Womanizing Mage

Chapter 525: Hunting of the Dark Church

In the dark night, howling in the cold, and heavy snowfall, the foot of the remote mountain between Aoyue Empire and Hengheng has already been covered with ice and snow, which is much colder than that of the Kuanglong Empire.

But a figure flew like lightning in the cold winter night, as fast as lightning.

"Damn it, a bunch of mad dogs." Leng Youyou resisted the feeling of weakness caused by the excessive consumption of mental power, and cursed bitterly in her heart. She has been hunted down by the elites of the Dark Church for dozens of days. They are like a dog skin plaster. The back is stuck tightly, and I can't get rid of it no matter what.

Leng Youyou knew very well that it was because of the emerald bird sealed inside her body, which could let the chasing soldiers know her approximate position.

With a swish, Leng Youyou rushed into the deserted town ahead. Due to years of wars and natural disasters, people in this small town fled to death, leaving only broken tiles and dead trees. Perhaps because of too many dead people, this small town has a gloomy atmosphere.

Lengyou looked around, and at the end of his mind, he cast a magic spell to create a pit in the middle of the town street that could accommodate more than one person, and set up a barrier after hiding in it. The street quickly returned to its original state, without any trace .

Not long after, there were more than dozens of figures in black robes in this gloomy town, all of them had a strong dark atmosphere, and the leader was a woman with exquisite figure, except for her and the four confidantes behind her. In addition, the rest are all dark warriors who have no emotions and only know how to carry out their orders. With such a luxurious hunting lineup, it's no wonder that Leng Youyou was forced into such a mess.

"You guys each lead ten dark warriors to search the center from the four directions of the town, don't let go of any small places, I sense that Leng Youyou, a little slut who eats inside and out, is hiding in this town "The leading woman said bitterly, if Long Yi was there, she would definitely be able to hear that this voice was that mysterious beautiful woman who claimed to be Shui Ruoyan Niangqin.

"Yes, ma'am." The four confidantes led away, and the beautiful woman led ten other dark warriors slowly wandering the streets of the town.

Footsteps came all the way to Leng Youyou's hiding place. This made Leng Youyou, who was hiding in the middle, pounding in her heart. Although she set up this barrier to isolate the breath, she never thought that the Pope's wife would personally participate in the pursuit of her. She is very clear about the strength of Mrs. Dark Pope, and she is equal to her in terms of realm. But some weird secret techniques of the Pope's direct line made her fearful, not to mention her four confidants and fifty dark warriors. Even if the legendary Dharma God came, he still had to be scruples.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and they stopped when they stepped on the top of Leng Youyou's hiding place, which made her nerves tense. If she was not careful, she would confess here today, but she didn't want to die. If you want to die, you have to wait until you see your lover.

Soon, four confidantes who searched from four directions gathered around the Pope's wife.

"What? Didn't you find that little bitch?" Madame Pope asked angrily.

"Ma'am, I have searched all the places around here, but there is no trace of the saint." One of the confidants replied respectfully.

There was a crisp sound of "snap". The confidant was slapped by the Pope's wife and the cloak was blown away. A face as pale as a dead man was revealed.

"Saint? That little slut is no longer the ghost saint of my dark church. If anyone calls her a saint again, don't blame me for being rude." The Pope's wife snorted coldly.

"This subordinate is guilty." The confidant bowed and said without any temper.

The Pope's wife looked around and said coldly: "That little bitch's hiding skills have improved, but do you think I can't find you this way?"

When the Pope's wife raised her hand, a wisp of black air rose from her fingertips. And she was also chanting obscure spells in her mouth.

Leng Youyou's delicate body hidden under her feet trembled, and there were bursts of stabbing pains in her chest. She was terrified in her heart, that damn witch wanted to call out the emerald bird sealed in her body. Once the emerald bird breaks out. The location of his hiding place will be revealed immediately.

Kill now? Leng Youyou immediately denied this idea, as long as the emerald bird is still in her body, then her traces will still be exposed.

Thinking of this, Leng Youyou gave up the suppression, in a burst of piercing pain. A green shadow broke out from Leng Youyou's chest with a cloud of blood. At the same time, Leng Youyou suddenly jumped up from the ground.

With a bang, mud and snow flew, and a huge black lotus flower rose out of thin air. In this dark night, there is a deeper and strange light.

"Hei Lian, soul-hungry." With a coquettish shout, the huge black lotus began to spin sharply, and everyone surrounded by it felt a surge of consciousness between their brows, and there was a strong sense of the soul being pulled away from the body.

Noisy, puffs of black smoke rose from those dark warriors, all of which were inhaled by Heilian.

In just a short moment, Leng Youyou sprang up from the ground, taking advantage of the moment when the Pope's wife retreated in embarrassment, she released an extremely aggressive ghost claw, and a huge dark claw shadow appeared in the midair and approached Madame Pope.

The Pope's wife was startled, the nine-day dark magic was carried to the extreme, and the figure disappeared in the air in an instant, leaving only a stream of blood beads and a trace of rags floating down from the air.

