Womanizing Mage

Chapter 53 Super Skeleton Shows His Power

Listening to Leng Youyou's most provocative love words in the world, Long Yi was inexplicably moved, at this moment, the bloody skull in the palm of his left hand vibrated, Long Yi slapped his head and cursed himself as an idiot.

Long Yi thought of the 18 super skeletons in the Scarlet Skull. In the past, these skeletons didn't dare to show up at will because they couldn't see the light. Now there are only him and Leng Youyou here, so they are afraid of being a bird.

"Youyou, you don't have to wait to be my wife in your next life, because we don't have to die." Long Yi said with a smile.

"Long Yi, you don't need to comfort me anymore, the dark prayer will break within five minutes." Leng Youyou looked at the shield shaking more and more violently and said, there was no fear in her eyes, and she could stay in her beloved. What's wrong with being around people, even if you die?

"Fool, don't you believe me? Just look at it." Long Yi spread out his left hand, the blood-red skull branded on it was emitting a strange red light.

"This, what is this? Such a heavy dark breath." Leng Youyou was shocked, but something that surprised her even more happened. Long Yi closed his eyes and recited a spell. A black light flashed on his body, and the sky suddenly split open. A dark gap, eighteen skeletons in bone armor flashed out of the gap in the blink of an eye, standing in front of them majesticly lined up.

Leng Youyou looked at Long Yi lying on the ground in shock, and said, "You are actually a necromancer!"

"Why can't I be a necromancer?" Long Yi smiled, he struggled to get up, and gave the order to attack the eighteen skeletons. As soon as the order was issued, the skeleton holding the bloody sickle rushed out first, and the other seventeen followed behind in a fan shape, and began to slaughter these dark monsters.

If Leng Youyou's shock just now was because of Long Yi's dark class, then her dumbfoundedness now is entirely because of the strength shown by those eighteen skeletons. Are these still skeletons? She had also come into contact with necromancers before, but the pale skeletons they summoned had no strong attack power at all, and they only won by numbers. And the strength of these eighteen skeletons is absolutely no less than that of a sword master, and the strength of the leading skeleton is even more unfathomable. The bloody sickle in its hand turned into blood shadows, mercilessly harvesting the flesh of these dark monsters. life.

"Oh my god, your skeleton is absorbing the magic power of these dark monsters, how is this possible?" Leng Youyou cried out, the surprise Long Yi gave her today was too much, she couldn't bear it anymore.

After hearing Leng Youyou's words, Long Yi found out that the black air that floated out after the death of the dark monster was absorbed by these skeletons, and they seemed to be immune to the magic of the dark department. Logically speaking, so many dark magic attacks would be a little A little damage, but they didn't do anything wrong. Instead, they became more brave after absorbing the magic power of the dark monster.

peter. Xiuge is indeed a genius of undead magic, and let him refine this kind of monster. It turns out that what was written in his notes is true.

These eighteen skeletons are evolutionary skeletons, a peerless creation never seen before. Now the strength of these eighteen skeletons has reached the level of a sword master, and Long Er has reached the level of a great sword master. If they evolve to another level, where can they go in this world? Is this damn place really a good place for me?

Thinking of this place, Long began to look around. The whole world here is a gray color, giving people a dull and depressing feeling. The place he is in is a dark forest, and there is no other life except for the monsters all over the mountains and plains. creature. Long Yi released his mental power to sense the magic elements in the air, and was shocked to find that there were no other magic elements in the air except for the dark magic elements. No wonder the dark monsters flooded here, it turned out to be caused by environmental factors. Long Yi suddenly thought of how effective it would be to practice dark magic in such an environment.

Long Yi immediately told this discovery to Leng Youyou, who was staring at the eighteen skeletons in a daze. After feeling it for a while, she said ecstatically: "The dark magic element is so thick, even if the Lost City is compared with this place, it's a world away." Earth, I have decided, I want to practice here, and I will never go out unless I am a magister."

Long Yi was stunned, and smiled wryly: "Even if we want to go out, we might not be able to go out, there is no one in this ghostly place, so what if you become a dark magic god?"

"I don't care. If I can't get out, I won't be able to get out. As long as I'm by your side, I'm not afraid of anything." Leng Youyou said shyly, she never thought that she would express her feelings so boldly and say shameful love words.

Long Yi didn't say anything, just gently hugged Leng Youyou into his arms. Suddenly, the meridians all over Long Yi's body felt cramping again, and he couldn't help but groan.

"Long Yi, what's the matter with you?" Leng Youyou lifted up from Long Yi's arms, and was shocked to find that blood was spilling from the corner of Long Yi's mouth, and only then did she remember that Long Yi was injured.

"It's okay, just now the zhenqi reversal injured the meridian, I can adjust the breath for a while." Long Yi comforted, he sat down cross-legged and began to adjust the breath.

Infuriating reversal? What is infuriating? Leng Youyou was full of doubts, but she obediently did not disturb him after seeing Long Yi sitting cross-legged in a meditation posture.

At this moment, Leng Youyou suddenly felt a strong dark magic aura rushing towards her. In her astonishment, Long Yi's whole body was already filled with a faint black aura. The magical element that appears when materialized. With such an inconceivably thick dark magic element, if she sat down beside Long Yi and meditated, it would be much faster than practicing by herself. But at this time, those eighteen skeletons were still slaughtering the fleeing dark monsters in the distance, she was afraid that if other monsters emerged and endangered Long Yi, she resisted the temptation and stood by Long Yi's side.

I don't know how long it took, when the eighteen skeletons came back with a bloody murderous look, Leng Youyou breathed a sigh of relief, there shouldn't be any problem with the protection of these eighteen super skeletons, so she sat beside Long Yi and started meditate.

Eighteen tall skeletons stood motionless like eighteen statues of demons, while the corpses of dark monsters filled the mountains and plains, and the strong smell of blood filled the whole world.

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