Womanizing Mage

Chapter 483: Kexin's Decision

With a roar, the bodies of the little tiger and the violent thunder beast suddenly swelled a lot, and the powerful light magic power and thunder magic power scattered outward.

Divine beasts without divine cards are like tigers without minions. The power of divine beasts in their bodies needs to be activated by their own divine cards, so that they can exert several times their own strength.

Pressure and resistance are in a delicate balance again, but this balance only exists for a very short time, because Niuer is opening her big mouth to devour the energy on the pressure circle with relish, if there is enough time, Then the one who wins in the end must belong to Long Yi.

It's just that Long Yi is very clear in his heart that it is impossible to have enough time for Niu'er to devour the opponent's energy to the point of being defeated in one blow, because the output of such intensity of both sides has almost reached the limit, and there is a high probability that both sides will lose In the end, if it is more unlucky, both sides may be wiped out with this bright church.

At this time, the best way is to discuss with Charles to withdraw energy and magic power at the same time, but they can't trust each other, if one party plays tricks, it will be finished, so no one proposes this method even if they die together.

Long Yi turned his head, his pale face was covered with sweat, he looked at Nalan Ruyue, Liuli, and Liuxu one by one with apologetic eyes, but the three women all returned his firm eyes to show their rejection. No regrets.

Such a stone room is full of destructive energy. If it weren't for the stone room made of special materials and inlaid with several defensive magic circles, it would have been reduced to powder by this violent energy.

But despite this, it seems that the stone room's bearing capacity has reached its limit. It began to vibrate violently, which caused the entire Guangming Church to vibrate.

At this time, it was just dawn, and most people were still sleeping or meditating, including Dongfang Kexin. She opened her eyes in a violent shaking, and keenly felt the destructive energy leaking from the stone room. fluctuation.

The stone chamber is located on the topmost floor of the Guangming Cathedral. When Dongfang Kexin reached the top, the vibration became more and more violent. She was the only one at the door of the stone room. It stands to reason that such a violent vibration would definitely alarm Bishop Guangming and other priests, but the bishop and priests who are qualified to come up to the stone chamber are trying their best to suppress the tearing pain coming from the sea of ​​consciousness, they will not think of their own lives It has come to an end. And it was Pope Charles who they worshiped as a god who ruined their lives.

Crack, crack, cracks appeared in the door of the stone chamber amidst the violent vibration, and cracks quickly spread to the entire stone door.

Dongfang Kexin saw the crack and quickly hid by the wall. Because she felt the unbelievable energy fluctuations that leaked out.

With a loud bang, the violent energy completely destroyed the stone gate, and the opposite wall and magic glass completely collapsed.

From the church square, it looks like the entire front of the church has been cut off abruptly.

Dongfang Kexin only felt a tightness in her chest, and danced with messy black hair. If she hadn't been prepared, she would definitely be swept away by the shock wave.

After the violent energy passed, Dongfang Kexin slowly poked her head out to look into the stone room, and she was stunned by the situation inside.

"Ke Xin, my good daughter. Hurry up and kill Ximen Yu. Isn't he the one you hate the most?" Charles is not much better than Long Yi. They are all close to the end of the lamp, and it is ecstasy to see Dongfang Kexin appearing.

Dongfang Kexin was shocked all over. A haze flashed in her eyes, she emerged from behind the wall and stepped in step by step.

Long Yi was terrified in his heart, he believed that Nalan Ruyue would stand on his side, but Dongfang Kexin was manipulated by Charles, and he knew with her toes that she would definitely obey Charles' orders. At this time, everyone on both sides couldn't get away, and Dongfang Kexin was the only variable. As long as she made a move on her, then he would go to hell with a few beauties, but he didn't know if he could travel back. The world of the previous life.

Charles stood in the middle of the stone room, not far from Long Yi, the two could be said to be facing each other, the pressure and resistance were all centered on them.

Da, da, da, every step Dongfang Kexin made was like a hammer hitting everyone's hearts.

Long Yi gritted his teeth, let him sit and wait for death? He couldn't do it, if Dongfang Kexin really came to kill him, then he would rather blow himself up than die with her.

Charles opened his eyes wide, with a distorted smile on his face, looking horrifying.

Dongfang Kexin gradually came to the central area, but she was ejected from the center of pressure and resistance as soon as she came into contact with it. How could she be able to pass through such a huge energy.

Pfft, Long Yi spat out the blood that was constricting his chest, and laughed: "Charles, don't waste your time, let's all get down together."