At this time the Pope's

The abdomen and the 30 or so surviving dark warriors have already counterattacked, and several black blades with crossed ten-level black patches hit Leng Youyou.

Leng Youyou gritted her silver teeth, and with a thought, the spiritual power between her brows was emptied in an instant, a burst of intense darkness exploded one meter away from her body, and she sprayed a mouthful of blood towards the blooming black lotus.

Just as the attack reached her body, Leng Youyou was completely sucked into the black lotus, and that black lotus disappeared in the center of the attack out of thin air with a flash of blood.

"Chasing separately, she is seriously injured and can't run far." The Pope's wife said angrily, now that Leng Youyou has no emerald bird in her body, if she escapes this time, it will be difficult to find her again.

The four confidantes and the remaining dark warriors chased from different directions. At this time, the Pope's wife let go of the small hand covering her chest. There was a long and thin wound on it, which was just caught by Leng Youyou. wounded by the attack.

"Little bitch, I caught you to see if I don't cut you alive." The Pope's wife gritted her teeth, and when she saw a colorful scar next to the wound through the torn clothes, she became even more furious. Yu that bastard left an eternal mark on her body, and it was also an eternal shame.

The snow fell harder and harder. The wind was blowing more and more madly, and the whole world seemed to have no other sounds except for the howling of the wind.

A few figures covered in black robes streaked through the air and landed next to the small snow-covered grove.

The leading man in black shrugged his nose, his eyes flashed under the cloak, and he smelled blood.

Looking for that scent, the man in black led several dark warriors carefully into the woods. After walking a few steps, he saw the dying Leng Youyou lying under a tree, and the surrounding white snow was stained dark red by blood.

Leng Youyou opened her eyes with difficulty, watching those black shadows slowly approaching, her heart trembled, she was not afraid of death, but felt too regretful that she hadn't seen her lover for the last time.

Leng Youyou has already prepared the determination to die. If the other party wanted to capture her alive and threaten Long Yi, then she would use her last remaining energy to kill herself, and she could not fall into the hands of the dark church.

The man in black slowly walked up to Leng Youyou and squatted down, a black mist filled his hands and submerged into her body in an instant.

"You..." Leng Youyou felt that the splitting headache was relieved a lot, and the wounds on her body were also closed instantly.

Right now. The man in black was shocked suddenly, and with a wave of his hands, he dispersed the smell of blood in the air, and then led a few dark warriors out of the woods.

"Bone, do you have any idea?" Another man in black robe flew down from the air. Looking at the black-robed man coming out of the woods, he asked.

"No." Dry Bones said briefly in a hoarse voice.

"The north is full of mountains, that's why I came to you. From this point of view, the holy... little bitch fled in two directions to the southeast. Let's go and meet them." The man in black nodded and said, About to fly up. But it stopped again in an instant.

The man in black stepped forward and knelt down, pushed aside the snowflakes on the surface, and saw a small piece of snow inside was dyed dark red.

"Fresh blood. It must be that little slut, withered bones. That little slut is very good at hiding his breath. Let's go find it in the woods now." The man in black got up and ran into the woods.

Withered Bone's expression changed, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

As soon as the man in black rushed into the woods, he saw Leng Youyou lying under the tree. He was overjoyed but immediately felt something was wrong. Leng Youyou was so obviously lying here with bones but said he didn't see it.

It's just that the man in black reacted too slowly, and the god of death had already descended by his side. Two golden-armored corpse kings appeared beside him without warning, tearing him apart in an instant. When the emerald bird sealed in his body sprang up, five sharp claws flashed, and the emerald bird didn't have time to whine before it was dismembered by the prepared bones.

Dry Bones cleaned up the residual limbs, cast an enchantment to cover Leng Youyou, and rushed away. The Pope's wife is very shrewd, and if she was late, she would not be able to see the clues.

Leng Youyou looked at the back of the bone leaving, her consciousness became more and more blurred, she fell into a coma with her head tilted, these days of chasing and killing in the dark church have exhausted all her energy, and it may take a long time to escape this catastrophe It took a while to recover.


The sky was dim and bright without knowing it, and the heavy snow that had been falling for several days finally became smaller, and there were thin snowflakes scattered in the sky, but the north wind was still fierce, making people's cheeks hurt.

Suddenly, two blue shadows loomed from the direction of the Hengduan Mountains, but they were two women in water magic robes, a beautiful woman in her thirties, and a beautiful girl in her early twenties. Flying in the air, the speed of the flight is at least the realm of a magister.

"Ruoruo, after passing the grove in front is the former border of the Aoyue Empire, but now it has become the territory of the Kuanglong Nalan Kingdom." The beautiful woman said to the girl.

"Grandma, how far is it from here to where father is?" the girl asked, if it wasn't for this title, no one would have thought that this beautiful woman who looked about 30 years old would be the girl's grandmother.

Yes, at our speed we can arrive in another six or seven days. "There was a trace of hesitation and melancholy in the beautiful woman.

