Womanizing Mage

The fifty-sixth chapter of water fascination (2)

Long Yi lifted Leng Youyou horizontally from the water, and walked towards a large flat rock in the middle of the river. Leng Youyou tightly hugged Long Yi's neck, she was so ashamed that she buried her head in his embrace and dared not lift it up.

Is she going to be his woman today? So nervous. Leng Youyou thought in her heart, the skin all over her body turned pink uncontrollably, and her delicate body became tense all of a sudden.

Long Yi stepped on the boulder in the middle of the river, and put Leng Youyou down on his back, but she refused to let go.

"Youyou, what's wrong?" Long Yi asked softly.

So nervous. "Leng Youyou said with a little trembling.

"Hey, don't be afraid, don't you want to give it to me?" Long Yi simply hugged Leng Youyou sideways, stroking her back with his hands to ease her tension.

"No, I am willing." Leng Youyou hurriedly said, sooner or later she would give her body to him, and give him peace of mind sooner or later, but she just couldn't control her nervousness, if only she could be like that night.

Long Yi chuckled, one of his claws was rubbing on Leng Youyou's perky buttocks, and the other brought some internal force to soothe her nerves. Slowly, Leng Youyou's body softened, and she groaned softly from time to time.

Hearing the cold and seductive moaning sound that reached his bones, Long Yi's blood was rushing suddenly, he only felt that the girl's moaning sound penetrated into the marrow of his bone marrow like a strange magic power, teasing his most primitive desires. His little brother was as hard as iron and pressed against the softest place between Leng Youyou's legs.

"Ah, Long Yi." With a trembling voice, Leng Youyou felt the fiery firmness of her private parts, her body trembled lightly, and her breasts rotted to the bone.

Long Yi's strong waist began to twitch, rubbing against the wet crevice, even though he was really fascinated, there was a special feeling in his heart. Slowly, Long Yi was not satisfied, his lustful hand stretched into the gap between his buttocks, and pressed straight to the entrance of Taoyuan Cave.

"Ah, Long Yi." Leng Youyou supported Long Yi's chest with his weak hands.

Long Yi stopped, staring at her with eyes full of lust, he said hoarsely: "What's wrong?"

Leng Youyou broke free from Long Yi's embrace, and stood up naked, her head covered with black hair, her ordinary face exuded an astonishing charm. Her pair of plump jade rabbits trembled lightly, shining with a seductive luster like cream, from Long Yi's line of sight, one could actually see the pink in the dense forest between her legs.

Long Yi resisted the thought of wanting to pounce on her and caress freely, he wanted to know what Leng Youyou wanted to do at this time.

Leng Youyou's delicate face was blushing, and a layer of water mist lingered in her eyes as bright as a starry sky. She looked at Long Yi obsessively, her lotus feet moved lightly, and she straddled his waist under Long Yi's stunned eyes. superior.

"Long Yi, look at me." Leng Youyou couldn't hold back her shame, but her eyes met Long Yi bravely.

Long Yi obediently looked at Leng Youyou, and suddenly felt her face distorted like ripples, he thought he was dazzled, so he immediately closed his eyes tightly and then opened them again.

Boom, Long Yi's mind went blank, oh my god, what did he see, why did Leng Youyou suddenly change, that delicate face like a fairy, that watery autumn eyes, that delicate nose and lotus mouth, combined in It was so perfect together, it was like walking out of a fairyland, could it be that I was dreaming?

"Am I pretty?" Leng Youyou looked at her lover's dumbfounded expression happily, and asked with some expectation and some pride, she was always very confident about her appearance.

"Pretty." Long Yi murmured, suddenly he came to his senses and realized that Leng Youyou's ordinary face had always been her disguise. Leng Youyou's beauty is different from Sibi's. Sibi's beauty is soft and unearthly, without a touch of human fireworks, while she is gorgeous and incomparable, with a hint of arrogance in her aloofness.

"Then do you like how beautiful I am?" Leng Youyou stroked the blue hair on her forehead coquettishly.

Long Yi saw Leng Youyou's true face, he only felt that this appearance is what Leng Youyou should have, such a beautiful face coupled with such a perfect figure is right.

Long Yi was ridden by Leng Youyou, and the little brother in his crotch grew a bit thicker. As soon as he struggled, he wanted to press Leng Youyou under him and whip him wantonly.

"Don't move." Leng Youyou grabbed Long Yi's arms and said tenderly.

Seeing Long Yi's suspicious eyes, Leng Youyou blushed and said, "I'll do it myself, you are not allowed to move."

Long Yi was stunned, did this girl want to do it herself and have enough food and clothing? He also wanted to see what Leng Youyou was going to do, so he held back his desire and let her do it.

Leng Youyou's buttocks moved back, and Long Yi's thick little brother was exposed straight in front of her eyes. With that size, Leng Youyou was dumbfounded in the dark, and couldn't help but feel a little worried, such a thick big guy could get in. ? Leng Youyou bit her lower lip, held the fiery firmness with her ice-cold jade hand, and rubbed up and down.

After Long Yi teased her like this, the little brother looked even more ferocious. Leng Youyou blushed pretty face, raised her buttocks a little, aligned Long Yi's firmness, and sat down fearlessly.

Long Yi felt that his lower body broke through a layer of barriers and entered a warm passage, and the sensation of his body made him want to groan. But before he could make a sound, he heard Leng Youyou's painful moan. I saw that Leng Youyou's complexion was pale, and the teardrops in her eyes were still rolling.

Such a strong silly girl, do you think anyone can be this female knight?

Lengyou lay in Long Yi's arms, and said pitifully: "Husband, it hurts me to death."

Hearing Leng Youyou's "husband", Long Yi's heart grew more compassionate, while stroking the sensitive parts of Leng Youyou's body, he whispered never-tiring love words in her ear.

Gradually, Long Yi felt the warm passage getting wet, and Leng Youyou's whole body was flushed and began to move emotionally. Long Yi tried to move at first, and the strong pleasure coming from his lower body made him very excited. After the initial discomfort, Leng Youyou also began to lie on Long Yi's body to cooperate, obviously finding a little feeling.

With the intensification of Long Yi's movements, Leng Youyou's coquettish moans sounded again, she closed her eyes tightly, her cheeks were dyed with a faint blush, like the most magnificent rosy clouds in the sky.

"Husband, love me." Leng Youyou suddenly hugged Long Yi tightly, her snow-white buttocks rose and fell crazily, she was completely lost in desire.

As a man, how could Long Yi be ridden by women all the time? With a low growl, he rolled over and pressed on Leng Youyou's body, his arms wrapped around her waist and began to move quickly.

The spring scenery is provocative, the breasts are rolling, and after a while, Leng Youyou's whole body twitched, and she let out in a loud scream...

ps: Do you want to change the protagonist's name? Solicit everyone's opinions and vote on the page!

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