Womanizing Mage

Chapter 524: Demonic Dragon Appears, Weird Stone Chamber

The four strong unicorns in the cart trembled and neighed at the same time, if they hadn't been suppressed, they might have turned around and ran away in fright.

The abnormality outside was immediately noticed by the girls in the carriage. They jumped out of the carriage in an instant and lined up in the snow.

Feeling the fierce momentum, Liu Xu's nerves suddenly tightened, and a frightening cold light shot out from her beautiful eyes.

"It should be dragon energy, the attribute of darkness." Liu Li said after a moment of pondering.

As the powerhouse at the top of the pyramid in the human world of Canglan Continent, Long Yi feels even more deeply, this guy who should belong to the Demon Dragon Clan is very powerful.

After a long while, the black shadow was still looming not far away, and its figure was almost transparent, which seemed very strange.

"Pretending to be a ghost, show me." Long Yi saw the black shadow standing in front of him without moving for a long time, he couldn't help shouting, the voice was still floating in the air, but his people had disappeared in place.

The air around the black shadow not far away froze for an instant, and the snowflakes in the sky were still as if the picture was frozen. After a few seconds, they exploded suddenly with a bang, and the two figures shot away simultaneously in the air waves wrapped in ice flowers. From extreme motion to extreme stillness to extreme motion, although it is only a few seconds, the thrilling feeling is so strong, this is the confrontation between the extremely strong.

"Damn, this layer of dragon skin is really hard enough." Long Yi swung his somewhat numb hands and swears, he just used his five layers of Aotian Jue to face the dark dragon with all his strength, But it didn't take half of the price.

"Hahaha, the little guy is so stupid, when did such a freak appear in the human world." A burst of vigorous laughter rang out, and the black figure revealed its true colors, an old man with a long gray beard. It looks no different from a human being, except for the few remaining black dragon scales on the right neck.

"Could it be that your Excellency is the elder of the Demon Dragon Clan? I don't know why you stopped us?" Long saw that the old guy seemed harmless, and he couldn't help but relax a little.

The black-clothed old man looked at Long Yi in amazement, and said: "You little brat is very clear, my demon dragon clan disappeared in Canglan Da for 60,000 years. You can recognize it."

After finishing speaking, the old man looked at Liu Xu behind Long Yi, and then suddenly said: "You are also surrounded by members of my Dragon Clan, no wonder you are so clear, I did not have any malicious intentions in stopping you, I was just looking for my naughty grandniece who passed by here to sense When the dragon energy is fluctuating, come down and take a look."

Long nodded his head to express his understanding. It must be that the dragon's power leaked out when Liu Xu beat up Niu'er just now, which happened to be sensed by the elder of the Demon Dragon Clan.

At this time, the elder of the Demon Dragon Clan stepped forward.

Staring at Liu Xu suspiciously, he seemed to want to see something from her.

"Grandpa, don't bully my sister." Seeing the elder of the Demon Dragon Clan staring at her sister, Niu'er immediately carried out Long Yi's idea of ​​protecting her sister, her small body stopped Liu Xu Front.

"Sister?" The elder of the Demon Dragon Clan was taken aback, he was already surprised by Niu'er's speed just now. At this time, he was even more surprised when he saw her call Liu Xu his elder sister. In the last few days, he suddenly showed excitement as if thinking of something, and looked at the two sisters with even more eager eyes.

Liu Xu's expression changed. The aura on his body was raised to the peak, like a leopard that would eat anyone at any time.

"Don't be nervous, little baby, I don't mean anything malicious, but your two sisters are the children left by the Brahma Emperor?" the elder of the Demon Dragon Clan asked excitedly.

"That's right. Do you want to take us back too?" Liu Xu said coldly.

"Of course not. I and your grandpa are brothers, so you still have to call me grandpa." The elder of the Demon Dragon Clan sighed softly.

Long Yi was a little stunned. This world is really small, it is really a coincidence that the Shenlong family met the cousin, and the magic dragon family met the grandpa again.

"I only have my parents and sister, and I don't have any grandpa. Where were you when the dragons and dragons teamed up to kill my parents? Where were you when my parents were captured by the dragons and dragons?" Bitingly cold and without a trace of emotion.

The elder of the Demon Dragon Clan was overwhelmed by the catkins, but he opened his mouth and let out a helpless sigh. What happened back then was extremely complicated, and he couldn't do anything about it, but what's the use of saying it now?

