Womanizing Mage

Chapter 54 Are skeletons conscious?

Undead summoning war pets like skeletons cannot be too far away from their masters, otherwise these eighteen super skeletons will always follow Long Yi's order to hunt down and kill those dark monsters.

While Long Yi and Leng Youyou were meditating, Long Er (the skeleton holding the bloody sickle) suddenly moved its motionless skeleton, and a strange red light flashed in its two empty eye sockets. Slowly, Long Er turned around and walked straight towards Long Yi. Its speed was very fast, and it reached Long Yi's side in the blink of an eye. After turning Long Yi around, it stopped still at the place where the dark magic elements were most concentrated, and became a skeleton without any signs of life.

I don't know how long it took, Leng Youyou woke up from her meditation, and when she opened her eyes, she saw Long Erchu beside her, which shocked her who was unprepared. When she saw that Long Er was actually absorbing the thick dark magic elements around Long Yi like her, she couldn't help being surprised, and she couldn't help but sigh in her heart, the master is mysterious, and now even his skeleton is also mysterious .

There is no sun or stars in this space, the sky is always so dark and gloomy, Leng Youyou has woken up from meditation for the third time, but Long Yi is still motionless, but the dark magic element around him is getting stronger and stronger , almost wrapped Long Er beside him in it.

"Why haven't you woke up yet? I'm so bored." Leng Youyou sighed, the magic power and spiritual power increased by the meditation these days are almost comparable to the previous year's penance, and it is still a little bit short of reaching the dark system. She has reached the level of a great magician, but she is not happy. She would rather just keep meditating than wake up and face these skeletons alone. Within a radius of 500 meters of this forest, no monster dared to step in, and it seemed even more lifeless.

Just when Leng Youyou was thinking whether to sit down and meditate again, the thick layer of dark magic elements surrounding Long Yi began to fluctuate strongly, and suddenly a powerful and vast aura erupted from Long Yi, standing beside him Long Er was shocked and flew backwards, fell to the ground with a bang, stood up again with a bang, and came back with a few long strides.

The rich dark magic elements submerged into Long Yi's body, and at this moment Long Yi's face was covered with a layer of light, making him look even more handsome. Suddenly Long Yi's eyes opened suddenly, the eyes flashed brightly, a clear and long whistle sounded, Long Yi's whole body rose into the air, and suddenly more than a dozen Long Yi scattered in the air.

"Great Mercy and Great Compassion Qianye Palm." More than a dozen Long Yi shouted violently in the air, each Long Yi's arm turned into a shadow of an arm, like countless hands attacking at the same time.

Boom boom boom, within a blast of energy, there was already a densely packed small hole in the ground, which made Leng Youyou stunned. Long Yi lightly descended from the sky, with a look of joy in his eyes, just now he broke through the first floor of Aotianjue and entered the second floor, one must know that every level of Aotianjue's inner strength is It has turned up geometrically, and the power of Ao Tian Jue in this world seems to be much greater than in the previous life.

Long Yi looked at the small hole on the ground and still shook his head, if he used the Great Mercy and Great Compassion Chiba Palm with the fifth level skill in his previous life, the place he hit would sink several meters.

Long Yi raised his head and saw Leng Youyou looking at him in shock, he couldn't help laughing and said: "Youyou, don't be surprised, your man is more than me, you will know later."

"Long Yi, you are really powerful. What you used just now didn't seem to be battle qi. Why is it so powerful? I think it is comparable to a great swordsman." Leng Youyou looked at Long Yi with even more fascinated eyes, mysterious and powerful. Men are always so attractive.

Long Yi smiled, flipping his palm over light blue Dou Qi suddenly appeared, Dou Qi was still at the level of a sword master, it hadn't improved with Ao Tianjue's refinement, but Long Yi always felt that Dou Qi and internal force were interlinked, the two The combination between them shouldn't be limited to using internal force to stimulate fighting energy, they should be able to combine more, but Long Yi has no clue yet.

Looking at the corpses of dark monsters all over the mountains and plains, Long Yi was very satisfied with the performance of these eighteen skeletons. He patted Miss Long Er on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Good boy, you did a good job."

"Why are you talking to the skeleton? It doesn't understand." Leng Youyou said.

"Hehe, I don't know either, I always feel that this guy is different." Long Yi said with a smile.

"Every one of your skeletons is weird, but this one is even weirder, you know? When you meditated, you gathered thick dark magic elements, and it actually knows to stand beside you to absorb it." Leng Youyou said.

Long Yi's heart moved, could it be that this skeleton produced its own consciousness, but he quickly gave up this idea, how could the skeleton produce its own consciousness when there was only a skeleton left? Could it be that it cannot think with its bones.

"Youyou, let's go, let's see what the hell kind of place this is." Long Yi held Leng Youyou's hand and said, he was sure that this place was definitely not the outside world, but a certain dimensional space, whether he could go out or not. Know the number.

Leng Youyou nodded, and the two started to move forward with eighteen skeletons. After walking a short distance, Long Yi turned around and looked at the corpses of dark monsters all over the ground. He originally wanted to use undead magic to revive these dark monsters to open the way, but considering that their magic power had been completely absorbed by the eighteen skeletons when they died , The resurrection is not very useful, so let it go.

Walking all the way and slaughtering all the way, all the dark monsters encountered suffered disasters, and were slaughtered by eighteen skeletons. However, the level of dark monsters in this area is not high, and there is not much dark magic power.

"Long Yi, why is there no water source around here?" On the way, Leng Youyou complained.

"Are you thirsty? I still have a lot of water here." Long Yi put enough food and water in the space ring because he was doing the mission of the lost city.

"No, I want to take a bath, and my body is so sticky and uncomfortable." Leng Youyou had a depressed face. Girls always like to be clean, and they haven't taken a bath since they fell into this space. When I was in the barren grassland, I could gather water to wash my body with water-based elementary magic water polo, but this ghostly place has no other magic elements except dark magic elements, so water-type magic can't be cast naturally.

ps: Many readers have objections to Long Yi's name. After thinking about it, I decided to change Long Yi to Long Yi. I will start revising it tomorrow morning, and I will correct some typos and omissions by the way.

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