Womanizing Mage

Chapter 488 Unexpected harvest

Bertha stood up and walked out. Seeing Yin Jianyi's accompanying housekeeper rushing out, she asked, "What's going on?"

"The one who came outside is the eldest prince of the Bimon tribe. He has always been at odds with the second prince. This time he must be looking for trouble." The housekeeper said with a bitter face.

Bertha curiously followed the butler out of the wooden house, and saw a big man of Bimon nationality who was about the same size as the second prince standing in front of the wooden house, behind him were dozens of Bimon warriors, all of them had vicious expressions on their faces, which made people feel uncomfortable. Daunting.

"It turns out that the eldest prince has arrived. My young master has just left the little princess. I don't know what the eldest prince is talking about?" The housekeeper went up to meet him coquettishly. ability.

"Hmph, I heard that you brought something to my second brother this time, but I have nothing. What's the reason? Believe it or not, I smashed you into meatloaf with one stick." The eldest prince spoke ferociously. Come straight to the point, not beating around the bush at all.

"Don't be angry, the eldest prince. Naturally, my young master won't favor one person over another. The gift has already been delivered to the residence of the eldest prince." The butler wiped off his sweat. Otherwise, they wouldn't be at ease in the orc clan.

"Really? Why didn't I know?" The eldest prince was stunned for a moment.

"Prince, we just came back from outside and haven't been back yet." A Beamon warrior behind the prince said.

The eldest prince suddenly realized, and the anger on his face was suppressed. It really looked like a single-celled animal.

Hearing that Yin Jian did not favor one over another, the eldest prince did not pursue the matter any more. After all, Yin Jian was his sister's treasure, and if he broke it, he would have to sue his father. You must know that the iron fist of the Bimon patriarch is not a joke.

The eldest prince was waiting to go back to enjoy the gift from the silver sword, but he also noticed the fox girl Bertha behind the housekeeper, and his expression sank.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the housekeeper hurriedly brought out Yin Jian's words, but the eldest prince was not as easy-talking as the second prince. In his opinion, breaking the silver sword would naturally lead to no good fruit, but killing one would be extremely distasteful The fox girl is irrelevant, and it is true.

The eldest prince tossed the butler aside like a chicken, and kicked Bertha with a big foot with a whistling sound of wind. If the kick is real, I'm afraid Bertha will become a pile of meat.

Bertha's figure flashed. An afterimage was left and flashed aside, but he was secretly calculating in his heart.

Silver Sword asked her to show her strength when necessary, isn't this a great opportunity?

"Huh..." The eldest prince saw Bertha dodge his foot,

At that time, he was like a ghost, and he was extremely surprised. When did the Fox Clan, who only know how to seduce, have such strength.

"Take my two feet again." The eldest prince snorted, rushed forward with two strides, and kicked Bertha with his right leg with ten thousand catties. A faint golden light flashed on the thick hairy legs.

Although the speed is extremely fast. But Bertha still dodged effortlessly, but she didn't expect that her body just moved sideways. A huge foot shadow struck in the direction she dodged.

The old power has been exhausted, and the new power is at the end. If ordinary people are of course unavoidable. It is bound to be kicked to pieces by the invincible kick of the eldest prince. Of course, the eldest prince himself thinks so, and the Behemoth fighters under him have already started cheering in advance.

With a sound, the eldest prince's big feet penetrated Bertha's body, and the speed and strength of the lightning also brought about a small tornado, bringing up a piece of sand and stone.

The applause stopped abruptly, only Bertha's figure was still fixed in place, but it began to fade slowly, until it disappeared into the air after more than ten seconds, which was the skill of Qianji illusion.

The eldest prince blinked suddenly, looked around, but found that Bertha had disappeared. He wasn't a fool either, he put away contempt in his heart, his muscles tensed up, and his ears contracted to feel the movement around him.

Suddenly, the eldest prince felt a chill in his right waist, and swept away with a mighty iron rod in his hand. The fierce momentum immediately forced the Behemoth warriors to take a few steps back, their chests feeling heavy as if a huge stone was pressed on them.

The eldest prince still didn't stop after sweeping the iron rod, and danced the iron rod in his hand into layers of stick shadows. The violent momentum formed a huge vortex in the center, and even the iron man was smashed to pieces by his side.

Naturally, Bertha, who used the invisibility technique to take advantage of the opportunity to attack, couldn't resist, and avoided the outer area at an extreme speed.

