Womanizing Mage

Chapter 489: Baiyun City, Fengling’s Life Experience

When Long Yi and his party stepped into the territory of the Kuanglong Empire, they felt that the temperature was significantly hotter than that of the Nalan Empire. It is almost October now, and the heat is slowly fading in this time of year, but this year's weather is abnormally severe. The high temperature for half a year has caused the entire Canglan continent to be severely affected by drought. In addition, frequent wars and a sharp drop in population have caused many villages It has been abandoned, and the weeds reach the waist, which makes people feel sad when they look at it.

Along the way, Long Yi was silent for a long time, except for occasionally joking with a few girls, most of the time he frowned and pondered. The situation in the entire Canglan Continent was no longer so confusing. The military situation, the situation is very gratifying, the main forces of the coalition forces of the two countries have formed a siege to the capital of the Aoyue Empire, Bingfeng City, more than half of the town has been taken over by the officials of the two countries, it can be said that the Aoyue Empire is over.

At this time, the Aoyue Empire is nothing to worry about, and although the name of the Nalan Empire has not been changed, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Nalan Empire is already owned by the Ximen family. Once the royal family of the Long family collapsed, the Ximen family could be said to be the overlord of the Canglan continent.

It's just that the Long family has stood for more than five hundred years, and its dark and dark forces are deeply intertwined. Coupled with the unknown dark forces behind it, it is not so difficult for the Ximen family to seize power.

Long Yi opened the curtain of the luxury carriage, looked at the business travelers passing by on the official road, his frown relaxed, and he said: "Not far ahead is Baiyun City, the first-class city in the south of the Kuanglong Empire. Then relax and go on your way."

Combining the intelligence analysis of these days, Long Yi knew that Baiyun City was being infiltrated and controlled by the Dragon Royal Family. Baiyun City is an important city on the border between the Nalan Empire and the Kuanglong Empire, and it can be said that it is the throat of the two countries. Long Zhan naturally had a good plan, once there was a violent conflict between the Long family and the Ximen family. As long as the Baiyun City is locked, the Nalan Empire's reinforcements can be kept out, because the Nalan Empire's army wants to penetrate into the Kuanglong Empire. You must pass through Baiyun City first.

"Husband, I heard that Baiyun City is rich in beauties, is it true?" Fengling asked with a smile.

"That's true. Baiyun City is surrounded by beautiful mountains and clear waters. It is full of aura, and the women bred are naturally icy and beautiful." Long Yi is really full of wolf nature. When I heard about this, I was full of energy.

The beauties around Kuanglong Baiyun City are naturally famous in Canglan, and noble families in many countries are proud to marry a Baiyun woman. Long Yi and Nalan Ruyue also passed through here when they went to the Nalan Empire. It's just that they come and go in a hurry, and they don't have time to see them well. What's more, Baiyun is famous not only for its beauties, but also for its Xiaohun Cave, where there are many painted boats on the banks of Baiyun Lake in the city. No less than the land of Qintan in the previous life.

"Husband is thinking badly again, you can relax in Baiyun City, but you are not allowed to mess around." Fengling rolled her eyes and snorted.

"Hehe, in terms of beauty. How many people in this world can compare with my good Ling'er. There are very few women who can make my husband feel bad.

"Long put his arms around Fengling's waist and said with a smile. At this time, the beauty beside him is not a beauty, so it is not false for him to say this.

Feng Ling took advantage of the situation and leaned into Long Yi's arms. He punched him resentfully. She also didn't know that her husband's blessings had been cultivated in several lifetimes, and she was surrounded by stunning beauties who were devoted to him. worry about others. Didn't I also fall under his spell, and my heart was firmly attached to him?

The name Baiyun City is quite appropriate, the city walls and buildings in the city are mostly built with the unique white rocks on the nearby mountains, and the architectural style combines the atmosphere of the Kuanglong Empire with the elegance of the Nalan Empire. The overall look is elegant and extraordinary. It makes people feel very comfortable.

At this time, there was a long queue in front of the wide gate of Baiyun City, and travelers and caravans entering the city were checked very strictly, which had never happened before.

Long Yi raised his eyebrows. Could this battle be aimed at him? He stroked the stubble of his chin and said with a smile: "Ling'er, don't you know magic disguise? Let's help everyone change their appearances. Let's explore Baiyun in the next two days." The reality of the city."

Flowers are born through the hands of wind chimes. Long Yi's handsome face has become much more ordinary, with a layer of beard sticking to his lips, but the smirk at the corner of his mouth is still the same as before. Liuli turned into a handsome maid, Liuxu and Fengling turned into Long Yi's two wives, needless to say Niuer, she is Long Yi's daughter.

As for Liu Xu, she agreed to pretend to be his wife. It was somewhat beyond Long Yi's expectation, before, it was extremely difficult to take advantage of her, but Long Yi didn't think deeply about it, anyway, it was just acting.