Nether to visit it. "

But Charles also laughed, with an indescribable pride, he smiled and said: "Ximenyu, the Nine-Layer Netherworld Sect will not accompany you, you are accompanied by beauty, but you have not treated you badly, and it won't be too long All the people related to you will come down to accompany you, don't worry about being lonely."

Dongfang Kexin's eyes flashed, all the people related to Long Yi include her Dongfang family.

"Ke Xin, come here, I have a way to open a hole for you to pass through, but it only takes three seconds, kill them immediately after you enter." Charles called.

Dongfang Kexin responded, and walked forward expressionlessly, staring at Long Yi's body with disgust, only to see that his hair was disheveled, his handsome face had already been distorted due to excessive pressure, and there was blood on his mouth and nose Seepage, very miserable.

In a daze, Dongfang Kexin seemed to be back when she was a child, a little boy was holding a wooden stick, with a bruised nose and a swollen face, protecting her behind her, facing the attacks of the other seven or eight boys, big or small.

"Cousin, when I grow up, I will marry you as my wife, don't forget." That immature oath still echoed in my ears.

"Kexin, are you ready?" Charles' voice interrupted Dongfang Kexin's memory, her pretty face remained expressionless.

Dongfang Kexin nodded, holding the Lightning Dharma Staff in her hand, a flash of pain flashed across her pretty face in an instant.

There was a cruel smile on Charles's face, and suddenly the dazzling white light flashed on his body. No one could figure out what he had done, but the pressure and resistance in front of him were instantly torn apart. And Dongfang Kexin rushed through the opening like lightning.

Long Yi's black eyes sank, he stared closely at Dongfang Kexin who got in through the opening, but found that her face was full of pain, and a line of clear tears slipped from between her eyes.

"But...Kexin...for...why?" At this moment, Charles' weak voice came intermittently, with a look of unwillingness and doubt.

Long Yi turned his head, his eyes fixed, showing an incredulous expression, only to see Charles spurting blood, as if he had aged several decades suddenly, a dagger was stuck in his abdomen at some point, and only the handle was exposed.

"This..." Long Yi couldn't believe it, and the three girls behind him also showed shocked expressions.

The pressure circle was suddenly forced to retreat following Charles' serious injury, and they would be backlashed by energy in a short time. Long Yi and the others could be said to be victorious, and it was Dongfang Kexin, whom Long Yi could never have imagined, that caused this consequence. He always thought that the dagger should be stuck in his body.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry...I can't watch my cousin die, and I can't watch the Ximen family and the Dongfang family fall apart..." Dongfang Kexin cried bitterly while covering her face.

"How is it possible? I obviously..." Charles laughed miserably. He obviously played tricks on Dongfang Kexin, but why didn't she listen to his orders?

"I know that you have played tricks on me to make me hate my cousin and let me listen to you, but maybe I love my cousin too deeply. When I read the word cousin, my heart Uncontrollable throbbing..." Dongfang Kexin cried, then turned around to look at Long Yi, and said in a sobbing voice: "Cousin, didn't you ask me to call you cousin that day to prove what?"

Long nodded.

"I proved that no matter how hard I try to forget you, even willing to let His Majesty the Pope use the love spell to bind emotions, but I still can't forget you, you say I don't understand love, but I think this is love, I love your cousin , I love you." Dongfang Kexin looked at Long Yi with tears in her eyes.

There was an ominous premonition in Long Yi's heart for no reason, and his heart felt uncomfortable like a ball of paste, he gritted his teeth and pushed harder.

"Ximenyu, don't be complacent. Since you are going to die, let's all die together." Charles laughed wildly knowing that his life was over, and a dazzling white light burst out from his body. The dazzling magic light of this department burst out.

"No, they're going to explode themselves." Liu Xu exclaimed, and the five Dharma gods exploded themselves, the power is enough to destroy the world.

The energy began to condense crazily, everyone's hairs stood on end, and the cold breath of death rose from the bone marrow.

Catkins condensed their palms into claws, and with a swipe in the air, a black and gold teleportation magic circle appeared beside her, and she shouted anxiously: "Come in quickly."

Long Yiyi gritted his teeth and put away the beast and Long Er, and dragged Dongfang Kexin, Nalan Ruyue and Liuli into the magic circle.

But at the moment when the teleportation magic circle was activated, Dongfang Kexin rushed out suddenly, shaking her head and a drop of clear tears fell on Long Yi's face. Smile.

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