Seeing that the scene had cooled down, Long Yi suddenly interrupted and said: "As far as I know, both the Shenlong clan and the Demon Dragon clan have an agreement that they cannot set foot in the human world, what is the purpose of you violating the agreement and coming to the Canglan Continent? "

"Yes, there is such an agreement, it's just that the two juniors left the territory of the Demon Dragon Clan and came to the Canglan Continent for fun, and I am here to find them back." said the elder of the Demon Dragon Clan.

Long Yi shrugged his shoulders, seeing that Liu Xu seemed extremely unwilling to see her grandpa's relatives, so he said: "If that's the case, then you can continue to look for your juniors, our Canglan Continent is already chaotic enough, I can't stand the wind and rain of your Dragon Clan."

The elder of the Demon Dragon Clan was stunned for a moment, his eyes suddenly fixed on the girl next to Liu Xu, and a huge aura suddenly burst out from his body, two extremely strong solid dragon energy knocked Liu Xu away, and the other two struck his face. Innocent girl.

Long Yi didn't move, this old guy didn't mean to hurt others, besides, this level of dragon spirit couldn't hurt Niu'er.

Sure enough, Niuer retreated instead of advancing, her face was full of excitement, her small mouth opened exaggeratedly, two solid dragon auras were inhaled into her body in an instant, and then her big eyes stared at the elder of the dragon clan without blinking, hoping that he would Add yourself another dish.

However, the elder of the Demon Dragon Clan trembled like a wobble, and exclaimed in disbelief: "It's true, it turned out to be devouring the dragon's body, this... this..."

Niu'er looked at the elder of the Demon Dragon Clan suspiciously, then suddenly ran into Long Yi's arms, pointed at him and said: "Father, does this old man want to eat Niu'er, and Niu'er is not a red-wrapped suckling pig. "

Long Yi chuckled without saying a word, the look in the eyes of this old guy clearly wanted to hit girls, no wonder, from the time when there was a race of dragons that swallowed dragon bodies until now, there have only been two dragons with this physique.

Er is the third.

The elder of the Demon Dragon Clan stabilized his mood, and suppressed the idea of ​​forcibly taking Niu'er away. The smiling human youth in front of him was stronger than he imagined, plus Liu Xu and those few looked extraordinary. character woman. If he insists, I'm afraid he won't be able to bargain for it.

"Take care of them." After a long time, the elder said something to Long Yi before disappearing into the wind and snow.

Long Yi's smile gradually faded, and the Demon Dragon Clan set foot on the Canglan Continent, who knows what kind of changes will be brought about? Besides, the Shenlong Clan and the Demon Dragon Clan check and balance each other, and the appearance of the Demon Dragon Clan might attract the Shenlong Clan. That Canglan Continent is very lively.


The Guangming City in the wind and snow is completely white, and the towering Guangming Cathedral can be seen from a distance. The number and piety of believers in this legendary place where the miracle of the light has descended is the highest in Canglan, so despite being a The trading center in the northern part of the Kuanglong Empire has a very prosperous commercial economy, but it is not covered by the vulgar smell of copper like other places. Instead, it shows a bit of solemnity everywhere, whether it is buildings or people's clothing and conversation.

Long Yi and Li Qing sat at the front of the carriage. Looking around the scenery. Despite the heavy wind and snow, the streets of Guangming City are still full of people and bustling.

This is the second time for Long Yi to come to Guangming City, and it is also the city where he started. It is the mercenary union here, where he registered as a mercenary. And with the lowest level of F-level mercenaries, they entered the wild plains for adventure, and got to know the little elf Lucia, the ghost maiden Leng Youyou, and of course, Yu Feng.

driving a carriage. Long Yi familiarly came to the Phoenix Hotel belonging to the Phoenix family property. This is also the largest hotel in Canglan Continent. Who makes the Phoenix family the largest family in Guangming City? The main hotel located in Laowo naturally has to do it Biggest and best.

Suddenly seeing Yu Feng appearing, the dizzy shopkeeper blinked his eyes in disbelief.

"Uncle Afu, don't you know me?" Yu Feng smiled. All the beauties in the hotel lobby had stared at them, but Yu Feng's smile made everyone fascinated. After four years of retreat, Yu Feng's youthfulness has completely faded away. She exudes a mature style all over her body, and in this mature style, there is also a heroic spirit that is undeniable, which also makes her charm increase exponentially.

"Miss, you are finally back. Patriarch has missed you so much these past few years." The shopkeeper grew up in the Phoenix family and is an extremely loyal servant of Patriarch Fenghuang.

"Is my mother here?" Yu Feng asked.