Entering Baiyun City smoothly, the unremarkable Long Yi and the unremarkable wife and maid lifted up the curtains of the carriage and looked at the scenery along the way with interest. The prosperity here is slightly inferior to that of Tenglong and Cangyue, but its border ethnic customs are more It is extremely rich, but it makes everyone dizzy.

After asking passers-by where the Phoenix Hotel is, the group headed towards their goal. All the way down from Cangyue City, as long as they pass through towns, they will definitely stay at the Phoenix Hotel. And every time he comes to Phoenix Hotel, Long Yi can't help but think of Yu Feng's mother and daughter.

According to the head of the Phoenix Patriarch, Yu Feng is still retreating in Huoyan Mountain at this moment, and he doesn't know when he will break through the customs and meet again. Thinking of this, Yu Feng's figure appeared in Long Yi's mind, that pretty face full of heroism, the golden body shining like the sun, the fiery red tight leather armor against the exquisite and graceful figure, holding the fiery red giant sword , Standing in the crowd, she looks so full of personality, attracting everyone's attention like the sun, that is Yu Feng, the unique Yu Feng.

Long Yi seemed to be immersed in memories, his black eyes were a little blurred, and a tender smile occasionally flashed across his mouth.

"Husband, we are here." The luxurious carriage stopped at the entrance of Phoenix Hotel for a long while, the receptionist's smile froze, but Long Yi didn't realize it, Feng Ling lightly touched Long Yi's arm and said softly.

"Oh, so fast..." Long Yi came back to his senses, looked up at the signboard of Phoenix Hotel, smiled and jumped off the carriage.

This Phoenix Hotel is located in the bustling commercial center of Baiyun City, and the business is very hot. As soon as Long Yi and the others entered, they heard that the last two rooms had been booked, and the rest of the guests who hadn't booked a room were very annoyed.

"Guests, I'm really sorry, the shop is already full, please forgive me." Seeing Long Yi and his party coming in, the shopkeeper bowed and apologized.

Long Yi chuckled, the reason why the Phoenix Hotel has such a good reputation is definitely due to its service attitude, without saying anything, he spread his palm, and a fiery red circular token appeared in his hand, the token A phoenix reborn from the ashes is carved on it.

The shopkeeper's eyes lit up at the moment, and he said respectfully: "The owner of the house has already ordered me to invite a few guests to come with me."

The shopkeeper brought Long Yi and the others to the top floor of the Phoenix Hotel, brought them into a super luxurious suite and then retreated.

"Husband, this Phoenix Patriarch is really kind to you. There is a suite in every branch waiting for you to stay in." Feng Ling said with a smile.

"That's right, it's a family after all." Long Yi smiled while sinking his whole body into the soft sand in the living room, took a bottle of fruit wine in one hand and drank it.

Feng Ling's expression was suddenly a little sad, and the smile on his face disappeared in an instant, and he said softly: "Yes, family, because you are sister Yu Feng's man, so Patriarch Fenghuang treats you in every possible way."

Seeing Feng Ling's expression, Long Yi was slightly stunned and then understood her mood, she must have thought of her mother, the woman who did not hesitate to use her as a bait to throw herself into a trap. In fact, Long Yi never thought that those who cultivated dark magic were evil people, such as Feng Ling and Leng Youyou, are they evil people? But the mother of the wind chime...

Thinking of Feng Ling's mother, Long Yi was startled suddenly, his expression changed a few times, Feng Ling is the young master of the Dark Church, so her mother is not the wife of the Dark Pope, that is also Shui Ruoyan's mother, the Dark Pope The identity is also ready to come out.

"How is it possible, the Dark Pope is actually Shui Linglong's son." Long Yi frowned and muttered inwardly.

"Husband, what's the matter with you?" Seeing Long Yi's expression suddenly changed, Feng Ling asked worriedly.

"It's okay, Liuli, Liuxu, take Niu'er to wash up first, Ling'er and I have something to talk about." Long said to Liuli and Liuxu, not because he deliberately concealed anything, but because it involved Fengling **, he has to respect the wind chimes.

Liuli and Liuxu didn't say anything else, they took Niu'er into a bedroom, only Long Yi and Fengling were left in the living room.

"Husband, you... what do you want to say?" Seeing Long Yi's seriousness, Feng Ling couldn't help being a little nervous.

Long Yi patted Feng Ling's fragrant shoulder in deep thought, and asked slowly: "Ling'er, I want to know what is the relationship between the previous Dark Pope and you?"

"That's my grandfather, but I've never seen it before. I only know that my grandfather has only one daughter, my mother, so after my mother married my father, my grandfather passed on the Pope's seat to my father." Feng Ling replied, her eyes Staring straight at Long Yi, she felt that Long must have discovered something important related to her.

"I think, I know your background." Long looked into Feng Ling's eyes and said softly, caressing her pretty face lovingly.

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