Womanizing Mage

Chapter 57: Cold Pool

After the sex, Leng Youyou was paralyzed in Long Yi's arms, unable to even move a single toe. It was the first time she was killed by Long Yi until she was completely thrown away. Unconvinced, she took the initiative to ignite again. In the end, she was chased by Long Yi, who had been venting her desire for a long time, and she almost passed out after venting several times in succession.

"Long Yi, where did your little tiger go?" Leng Youyou asked lazily while lying in Long Yi's arms.

"That little guy hasn't woken up yet, I threw him into the dark dimension." Long Yi replied stroking Leng Youyou's pink back.

"Is it the bloody skull in your palm?" Leng Youyou asked.

Long nodded, proudly said: "This is Peter, the great magister of the undead hundreds of years ago. It was refined by cultivation, and so are the eighteen super skeletons."

"Peter. Xiuge? No wonder, only he can refine such a perverted skeleton." Leng Youyou said in surprise, this necromancer is the god in the hearts of all dark magicians, and he has a great reputation in the dark church. natural position.

The two hugged each other and chatted all over the world, and naturally they also talked about their respective situations. Of course, it was impossible for Long Yi to tell her that he came from another world, nor did he say that he was the prostitute that everyone in the Dragon Empire shouted and beat. Thief, he just said that he is a member of the Kuanglong Empire, as for the rest, he kept silent, and Leng Youyou wisely didn't ask, she believed that Long Yi would tell her one day.

Leng Youyou, on the other hand, told Long Yi of her identity without any concealment. It turned out that she was also from the Dragon Empire. Both of her parents died since she was a child. She was adopted after she was born with a dark physique, and later became the ghostly saint of the dark church, and her status in the dark church was equal to that of the light saint of the light church. This time, because the Dark Pope forced her to marry his son, she had to run away. The reason why Leng Youyou did the task of the lost city was because it was said that there was a piece of dark magic jade in the lost city, and those who owned it would gain infinite dark magic power.

Long Yi was very angry when he heard that, that old fellow Dark Pope dared to persecute his own woman, he vowed to teach him a lesson one day, but it was also because of him that he could meet Leng Youyou, from this point of view I should thank him. Long Yi has no interest in the dark magic jade in the Lost City. He doesn't believe that there is such a treasure in this world, what kind of infinite magic power, isn't that bullshit?

Time flies, according to Long Yi's calculations, he and Leng Youyou have stayed in this ghostly place for about a month. During this month, they climbed several mountains and killed countless dark monsters. Both men in the carnage were weary. Due to the special environment here, Leng Youyou not only entered the realm of a great magician, but also faintly broke into the realm of a wizard. And Long Yi realized that the dark magic elements in the sea were already so thick that they were almost mushy, but for some reason, he could only cast level 7 magic at most. Logically speaking, such thick dark magic elements could reach the dark magician. the realm.

at this time,

Long Yi and Leng Youyou were standing in front of a steep cliff like a cloud in a daze, they looked at each other in dismay, there was no way to get here after so much hardship, are they really going to be trapped to death here? Eighteen super-level skeletons stood faithfully behind them. After absorbing the magic power of countless dark monsters, the strength of these skeletons has greatly improved, and the bone armor covering various parts is obviously much thicker.

"Long Yi, what should we do now?" Leng Youyou looked at her sweetheart eagerly. After staying in this place where nothing shits like a bird for so long, her bold words at the beginning have long been forgotten. If she can leave, she will have a moment. She also doesn't want to stay here any longer, if it wasn't for Long Yi being by her side, she might have gone crazy by now.

Long Yi shrugged and said with a smile: "Don't worry, we can definitely go out." Long Yi leaned against the cliff wall in thought, although he said he was so confident, in fact he didn't have any confidence in his heart, maybe this is a dead space , can only enter but not exit.

Leng Youyou looked around, and suddenly found a small pool of water not far away, so she wanted to go there and wash her hands. She had just put her hand into the water when she withdrew it with a scream.

Long Yi was shocked, thinking she was in danger, he appeared in front of her with a flash, and asked urgently: "What's going on?"

"This water is so...so cold." Leng Youyou clapped her hands and said.

Long Yi smiled helplessly, Leng Youyou was so startled, he thought something had happened, he pulled Leng Youyou's hand, his face suddenly changed, her fingers were frostbitten, it can be seen that this Water is not just ice.

Long Yi held Leng Youyou's hand, Ao Tianjue's internal force circulated to disperse the cold air on her fingers, at the same time a big question mark popped up in his heart. Look at the degree of frostbite on Leng Youyou's fingers. The water in this small pool is at least minus 100 degrees Celsius, but the water is not frozen, and it is not as cold as ordinary cold pools. Even standing next to it, you can't feel it. coolness.

Long Yi casually picked up a branch and threw it towards the pool, only to see that the branch changed color quickly, and then sank. Long Yi pondered for a while, then stretched out his internal force and extended his palm towards the water pool. Although isolated by his internal force, there was still a burst of cold feeling, but it was still within Long Yi's tolerance. Intuition tells Long Yi that this small pool is the key to whether they can get out.

"Youyou, just wait for me here, I'll go down and have a look." Long Yi turned around and said to Leng Youyou.

Leng Youyou immediately hugged Long Yi's arm, and objected: "No, this pool is so strange, what if there is danger?"

"It's okay, this pool is just a little colder, it's nothing to me, whether we can find a way out depends on it." Long Yi said softly with his big hand stroking Leng Youyou's cheek.


"Hey, can you still not trust me? You just wait here for me, I will come up soon." Long Yi interrupted Leng Youyou.

Leng Youyou looked at Long Yi's resolute face, knowing that he would never change no matter what, she believed that he was the only choice at this moment, so she pressed her small hand on Long Yi's big hand on her cheek, and rubbed her small face twice. He continued: "I believe in you, but you must be careful, if something happens to you, I will never live alone."

Long Yi knew that Leng Youyou meant what he said, so he said seriously: "As long as you don't see my dead body, don't believe that I'm dead. Your husband is very fateful, you know?"

"En." Leng Youyou nodded vigorously, and this sentence has been imprinted in her heart ever since, as long as she didn't see Long Yi's body, she would never believe that he was killed.

ps: The next chapter will be around 11 o'clock~

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