"The head of the family went to Qiye Principality two months ago, but it's almost time to come back." Ah Fu said while leading everyone to the most upscale luxury suite of Phoenix Hotel.

As the most luxurious suite in Canglan Continent, the decoration inside is extravagant yet full of style.

As soon as Long Yi entered the room, he took two bottles of the best wine from the assortment of wine cabinets and drank it with Li Qing. At the end, he let out a mouthful of alcohol and sighed regretfully: "Compared to the Baihua wine in the Elven Forest It’s still a lot worse, but it’s a pity that the stock was used up a few years ago.”

"Elf Forest is a fairyland-like place, it's really nostalgic." Long Yi didn't care about Li Qing's silence, and said to himself. In that beautiful forest are the people he cares about the most, Lucia, Her Royal Highness, and Nika, how are they doing now? Did you miss him?

Thinking of the taboo relationship with the Elf Queen, which was like taking poison, his heart became hot, and it was okay to have an ambiguous relationship at ordinary times, but the rising possessive desire in his heart made him struggle in front of the sinking morality and ethics.

Bang bang bang, the knock on the door woke Long Yi up, he threw out his wild thoughts, and the door opened with a flick of his finger, and the beautiful Sibi stood at the door.

"Husband, accompany me to the Guangming Church for a walk, I haven't seen Priest Kailin for a long time." Sibi said to Long Yi.

Long Yi's eyes flashed. The death of Pope Charles in the big explosion in the Cangyue City church was not publicized. The Church of Light is also very calm. It seems that Kailin and Judy have concealed this matter.

They wiped their hands and left the Phoenix Hotel. This time, they didn't see Li Qing following behind, but both of them knew that Li Qing was not not following, but was hiding out of their sight, presumably because they were afraid of affecting the two of them. For Li Qing, the two could only sigh softly in their hearts.

The Guangming Cathedral in Guangming City stands in the wind and snow, and the huge statue of the God of Guangming stands on the top, as if looking down on all living beings. There is still an endless stream of people who come to pray. Of course, there are many more people seeing a doctor than usual.

Walk into the church to reveal your identity, and ask where the priest is. Si Bi and Long Yi went upstairs.

"Holy maiden Sibi asked to see Priest Kailin." Sibi stood outside the door and said.

With a sound of "squeak", the door carved with the portraits of angels from the God Realm slowly opened, and a burst of soft breath rushed towards the face, making people feel as if they were soaking in the spring breeze.

Kailin was dressed in a white sacrificial robe, with a faint smile on her magnificent face. After seeing Sibi and the other two, a look of kindness flashed in his eyes.

"Saint Priest Kailin, I have been away from Cang Yue City for several months, I miss you very much." Long Yi laughed, still not in a proper tone.

Kailin had long been used to Long Yi's tone, so she couldn't help but said softly to Sibi: "Sibi, come here and let me have a look."

Sibi let go of Long Yi's hand and walked over, while Kailin waved a piece of soft white light on Sibi's forehead. It took a long time before he sighed softly: "I'm afraid your physique will be difficult to change, do you blame me and your master in your heart?"

"No, I won't blame anyone, because I chose this path myself." Sibi shook her head and said, if not for this, her strength would never have improved so quickly.

"Sibi. You come in with me, and read the Gospel of the God of Light with the most sincere and holy heart." Kailin said and entered a room with Sibi inside, which was Kailin's retreat. A few futons away, there is only a statue of the God of Light.

Kay after entering

Not closed. She and Sibi knelt on the futon devoutly. He was reciting vague syllables, anyway, Long Yi couldn't hear a single word clearly, but felt that the tone of the reciting was similar to the rudimentary magic soul protection of the sacrifice, and hearing it made people feel refreshed.

As the two chanted in unison. The two of them began to emit milky white soft light, holy and dusty.

Long Yi felt a little bored after listening for a while, seeing that the two of them would not be able to stop for a while, he went out of the room.

Thinking that there is a stone room for Pope Charles to rest on the top floor of all Guangming Cathedrals of some scale, Long Yi dodged several Bright Warrior guards and appeared on the top floor.

Without anyone noticing, Long Yi pushed open the stone door and dodged in. He looked around. It is found that this place is no different from the stone room of the Guangming Church in Cangyue City, it is empty and nothing is placed.

Walked around in the stone room. Long Yi planned to go out.

But at this moment, Long Yi keenly felt that there seemed to be a pair of eyes watching him from the dark. His nerves tightened, and he turned around suddenly, but there was still an empty stone wall behind him, and he saw nothing.

"Strange." Long Yi murmured and began to search every wall carefully, not missing any trace, but he didn't find anything abnormal.

