, but it was already too late. Long Yi concentrated all his spiritual power and internal power to burst out, forcefully pushing back the vast pressure circle around him by three feet, and then At this moment, Liu Xu, Liu Li and Nalan Ruyue have appeared beside Long Yi.

"Your Majesty the Pope..." As soon as Nalan Ruyue appeared, he could feel the crazy and destructive atmosphere in the stone room, and he couldn't help being a little stunned when he saw Charles holding the God of Light card with a grim face.

Liu Xu let out a dragon's roar, and violent dragon energy spewed out, along the pressure circle exploded by Long Yi, and attacked the earth magic god opposite her, but was suppressed after only advancing a foot.

Seeing the opportunity, Long Yi immediately penetrated into the bloody skull in the palm of his left hand. Will one of the bright holy beast. Fire Qilin, Thunder Beast and Dragon Eryi Ancient Brain were all summoned.

At this time, the pressure circle that was blown up was forced up again in an instant, and the five gods suppressed it with all their strength. Who in this world can resist it?

Silence, death-like silence, the huge pressure increased the density of the air countless times, shrinking and compressing like a big mountain, when Long Yi and the others couldn't resist it, it was the time for them to be wiped out.

Long Yi snorted, his face turned pale in an instant. And Liu Xu was obviously not much better, fortunately at this time Long Er. The little tiger waited to be summoned, but with concerted efforts, he resisted, and the two breaths were stalemate in the air, refusing to give in to each other.

how so? how so? Nalan Ruyue is still sluggish, what should she do? One side is deeply held beliefs. One party is a husband who is more important than his own life.

But Liuli no longer hesitated, she muttered the incantation, the golden light on her legs turned into a golden fish tail, and then she waved her jade hand in the air, the colorful light flowed, and condensed into a piece of colorful colored glaze piano.

"Ding dong, ding dong..." Liuli danced lightly with her bare hands, and the melodious fairy voice rang out in the closed stone room. At first, it was melodious and beautiful, but in an instant, it was filled with the killing spirit of gold and iron horses.

Four colors of red, yellow, blue and green light burst out from between the strings. Dancing in mid-air. But it suddenly strengthened Long Yi's weight. It also broke the balance between the two sides, forcing the pressure circle of the five series of Dharma gods to retreat inch by inch.

Charles contorted. The sea of ​​consciousness is already numb, which is the characteristic of magic power and spiritual power close to the bottom line.

"Holy Maiden Kisaragi, I order you in the name of the Supreme Pope to immediately send these heretics and monsters to the 18th floor of hell." Charles cast his menacing eyes on Nalan Ruyue who was stunned. The energy has been put in, any external force can put people to death, if Nalan Ruyue makes a move, Long Yi and the others will all die, because if the energy is withdrawn, they will immediately be backlashed by the huge pressure from both sides and die.

Nalan Ruyue came back to her senses with a jolt, her pretty face was pale, and her whole delicate body was trembling non-stop.

"Saint Kisaragi, I order you to kill Ximenyu immediately." Charles gritted his teeth.

"No...no..." Nalan Ruyue shook her head desperately, with a panicked expression.

"Kill him." Charles shouted with raised eyebrows.

Nalan Ruyue trembled all over, and looked at Long Yi as if hypnotized.

Long Yi turned his head slightly, his forehead was full of beads of sweat, but he looked at Nalan Ruyue with trust and warmth. This day has finally come. He used to suspect that if one day he confronts the Pope of Light, Nalan Ruyue will definitely stand by the Pope of Light, but today he has never been so confident. His wife Long Yi will definitely not betray him.

Nalan's beautiful eyes like the moon seem to be covered with a veil, time seems to be flying backwards, and the past scenes are like


"Great witness of the God of Light, today Nalan Ruyue is enshrined as the saint of the Church of Light..." It was a magnificent and huge church. In the church hall made of white marble, a little girl in her teens was kneeling in a white sacrificial robe. In front of the statue of the God of Light, the baptism of the saint was completed in the singing of Charles.

