Womanizing Mage

Chapter 59: Thunder Beast

Looking at this huge monster statue, Long Yi suddenly felt a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before, but at this moment he couldn't allow him to think too much, as the pursuers were approaching. Long Yi looked back, then looked at the huge guy in front, gritted his teeth and rushed forward, until the last moment, who knows what will happen?

Facts have proved that Long Yi's bad luck is still continuing, the moment Long Yi approached, this magical beast has already started to quickly eliminate petrification. With a roar, Long Yi turned into a phantom and passed through the space between the monster's waist and the stone wall. Suddenly, Long Yi felt a spaciousness in front of him, but before he had time to look at it, more than a dozen lightning bolts fell on him from the sky, Long Yi's whole body went numb, his clothes instantly turned into ashes, and his whole body was straight like a zombie. Falling backwards, lightning flashed across the skin.

"It turned out to be an SS-level Thunder Beast. I wonder why it's so familiar." Long glanced back at the bead, which was the only movable organ in his body now. Feeling the tingling feeling slowly dissipating, part of the rampant current in the body decomposed into lightning magic elements and entered the sea of ​​consciousness, while the other part was completely absorbed by the body.

Long Yi was secretly sighing in his heart that he was lucky, fortunately his body would not be injured by lightning, if any monsters were replaced in this passage today instead of the Thunder Beast, he might have already gone to heaven to meet the God of Light.

Not long after, Long Yi's body regained consciousness, he stood up and stretched his still limbs, turned around and saw that Violent Thunder Beast walking towards him step by step from the entrance. Long Yi took out a set of clothes from the space ring and put them on, secretly guarding himself. Although lightning can't hurt him, it can make him temporarily lose the ability to resist. If you put your body under pressure, you may become one of the most aggrieved dead in the Canglan Continent of the year.

Long Yi didn't summon Long Er, because he knew it was useless at all, super skeletons are immune to dark magic, but not against other magic, and facing SS level monsters, they would immediately turn into a pile of bones after being summoned.

Long Yi looked at the Violent Thunder Beast, and found that there was no hostility in its eyes, but a friendly face. At this moment, Long Yi carefully looked at the terrifying SS-level monster described in this book, and saw that it had silver-purple hair all over, and its limbs It is thick, with a short tail, and a silver horn with beautiful patterns engraved on its head. It doesn't look scary, but rather cute. At this moment, Violent Thunder Beast came to Long Yi's side, it sniffed Long Yi's body with its nose, and Violent Thunder Beast felt a very powerful lightning aura from him, so Violent Thunder Beast felt very kind . It rubbed against Long Yi's body with its big fluffy face, and suddenly after a soft growl, its huge body shrank rapidly, turning into a cute silver-purple pug, and the silver horns on its head also retracted into its body .

Long Yi was stunned, the book didn't say that the Rabid Thunder Beast could transform, and it was so cute when it became smaller. At this moment, Long Yi saw more than a hundred people chasing him at the entrance of the passage, the strange thing was that they didn't come in, but stuck in the entrance of the passage without thinking. At this time, Long Yi felt that something was wrong. Although these people of various professions had eliminated the state of petrification, they all had dull expressions, as if they had no soul at all, and this Violent Thunder Beast was circling around his feet. obviously different,

Its rich facial expressions just now prove that it has a complete soul.

Long Yi picked up the shrunken Violent Thunder Beast and stared straight at its clear eyes, feeling strange, the book said that Violent Thunder Beast has a cruel temperament, why can't it be seen now. Seeing Long Yi holding it, the Violent Thunder Beast licked his wrist affectionately with its tongue.

But at this moment, the Violent Thunder Beast suddenly bit Long Yi's wrist with its sharp teeth, Long Yi almost threw it out in fright, but the strange phenomenon that followed made him stunned. I saw a drop of blood from the wound on the wrist floating strangely, emitting a blood-red light in mid-air, and suddenly split into two and submerged into the eyebrows of himself and the Violent Thunder Beast. Immediately, Long Yi felt that he and the Violent Thunder Beast had a bloodline The feeling of being connected.

"Blood contract, how is this possible?" Long Yi murmured, a magical beast could actually know the legendary contract magic, and it was the highest blood contract. Long Yi has seen vague records about contract magic in the book. It is said that a long time ago, magicians in the Canglan continent basically knew contract magic. Pets can even cast various contract magics on other races, which is unimaginable now, but unfortunately, for some reason, this kind of contract magic disappeared in the long river of history.

Long Yi felt it for a while, but didn't feel any change. In order to test it out, he mentally ordered the Thunder Beast to attack those people at the entrance of the passage. I saw the Violent Thunder Beast jumped down from Long Yi's hands, its body immediately swelled up, and a dense electric net covered those people at the entrance of the passage. Except for a few people who backed away, the others were all covered by this grid and knocked to the ground, and what surprised Long Yi was that this grid didn't disappear when it was blown down like the lightning technique, it always existed With its power, those covered people turned into a pile of black carbon in a blink of an eye, this made Long Yi see another usage of electric magic.

The Violent Thunder Beast was about to kill the surviving people, Long Yi gave an order in his heart to stop it. With a strange cry, Long Yi picked up and then shrunk the Thunder Beast and gnawed fiercely. He wanted to roar a few times with pride. It turns out that his luck is not bad. In the future, he will have an ss-level monster and the eighteenth-level monster. With super-level skeletons, use Rabid Thunder Beast in the open, and super-level skeletons in the dark, there is nowhere in this world, such as the great magister and sword master, they still beat them to the ground.

After the excitement was over, Long Yi began to look at this spacious hall-like room. This room was empty without any items. The four walls and the conical top were all engraved with ghostly symbols. Long Yi studied it carefully. , now I can't understand it at all.

This hall has no exit other than the entrance, but it's impossible for such a secret place guarded by Thunder Beasts to be just an empty room, Long Yi thought hard and began to walk around in this hall, he believed that there must be someone here. He didn't discover any organs or the like.

After turning around more than ten or twenty times, Long Yi didn't find any clues on the wall. He thought that something would appear when he concentrated on looking at those pictures and texts, but he didn't find anything and instead made himself dizzy.

Thinking of Leng Youyou still waiting outside the cold pool, Long Yi became more and more anxious, the joy of getting the Thunder Beast just now had long since disappeared, replaced by heaviness.

"Could it be that God is going to kill me, Long Yi?" Long Yi murmured and walked to the center of the hall, lying on the ground with his limbs wide open, staring fixedly at the pointed dome and fell into silence.

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