Womanizing Mage

Chapter 60 Dark Magic Jade

"Could it be that God is going to kill me, Long Yi?" Long Yi murmured and walked to the center of the hall, lying on the ground with his limbs wide open, staring fixedly at the pointed dome and fell into silence.

Looking at it, Long Yi's eyes suddenly became blurred, and slowly turned into pitch black, this is pure black, even the night vision ability that Long Yi is proud of has lost its effect. Long Yi wanted to move but suddenly found that he couldn't move at all, wanted to shout but found that he couldn't make a sound at all.

Just when Long Yi was terrified, the darkness suddenly shook, a little red light appeared in the distance, and then spread rapidly, forming rounds of red and yellow explosions. Slowly, the shock wave disappeared, and little by little lights appeared in the darkness, and then more and more, slowly covering the entire world, forming a vast starry sky.

"This, could it be the birth of the universe?" Long Yi thought in his heart. Most of the scientists in his previous life tended to believe that the universe was born in a big bang. They believed that before the big bang, all the matter and energy in the universe were condensed together and condensed into Very small volume, extremely high temperature, extremely high density, and then a big bang, all matter scattered, the universe continued to expand, and then the temperature cooled down, and those scattered matter formed various galaxies and planets ,star.

Long Yi couldn't figure out how he could have such hallucinations when he was lying in the hall of the cold pool secret cave. Looking at the vast starry sky like this, Long Yi didn't know how much time had passed in a daze, maybe a few seconds, maybe hundreds of millions of years.

Suddenly, the stars all over the sky began to fall one by one, like a meteor shower, just as spectacular as a meteor shower, just when Long Yi was lost in this beautiful scenery, the speed of the stars falling became faster and faster, and then they collided one by one to produce an explosion, and the space affected by the explosion It was getting bigger and bigger, gradually extending to the entire universe, and the mountains were shaking again, and the whole world fell into darkness again.

"Could it be that only darkness is eternal." Long Yi was stunned, and such an idea appeared in his mind for no reason.

There was another blur in front of his eyes, Long Yi rubbed his eyes, but found that he was still lying in the hall of the secret cave, and what he was looking at was still the conical roof, nothing had changed.

The shrunken Rabid Thunder Beast ran around him, everything seemed to be normal, there was no such thing as a big bang.

"Could it be that I fell asleep just now, and then had a dream about the big bang of the universe." Long Yi jumped up, it seemed that only this reason made sense.

Hey, what is this? Long Yi stared at the place where he just lay down, there unexpectedly appeared a long groove with strange shape, he clearly remembered that it was flat when he lay down.

Long Yi squatted down, stretched out his hand and groped in the groove, he didn't find any mechanism, but he looked at the shape of the groove and felt very familiar. Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration, and hurriedly rummaged through the space ring, and found the ugly black staff that was put together with the bloody skull.

The shape is exactly the same as this groove. Could it be said that the staff that seals the power of Hades is the key to get out of this space?

Long Yi didn't hesitate any longer, he inserted the magic staff into the groove, only to see a black light flash, the innermost wall turned and turned over in a short while. What appeared before Long Yi's eyes was a statue wrapped in black clothes. If it wasn't for the exposed two pitch-black eyes and the arms on his body, it was almost impossible to tell that it was a statue of a person.

Long Yi is now a little sensitive when he sees the statue, he is afraid that he will be resurrected later and will fight or kill him. But when his eyes fell on the raised right hand of the black statue, he canceled the idea of ​​not approaching. What is pinched in the right hand is a piece of jet-black jade, exuding a strong dark aura, except for the color and aura, its appearance is exactly the same as the white jade piece taken from the body of the Earth Bear, Long Yi knows this even if he is a fool There must be a connection between the two pieces of jade.

With a light tap on his feet, Long Yi appeared in mid-air, and stretched out his hand to take the black jade piece from the statue's hand. A strange thing happened. As soon as the black jade piece left the statue's hand, many small holes were suddenly opened on the conical roof, and blue light shone down from each small hole, forming a spot of light on the ground. The picture, and then the points are connected by a line, forming a big magic circle.

Long Yi was ecstatic, he guessed that this magic circle could take them out of this space. He threw the black jade piece into the space ring, and ran towards the entrance of the passage with the Violent Thunder Beast. Looking at the five surviving people who were still guarding the entrance of the passage, Long Yi stopped. The reason why he did not let the Violent Thunder Beast Killing them was because of their strength, they have all reached the realm of great sword masters and magisters. Long Yi remembered Peter. In the Encyclopedia of Undead Magic left behind by Xiuge, there is a method of refining the seven evil puppets. The first thing to do in refining the puppets is to erase their souls. Long Yi thinks it is too vicious, and the souls of these people have long since disappeared. , and the strength is so high, it is really an excellent material for refining the seven evil puppets. If we go out to fight with others in the future, we can't always move the Wild Thunder Beast out. The so-called tree is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will urge it. With these puppets, it will be different. When the time comes, bring them a cloak and execute them. After finishing the order, they were taken back to the dark dimensional space, really without anyone noticing.

Thinking of this, Long Yi laughed strangely, he ordered the Violent Thunder Beast to stun these five people, put a restraint on each of them and throw them into the dark dimensional space.

Run to the mouth of the cold pool, there are still groups of bright strange fish swimming there. With the experience of coming in, Long Yi made a spiritual passage with ease, and rushed straight up along the passage.

Going upstream is much harder than going downstream, the water pressure is opposite to that of the water outside, so the internal force consumed by Long Yi is twice as much as when going down. The more internal energy was consumed, the less internal energy was naturally used to protect the body, and the dragon kept shivering from the cold.

Finally, Long Yi broke through the water and looked up, only to see seventeen skeletons standing by the pool, while Leng Youyou disappeared. Long Yi was terribly shocked, he clearly told her not to run around, the seventeen super skeletons would not listen to her command, they would only stay in the area of ​​the cold pool, and they would kill as long as monsters entered.

Long Yi didn't care about expelling the cold anymore, he flew up and searched around, shouting Leng Youyou's name.

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