"I, Nalan Ruyue, swear to the God of Light that I will dedicate my life and soul to the Church of Light in this life..." the little girl swore to the God of Light in her immature voice.

Immediately, the images in Nalan Ruyue's mind changed to everything related to Long Yi, from the first meeting in the Hengduan Mountains, to the embarrassing sexual encounter in the Principality of Mia, to the marriage agreement with him, Thor Sharing weal and woe in the forbidden zone, and the laughter and laughter in the wild grassland, the two have long been integrated into one whole, there is me in you, and you in me.

With a flash of white light in her slender hand, the staff was already in her hand, and Nalan Ruyue's pretty face was full of tenderness, she proudly raised her head and said: "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, my husband is better than me, even if I am under eighteen In hell, I have no complaints or regrets."

In an instant, Nalan Ruyue's mana spewed out, and the pressure circle of five magic gods retreated.

Long Yi was relieved that Nalan Ruyue finally did not disappoint him, they were clearly in the upper hand now, Charles and the other five Dharma Gods were already on the verge of riding a tiger, and when the circle of pressure receded to themselves, they were the ones who died.

The pressure circle receded little by little, and the colorful light flowed in the entire stone room, and the huge pressure could crush anything.

Charles's expression became more ferocious. Such a strong confrontation made his physical and mental strength withstand unprecedented resistance, and the blood vessels in his whole body seemed to burst. His eyes burst out with anger, and his eyeballs seemed to jump out, looking very terrifying.

"Activate the ancient heavenly demon formation." Charles burst out a few words through his teeth.

As soon as these words came out, Charles and the other four Dharma gods withdrew half of their energy, bursting out with different brilliance and hitting every corner of the stone chamber.

The retreat of the pressure circle immediately accelerated several times, but at this moment, the walls, ceiling and floor of the entire stone room were glowing with bursts of light, and mysterious magic runes filled the stone room, carrying undetectable mysterious power.

The pressure circle encountered huge resistance just an arm's length away from Charles, and after a sudden stagnation, it began to retreat.

Charles laughed cruelly. He knew the consequences of activating the ancient celestial magic circle. The ancient celestial magic circle exists in the stone chambers of every large-scale Guangming church. In fact, it is the root of the guardian magic circle. turned into an attack.

The magic power contained in this ancient celestial demon array is poured by the bishop of the Guangming Church, the priests who have reached a certain level, and the warriors of the light every day. The protective barrier used for defense is only to release the contained magic power. The Heavenly Demon Formation used for attack, after the Heavenly Demon Formation disappears, the sea of ​​consciousness of the bishops, priests and warriors of light who are closely related to it will all explode and die.

Charles is very aware of this, but at this moment he can't take care of so much, it is better for others to die than to die himself.

The sudden backlash from the pressure made Long Yigan's blood surge, blood streamed down the corners of his mouth, and even several great beasts became sluggish.

"Ximenyu, all of you will die." Charles relieved the pressure and laughed maniacally.

At this moment, a small head popped out of Liu Xu's sleeve, blinked its sleepy eyes, and suddenly jumped out like lightning and stopped in mid-air, with its big mouth absorbing the huge various things in the air with relish. properties of energy.

"Niu'er, when did she come here?" Liu Xu was a little puzzled. When she came over, Niu'er, who seemed to be in human form, was sleeping soundly on the bed. come over.

Long Yi looked happy, Niuer devours the body of a dragon, she can swallow anything that contains energy, but this speed is a bit slower, if the resistance is stronger, Niuer will have more time to absorb If so, the outcome is unpredictable.

"Then it must be..." Long Yi's distorted handsome face suddenly showed a strange smile, the mental power between his brows moved, the vortex in the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly spun, and the God of Light card that Charles put away automatically flew back. And the God of Thunder cards in Long Yi's sea of ​​consciousness also shot out, each landing on the heads of the little tiger and the thunder beast.

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