The girl's pretty face immediately began to glow, obviously looking forward to this day. These two girls are Shui Linglong, the great magister of the water department who came out of Mia Saint Magic Academy, and her granddaughter Shui Ruoyan. This trip to Aoyue Empire is to find Shui Ruoyan's biological father, who is Shui Linglong's only son.

Soon the two of them flew over the grove. At this moment, Shui Ruoyan froze suddenly and said, "Grandma. I'm in a hurry to pee. You wait for me outside. I'll go to the woods to relieve myself."

Shui Ruoyan flew to the ground, cast a water barrier with a wave of her hand, then took off her pants and started to pee.

Pee pee. Shui Ruoyan looked left and right, and suddenly saw a small white hand not far from her, her heart trembled, and she almost jumped up in shock.

Shui Ruoyan put on her trousers and walked over, covered her mouth and exclaimed, "Hey, the ghostly saint of the Church of Darkness."

At the end of the day, Shui Ruoyan walked in with Shui Linglong and said, "Grandma, why don't you come and see what's wrong with her?"

Although Leng Youyou had a lingering relationship with Long Yi when Leng Youyou came to the Principality of Mia to perform a mission, but Shui Ruoyan had never seen her, and at that time she came here in disguise, even if she did, she would not know her. It's just that Shui Ruoyan knew her identity when she saw the black lotus mark on Leng Youyou's forehead. After all, the Guangming Church suffered heavy casualties a few years ago on an extremely cloudy day. When the dark church competed with it for territory, Leng Youyou's reputation was in full swing, and the black lotus mark on her forehead was her identity symbol.

"The physical injury is nothing, but her consciousness has been severely shaken, I don't know if she can fully recover in the future." Shui Linglong said and cast an advanced hydrotherapy technique to stabilize Leng Youyou's injury.

"Grandma. Let's take her on the road together. After all, she is also the ghostly saint of the Dark Church. She is the subordinate of my father and mother. We can't just leave her alone." Shui Ruoyan said.

Shui Linglong remained silent, frowning slightly.

"Grandma, she won't wake up for a few days. If we let her go, what will we do if we meet bad people or monsters that go out to look for food?" Shui Ruoyan asked anxiously.

Shui Linglong looked at Shui Ruoyan with a half-smile. Said: "Are you really concerned about her safety or is it just because she is the woman of that brat Ximen Yu?"

Shui Ruoyan blushed pretty, and said: "Grandma, how did you know she was his woman?" The reason why Shui Ruoyan knew was because Long Yi had mentioned it before.

"Don't worry about how grandma knows, if you really want to save her life, you shouldn't take her to the dark church." Shui Linglong said.

"Why?" Shui Ruoyan was surprised.

"Both her consciousness and body were injured by dark magic, coupled with some recent rumors, grandma suspects that the person who hurt her is a member of the dark church." Shui Linglong sighed softly.

"How is this possible? Why do people from the Dark Church want to hurt their own people?" Shui Ruoyan dared not answer.

Shui Linglong shook her head and didn't explain anymore. This granddaughter has already reached the peak of the magister, and she is only one step away from the great magister. Unfortunately, her experience in life is extremely lacking, and I don't know why I took her to the dark church this time Right or wrong, but if you don't hurry up, I'm afraid you won't have a chance in the future.

"Take her to the bull tribe's territory in the Hengduan Mountains. Isn't the orc there Ximenyu's brother?" Shui Linglong changed the subject.


Two days later, Man Niu, who was already the patriarch of the Man Niu clan, took over Leng Youyou who was still in a coma, and Shui Linglong, grandpa and grandson left in a hurry without stopping.

Over the past few years, Man Niu's appearance has not changed much, but the aura exuding from his body has become much stronger, and his body has gradually acquired the majesty of a superior.

Man Niu looked at Leng Youyou who was lying unconscious on the bed, and a long-lost bloody aura flashed in the bull's eyes. For him, Leng Youyou was not only the boss's woman, but also had a friendship of sharing life and death and suffering together.

After a long time, Man Niu turned around and left the room, sitting alone on the big stone in front of the door, wiping the green jade ruling that was shining with green light, he murmured: "Brother, it's time for us to fight side by side.

"Husband, are you planning to leave?" Eva asked calmly in front of Man Niu, she knew Man Niu too well.

"Eva, I have to go back to the boss." Man Niu looked at his wife and said softly.

Eva nodded with tears in her eyes, and said, "I understand, you should spend more time with your son these few days, and I will get things ready."

Watching Eva enter the room, the barbarian clings to the Green Jade Judgment soaring into the sky, a set of subduing magic sticks is unfolded smoothly, and the faint green light is flying around, splitting the whole space into pieces.

"Drink" the barbarian bull roared, a layer of golden light appeared in the green jade ruling, covering a radius of 100 meters at 360 degrees, and there was a bang, sand and stones filled the sky, and everything within a hundred meters was twisted into powder.

Among the smoke and dust, the barbarian cow stood in it like a god, and he seemed to have returned to the days when he was adventuring with the boss...

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