Womanizing Mage

Chapter 523 Trap, Steamed Dragon Claw

The mouth of the black hole is bottomless, like a monster's big mouth, and the forest energy gushes out from it, adding a bit of mystery and terror.

Mu Hanyan's pupils shrank, and he subconsciously became vigilant.

"Honorable envoy, please come in." Long Zhan looked at Mu Hanyan, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

Mu Hanyan took two steps forward, stopped at the entrance of the cave, looked at Long Zhan coldly, and said, "You go ahead."

"The envoy is too cautious. If so, Xianyun will go first." Long Zhan said lightly, and strode into the secret path.

For some reason, Mu Hanyan's heart jumped wildly, and she instinctively sensed the approaching danger. Before she had time to think about it, she reached out and grabbed Long Zhan who walked into the room like lightning.

A strange purple glow flashed past, and Mu Hanyan's hand holding Long Zhan's shoulder was ejected by a strange force.

"Hahaha, envoy, you can slowly enjoy the feast that Xianyun presents to you inside." Long Zhan laughed wildly triumphantly.

At this time, the entire secret room was shrouded in a layer of purple light, a strange magic circle suddenly emerged from the ground, and countless mysterious magic runes appeared around the wall.

"Forbidden God Magic Array! It turns out that all of this is a trap set by you." Mu Hanyan suddenly understood that it was impossible for him to set up such a huge Forbidden God Magic God around Ximen Mansion, but in this secret room. Among them, he was leading her into the urn from the beginning to the end.

"That's right, but it's a pity that the envoy understood it too late. Speaking of which, Xian Yun has to thank the envoy for the forbidden god magic circle, hahaha." Long Zhan's face twisted triumphantly, becoming more and more strange and inexplicable.

"We are on the same front. Why do you want to harm me?" Mu Hanyan calmed down and asked coldly.

"On the same front? Does your envoy think that Xianyun is a fool? You have defected to the Ximen family long ago. Those dark warriors and mages behind Xianyun were all made by your method. Maybe you will make a move on them. You must die, so you must die." Long Zhan raised his eyebrows and stared. A fierce and bloodthirsty look on his face.

Mu Hanyan's heart sank, she underestimated this guy, she didn't expect him to dare to deal with her blatantly.

"Do you think this magic circle can trap me?" Mu Hanyan said coldly.

"Don't scare me, maybe you couldn't be trapped before. But your soul essence is damaged, you must not have recovered now. Otherwise, why do you think I dare to attack you?" Long Zhan smiled, everything was under his control , this feeling is 10,000 times better than being mastered by others.

Mu Hanyan finally couldn't help but change his face,

Apart from Long Yi, no one else knew about the fact that her soul essence was damaged, but how did he know about it?

"Do you want to know how I know? Hahaha, then let you die clearly. I got the news from Hongxiufang in Baiyun City. As for who released the news, you can slowly guess for yourself. "Long Zhan laughed, with indescribable pride in his laughter.

Mu Hanyan's expression changed several times. She thought she already knew who it was. Who else but Jingjing who hated her so much? Presumably it was Long Yi who told Jingjing about it. But she brought the news to the military division. If she had known this, she should have been killed in the first place.

"Don't get complacent too early, don't forget that we have a blood contract relationship, you can't live if I die." Mu Hanyan said lightly.

Long Zhan Jie Jie laughed strangely, looking at Mu Hanyan like a dead man. He shook his head and said, "Why don't you understand, it's not me who has a blood contract with you. Isn't it strange why you can't notice it? Because I have a twin brother who feels the same way, you should understand what's going on if you're so smart .Okay, that's the end of the conversation. Your envoy will go all the way, and Xianyun will be sent here."

After Long Zhan finished speaking, he took a deep look at Mu Hanyan with a strange look, and his figure had already disappeared at the entrance of the secret passage. The stone door at the entrance was closed in an instant and restored to its original state.

In the dense purple light, Mu Hanyan's pretended indifference began to melt away. The corners of his mouth twitched in pain.

Forbidden god magic circle, the legendary magic circle that can restrain even gods, but the magic circle handed down is not complete. Although it has the name of Forbidden God, it has no reality of Forbidden God. As soon as this magic circle operates, it directly erodes people's spiritual power and consciousness soul. If Mu Hanyan's soul essence was not damaged, it would not be difficult for her to break through the forbidden magic circle, and that's why she dared to teach the military master how to arrange the magic circle without worrying about it. .

Mu Hanyan gritted her teeth, her cherry lips quickly chanted an obscure incantation, and a faint black mist gradually appeared on her body, resisting the invasion of those purple rays of light.