There are layers of stick shadows, and Bertha's figure is the same. Those illusory shadows made the prince dizzy, as if he had clearly hit n Berthas but found nothing, and that feeling is extremely depressing .

Bertha is actually not having a good time. If Qianji Illusion wants to affect the eldest prince, naturally she can't be too far away from him. The violent aura naturally makes her feel chest tight and short of breath, and she wants to vomit blood. But today she must leave a deep impression on everyone. My impression is that the formerly glorious Silver Fox Clan is back.

"Drink..." The eldest prince yelled wildly, and smashed the iron rod in his hand with a circle of golden light, as if splitting the sky and the earth, and the wooden house in between collapsed into pieces. The people evacuated with the goods, so no one was hurt. The fighting power of the Beamon royal family is really terrifying.

With a flash of silver light, Bertha groaned and flew back backwards. Hundreds of clones merged into one, her pretty face was pale, and there were thin bloodshot eyes at the corner of her mouth, while her right hand was clutching a pinch of blood. Golden ground hair.

The fight between the two has already attracted many Beamons watching from a distance, but at this time the whole scene was completely silent, a fox girl who was vulnerable in the past was even on par with the prince who was one of the most powerful Beamons, how could they not be bothered? Shock.

The eldest prince looked at the hair in Bertha's hand, touched the short golden hair behind the ears, his expression was uncertain.

"Okay, okay, it hasn't been this happy for a long time." The eldest prince suddenly burst into laughter, which made the housekeeper and everyone in the distance breathe out. If Bertha had anything to do, Master Silver Sword would have to strip them The skin is not good.

Beastmen respect the strong, and the Beamon tribe is no exception. The eldest prince actually started to call Bertha brothers and sisters. Because he smashed the wooden house, he actually built a house for them to live in in the royal area above. And this time, the battle between Bertha and Prince Beamon quickly spread throughout the Hengduan Mountains. All races looked at the Fox Clan with admiration, and the status of the Fox Clan rose all of a sudden. Of course, Bertha's position in the Fox Clan rose to the top all of a sudden, which Bertha and Yin Jian did not expect at the beginning.

And our poor silver sword is working hard on the little princess Beamon, and the big wooden bed creaks and creaks non-stop.

"Little baby, hurry up, you're so good today." A delicate voice moaned, not like the scary broken gong voice imagined.

"Brother, I am already powerful. I only showed one-tenth of my strength before. Now let you taste my strength. Today I will kill you." Yinjian panted excitedly from the bed.

"Little baby, fuck me to death, ah... I'm going to fly." The little princess Beamon yelled dissolutely, and the voice was quite unique.

Finally, after an hour, the big wooden bed stopped shaking, and the silver sword lay profusely on the body of the little princess Beamon and kicked vigorously. He looked at the little princess who was enjoying the aftermath of the last kiss, and secretly He breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that the medicine given by the young master was indeed effective, but he just hoped that there would be no side effects.

In other words, the appearance of this little princess Bimon is really unexpected. She is about two meters tall, which is considered petite and exquisite in the Bimon tribe, but she is still more than a head taller than Silver Sword. And what is surprising is that her whole body is white and smooth, her skin is tender and tender, and although the lines on her face are relatively deep, she can be regarded as a beauty by human standards. In addition, the figure is also very good, with a thin waist and fat hips, and two big fleshy balls on the chest are huge and plump. It seems that there is no problem at all with suffocating a person. No wonder Yin Jian is willing to sacrifice his hue.

"Little baby, you are so brave today, don't you miss me too much?" Princess Beamon smiled coquettishly and pressed the silver sword into her arms.

"That's natural. Brother, I miss you like crazy. The world without you is really dark." Yin Jian spoke sweet words with ease, but suddenly changed his words and said with a smile: "I haven't come for a while, you That old immortal father won't force you to choose a relative again."

"That's not true. Since our orc army was ambushed in the Aoyue Empire last time, Father has never laughed. Now he is mysterious every day. I don't know what he is doing. I haven't seen him for a long time." Little Princess Meng answered all questions, and did not doubt Yin Jian's intentions at all.

Yin Jian's heart skipped a beat when he heard the words. He had seen this Beamon patriarch once before, and he was definitely not as simple-minded as the ordinary Beamon. He would definitely not let it go after such a heavy loss to the orc army, maybe he was planning something secretly.

"Looks like it's time to use that chess piece." Yin Jian murmured in his heart, he bit one of Princess Beamon's breasts, a strange light flashed in his black eyes.

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