"Could it be an illusion." Long Yi thought in his heart, shook his head and walked towards the stone gate, but just as he was about to push the stone gate open, the feeling of being peeped on appeared again.

Long Yi scanned the surroundings with sharp eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Who is it? Get out."

But what answered him was a buzzing echo, and this time, the dark eyes did not avoid it. At first, he felt that the peeping feeling came from behind, but now Long Yi felt that there were people in every direction. I was peeping, but I couldn't find a trace of it.

Long Yi took a deep breath, and suppressed the feeling that he was about to go crazy. This is absolutely impossible to be an illusion, it must not be the legendary clairvoyant, it's really fucking nonsense.

Long Yi frowned, and suddenly raised his palm and patted the wall closest to him. Hearing a muffled sound, the whole stone room shook. The wall had already been pierced, forming a palm-shaped hole. Long Yi looked into the hole. I went there, but I was disappointed to find that there was only an empty room with a statue of the God of Light, but it was strange that the door of this room seemed to be closed, and the statue of the God of Light had already accumulated a thick layer of dust.

"The God of Light? The God of Light, the guy who doesn't keep his word." Long Yi snorted. At the beginning, the so-called God of Light possessed Charles, and said that Charles would be safe and sound within ten years, but the result has not been two There was no news in the sky, causing him to fight head-on with the five gods of light, dark, water, fire, earth in the stone room, and Dongfang Kexin also disappeared in the ruins.

Thinking of Dongfang Kexin, Long Yi leaned against the wall in a daze, his heart throbbing suddenly.

These days, Long Yi has been avoiding this fact. There is a scar in his heart that he never dared to touch, but today, this scar was suddenly lifted up, dripping with blood...

Dongfang Kexin's pretty face full of tears seemed to appear in front of her eyes again, and she said the heartbreaking words: "Cousin, I have proved that no matter how hard I try to forget you, I am even willing to let His Majesty the Pope I'm bound by love spells, but I still can't forget you; you say I don't understand love, but I think this is love, I love your cousin, I love you..."

"Ke Xin, I hurt you." Long Yiran burst into tears. Since he was safely transported to the secret room of Nalan Palace with the teleportation array that day, he lay on the ground without moving for a whole night. On the second day, he appeared in the In front of everyone, who knows the pain in his heart?

At this moment, a strange gust of wind blew over from nowhere, circled around Long Yi and then drifted away, but the tears on Long Yi's face were blown away by the wind unknowingly, Long Yi even felt the wind The tenderness contained in it.

Long Yi was stunned, and woke up from the sadness just now, the moment just now was like a dream.

"This secret room is surrounded by walls, and the vacant room at the entrance is also closed, so where could there be wind?" Long Yiyi frowned, feeling that this place was a bit uncomfortable.

ghost? Impossible, there are undead creatures such as soul ghosts in this world, but with his mental power, he can sense even if there is only a wisp of mental fluctuation left.

After a few clicks, the stone door of the secret room suddenly opened wide, and Kailin and Sibi appeared at the door.

"Master Ximen, what are you doing? Do you want to demolish the Church of Light?" Kailin looked at the pierced palm print on the wall of the secret room and asked. She and Sibi just finished reciting the Gospel of the God of Light, and there was light in the end The samurai reported that there was movement in the stone room where the Pope rested, and she guessed it was Long Yi, but it turned out to be him.

Long Yi pointed to the cave, and said: "Take a look inside."

Kailin looked along the entrance of the cave, was startled, and said, "It's strange, why didn't I know there was such a vacant room." It turned out that the vacant room inside was surrounded by walls on all sides, and there was no entrance at all.

"How old is this Guangming Church?" Long Yi asked.

"It is said that it was built thousands of years ago when the miracle of light came. I don't know the exact year." Kailin replied.

For thousands of years? This church is really strong. Could it be a miracle? Long Yi thought.

"There's something wrong with this stone room. I've been feeling someone peeping at me just now, but I didn't find anything other than that stone room over there, and... my mind was a little out of order at that moment." Long Yi thought for a while. After telling the matter, he recalled that when he thought of Dongfang Kexin just now, his weak will was impossible for him before, so there must be something wrong with this stone room.

Kailin and Sibi looked around nervously when they heard the words. They both knew that Long Yi's strength and powerful spiritual power would definitely not be an illusion, but they didn't feel this way. Could it be that the problem lies with the God of Light in the secret room next door? on the statue? Almost in unison, the three cast their gazes on the dusty statue of the God of Light in the cave.

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