At the same time, wood with smoke

From the ring, he took out a magic scroll made of gold and silk, and the more he chanted the spell in his mouth, he couldn't help but start to tremble.

Suddenly, there was a strong vibration within a few meters around Mu Hanyan, and the space distorted in an instant. The golden silk magic scroll in her hand turned into a ray of golden light and disappeared, while Mu Hanyan spurted out a mouthful of blood and crawled on the ground wearily. A phantom began to appear in front of her eyes, it was a handsome man with bright black eyes and a smirk at the corner of his mouth, he was smiling at her with affectionate eyes, there was no suspicion or calculation, only pure tenderness .


The wind and snow continued, as if to vent all the anger that had been suppressed by the heat before, the whole world was covered in silver, the forests all over the mountains were covered with a thick layer of ice and snow, and countless ice edges hung upside down on the branches, forming an extremely spectacular scenery.

"Go down this mountain and turn to the official road on the right, and you will arrive at Guangming City after walking for an hour." Yu Feng grew up in Guangming City, so he is very familiar with the surrounding area.

"Is there any roast chicken in Guangming City?" Niu'er asked with her head tilted.

Feng Xiao said

"Is there any roast suckling pig?" Niu'er asked again.

"Of course." Yu Feng looked at the girl's shining eyes and said with a smile. Since several divine beasts in Long Yi's dark dimensional space sprang out from time to time to beat the autumn wind in the past two days, the poor food in Long Yi's area has already been divided up. up.

"Then there are braised flaming lion's paws?" Niu'er gulped.

"Uh..." Yu Feng was speechless, and all the girls giggled. The Flaming Lion is an A-level monster. Did she think it was an F-level Fire Rabbit?

At this time, Long Yi came in from the carriage with a burst of cold air, hugged Niu'er into his arms, rubbed the stubble of his chin on Niu'er's tender and tender face, if Niuer came to wow protest.

"Little fat girl, I just want to eat. I don't have braised flaming lion's paws, but the ingredients for steaming small dragon claws are ready-made." Long Yi smiled and grabbed the girl's chubby little hands and laughed.

"Ah, no, don't eat Niu'er's, father eats sister's." Niu'er retracted her little hand and sold out Liu Xu very shamelessly.

Liu Xu glared at Niu'er angrily, her feelings for this little girl were in vain.

"Your sister doesn't have as much meat as a girl. If you want to eat it, of course you have to eat it." Long Yi said jokingly.

Niu'er pouted and looked at her chubby little hands, suddenly her eyes lit up and she said: "That sister's breasts are much more fleshy, much more than Niu'er's hands and hands."

Cough cough, Long Yi was almost choked to death by his own saliva, he looked at Liu Xu's dark and pretty face, and hurriedly turned his head away, afraid that he would accidentally laugh out loud and annoy this female Tyrannosaurus, wouldn't it? Just kidding.

The rest of the girls also reacted one after another, they all coughed lightly and turned their heads like Long Yi, the corners of their mouths were tightly pursed, apparently holding back their smiles.

Liu Xu gritted her silver teeth, and pulled Niu'er away, feeling wronged and angry at the same time, this younger sister was really mad at her, she took off Niu'er's pants without saying a word, and pointed at the little nipple for a while. Beating hard, I didn't realize that I had used the dragon power, and I beat Niu'er until she cried, her tears and snot turned her pink and tender face into a big face.

"Okay, Liu Xu, Niu'er is still young, don't beat her up." Long Yi took Liu Xu's hand, hugged the crying Niu'er, it was both amused and distressed.

"It's all you, if it wasn't for your girl, why would she become like this." Liu Xu said angrily.

Laughing and crying, Long Yi rubbed his nose, took out a tissue to wipe away Niu'er's tears, and said to Niu'er seriously: "Niu'er, sister is your dearest person, she doesn't have to take her own life to protect you, Niu'er You also need to protect your sister from harm, you know?"

Niuer held back her tears and nodded half-understanding, looked at Liu Xu with a calm face, jumped into her arms, tugged at her sleeves and said, "Sister, it's Niuer's fault, don't be angry Niuer will not let father eat the meat off her sister's breast."

Puchi, Long Yi couldn't help laughing out loud anymore, and the girls of Fengling Liuli also trembled with laughter, the girl is really too cute.

Seeing that Liu Xu was about to turn into anger from embarrassment, Long Yi jumped out of the carriage to avoid being affected by Liu Xu's anger.

Suddenly, Long's eyelids twitched, and a sharp light shot out from his eyes, and Li Qing also straightened up in an instant and made an attack posture.

A gust of wind drifted past with snowflakes, and a black shadow appeared not far from the carriage.

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