Womanizing Mage

Chapter 58: Secret Cave at the Bottom of the Pool

Long Yi brought Long Er into the dark dimensional space, and the other seventeen super skeletons stayed to protect Leng Youyou.

"I'm going down, you must be careful." Long Yi leaned over and touched Leng Youyou's lips lightly, staring deeply into her beautiful eyes, trying to convey his confidence to her.

Leng Youyou opened her mouth, but suddenly felt that something was stuck in her throat, her beautiful eyes were foggy, she just nodded her head vigorously. Perhaps she herself never thought that she would be so worried about a man.

Long Yi took a deep breath, Ao Tianjue's internal force spread outwards all over his body, he gestured to Leng Youyou not to worry, and plunged headfirst into this small cold pool.

The water in the cold pool is very clear, but it is bottomless. As Long Yi dived down, the bone-piercing cold came through the internal force of the bodyguard, but fortunately, it was immediately dispelled by the internal force in Long Yi's body, otherwise Long Yi's whole body would turn into a popsicle .

After diving for about half an hour, Long Yi still didn't reach the bottom, and Long Yi discovered a very strange phenomenon, originally the buoyancy increased as he dived, but the buoyancy decreased as he went down in this cold pool. There was a force of pressure pushing him down, and the speed of Longxia's dive became faster and faster, but if it weren't for his internal protection, his internal organs would be crushed to pieces by this powerful water pressure.

There is no light coming in from such a deep water area, but it is not a serious problem for Long Yi's eyesight. Suddenly, Long Yi felt white light spots flashing under his body, and the water temperature dropped a lot in an instant, Long Yi's limbs were a little stiff.

As it got closer, there were more and more white spots of light, almost densely filling the entire water area below. Suddenly, Long Yi supported the rock on the edge and stopped. At this moment, he was both surprised and happy. What surprised him was that those white spots were all fish with white light, but this kind of fish was covered with scales like iron armor, and the rows of sharp teeth on the flat fish head It all shows that this kind of strange fish is definitely not a good stubble; the joy is that there is a fan-shaped hole in the rock in the water area of ​​these strange fish, but no water flows in. I think there is a hole in it, maybe the exit of this space is here .

Looking at these huge schools of strange fish, Long Yi was worried. These strange fish seem to be not weak in attack, can they break through by themselves? What can I use to attack? Dark magic has little effect in water, but this ghost place has no other magic elements except dark magic elements. Then attack with internal force? There is not much left of his own internal strength in such a high-power operation. Dou Qi is not considered. Then, psychic attack? Dealing with such a large number of strange fish will also consume to death.

Suddenly, Long Yi had a flash of inspiration, can't he use mental protection without mental attack? Is it possible to separate a channel with mental power? Long Yi measured the distance with his eyes, and it seemed feasible.

Long Yi didn't hesitate anymore, his hands and feet were already feeling a little numb. With a thought, the powerful spiritual power went down following Long Yi's command. He first condensed the invisible spiritual power into a bunch,

Bypassing the strange fish to reach the fan-shaped hole, and then slowly spreading the condensed mental power, those strange fish were pushed back by the mental power. In this way, an invisible channel of spiritual power was formed from Long Yi's place to the entrance of the cave, surrounded by dense schools of strange fish.

Seeing that the spiritual channel was successfully set up, Long Yi Ao Tianjue turned crazily, and the person already cut through the water like a sharp arrow and passed along the channel. The strange fish group felt that there was an alien invasion and began to riot, but they were all isolated by mental power. But when Long Yi was only one body away from the entrance of the cave, Long Yi's head suddenly became dizzy, and his mental strength faded away. Long Yi was startled, he knew that this was the result of using mental power at such a high speed. At this moment, there was no other way, Long Yi had to grit his teeth and charge forward, if he stopped at this time, it would be guaranteed that there would be no bones left.

Under the urging of internal force, Long Yi shot into the hole like a cannonball, but at the moment he entered, he felt a sharp pain in his legs. Long Yi rolled in the hole for a few laps and stopped. He sat up and found several wounds on his calf bleeding, and he didn't need to guess that it must have been bitten by the sharp teeth of the group of strange fish.

Long Yi was horrified, one must know that in order to speed up, his internal energy was almost concentrated on these two feet, but that group of strange fish could penetrate his body armor and bite him with internal energy, it cannot but be said that they are very powerful.

Fortunately, those strange fishes are not poisonous, and the wounds are only flesh wounds, so Long Yi sealed the wound with a few fingers and it will be fine. At this time, Long Yi began to look carefully at the fan-shaped cave. He was surprised to find that the four walls of the cave are very smooth and flat. About two meters away, there are two white magic lamps lighting up. At first glance, I thought it was a passage leading to heaven.

Long Yi sat on the ground and recovered for a while, then stood up and walked to the depths of the passage step by step. Not long after walking, Long Yi stopped, looking warily at the rows of lifelike statues on both sides of the aisle. They were dressed in clothes of different professions and held different weapons. The only thing they had in common was their ferocious faces. expression.

Long Yi always felt that these statues were weird, he didn't dare to pass between them rashly, but he had to. Long Yi looked at the height of the passage, tapped his feet, lifted himself up lightly, stepped on the wall sideways, and wanted to pass by the sky.

But when Long Yi's feet passed the first statue, like a chain reaction, all the statues were revived, and the petrification on their bodies disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Immediately, overwhelming magic and dou qi rushed towards Long Yi who was flying over the eaves and walls.

"Wow, the fire of hell, the world of ice and snow, isn't there no other magical elements in this ghost place?" Long Yi moved the universe in a panic and left a few afterimages in the air. His people had already retreated. The strange thing is , When he returned to the original place, these people were all petrified into statues again.

Long Yi estimated that there are probably more than a hundred of these statues. Judging from the magical grudges they have just now, most of them are high-level mages and high-level fighters, but there are also magisters and great sword masters mixed in. The tenth-level magicians just now The ice and snow and the deep blue grudge prove this point.

what to do? Fighting is unbeatable, but if you use running, you can be sure. The premise is that there are no other messy things blocking the way, or you will return gloriously.

Now that things have come to an end, it is impossible for Long Yi to retreat, so there is only one chance to try. Long Yi has never been a procrastination person, once he made a decision, he immediately put it into action. The Great Teleportation of the Universe was transported to the extreme, and the afterimage of Long Yi's body gliding in the air, took advantage of the two seconds when the petrification was eliminated, flew past, and flew forward without stopping. Voices on the walls.

Long Yi turned his head and saw that the more than one hundred masters were left far behind, but they still chased him.

"Unfortunately, why don't these little things become statues now?" Long Yi ran while complaining, praying in his heart that he would never touch anything again.

But some people are naturally moldy, and they are really afraid of what will happen.

"It seems that if people are unlucky, they will get stuck between their teeth if they drink cold water." Long Yizhi stopped, and looked at the huge monster statue in front of him with a wry smile that sealed the entire passage.

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