Womanizing Mage

Chapter 61 Black Lotus

Long Yi looked around in panic, if something happened to Leng Youyou, he would go crazy. It would be very dangerous in this space without the protection of eighteen super skeletons, and the level of dark monsters is getting higher and higher along the way, and the level of dark monsters in the area they are now is the highest.

The more Long Yi thought about it, the more worried he became, the voice of his shout trembled, he vented all his fear and worry to the dark monsters he met along the way, leaving countless mutilated corpses of dark monsters along the way.

After searching for a long time, Long Yi still didn't find Leng Youyou's trace, he sat down on a big rock, his body and mind felt weak for a while. He didn't understand why Leng Youyou left alone after he left for a while? How could she survive in a place full of powerful dark monsters with her strength as a great dark magician? Even if I don't have these eighteen super skeletons that are immune to dark magic, it will be difficult to move in this space.

"This stupid girl, stinky girl." Long Yi muttered in his mouth, but his eyes gradually became moist, and the scenes of getting along with her flashed through his mind like a movie, from mutual hostility to the present life and death, The relationship between the two can be regarded as having experienced the tempering of life and death.

The so-called caring leads to chaos, Long Yi just lost his sense of control due to extreme worry about Leng Youyou, and after his mood gradually calmed down, he realized that there was a problem. Leng Youyou is a very smart girl, calm in situations, how could she disappear without saying hello?

Long Yi slapped his head, and secretly cursed himself as a pig, since he came up to be patronizing and worried, Leng Youyou might have left a message for himself by the cold pool, she is not a person who doesn't care about others.

After Long Yi figured it out, he ran back frantically, searched around the cold pool, and found a road map engraved on the cliff, with a few words written on it: "I hope you will come."

Long Yi heaved a sigh of relief, seeing that the road map Leng Youyou was not far away, this girl almost scared him to death.

According to the route map left by Leng Youyou, Long Yi finally found a cave in a very hidden place, he drilled in without hesitation, and after walking for a while, it suddenly became clear to him that this cave has a hidden cave, I really don't know How does Leng Youyou feel about such a place.

As soon as he got out of the cave, Long Yi felt an overpowering dark aura, his heart skipped a beat, there must be a dark magic beast after S rank inside. Long Yi was thinking of Leng Youyou, and he didn't care about that much anymore, he immediately summoned eighteen skeletons and the Violent Thunder Beast, raised his inner strength and rushed in.

The scene in front of him stunned Long Yi, it was just a small grass field and a pond, he could see the bottom at a glance, there was no S-class dark monster, and Leng Youyou was not here either. At this time, a giant black lotus flower that was about to bloom on the pond caught Long Yi's eyes, and that powerful dark aura was emitted from it.

"What is this thing, there is such a powerful dark breath.

"Long Yi was speechless secretly, he had never seen such a strange lotus.

Walking around this small place, I didn't see any trace of Leng Youyou. What's going on here? Long Yi thought, Leng Youyou would never lie to himself.

After thinking about it, Long Yi's eyes stopped on that strange black lotus again, could it be that Leng Youyou was inside, Long Yi suddenly had such an idea.

Long Yi sent out his mental power to probe into the black lotus, the strange thing is that after the black lotus resisted for a while at the beginning, he allowed Long Yi's mental power to invade. Inside, Long Yi felt a familiar mental wave, he immediately became excited, having been with Leng Youyou for so long, he was of course very familiar with her aura, he was 100% sure that Leng Youyou was indeed inside.

Long Yi understood that Leng Youyou must have had a fortuitous encounter, just from the aura emitted by this black lotus flower, he could tell that it was extraordinary, and that it would be of great benefit for Leng Youyou to cultivate in it, Long Yi was really happy for her from the bottom of his heart.

At this moment, the huge black lotus suddenly started to tremble, the power of darkness surged outward, Long Yi retreated unconsciously. The black lotus trembled more and more violently, and finally spun, and then flew into the air.

The rotation stopped abruptly, and it remained motionless in the air. Suddenly, the black lotus bloomed slowly, and the petals bloomed one by one, driving the brilliance of the black light, although it was not dazzling, it was shocking.

When the whole lotus flower is in full bloom, the lotus heart is enveloped by a cloud of black light smoke, a graceful figure sits cross-legged in it, it is hazy to see her appearance, but Long Yi knows that it is Leng Youyou, his woman.

The black smoke cleared away, Long Yi's eyes were shining brightly, he looked at the beautiful woman in the center of the lotus with admiration, a little confused, but more joyful. Is this black-waisted, delicate person like a fairy his woman? Although her appearance has not changed, the aura of evil and holiness mixed with her body is not what the original Leng Youyou possessed.

The long eyelashes trembled slightly, and Leng Youyou opened her eyes, like a clear spring, clearing up the whole world. The black lotus floated down gently, and Leng Youyou stood up gracefully, revealing her blood-spitting figure without any concealment, the snow-white jade neck, firm and full breasts, slender waist and the desolate fragrance between her buttocks. Grass, all provoke Long Yi's fragile physiological defense.

Even though every inch of this body is extremely familiar, Long Yi's blood boiled uncontrollably.

Leng Youyou turned around slowly, looked at Long Yi who was not far away, first froze for a moment, then frowned slightly, as if thinking about something. Seeing this scene, Long Yi's blood boiled to the point of chills, seeing her expression as if she had forgotten him.

Slowly, Leng Youyou's brows stretched out, her eyes began to melt and ripple, followed by ecstasy.

"Husband, are you back?" With a trembling voice, Leng Youyou threw herself towards Long Yi like a milk swallow throwing herself into a forest.

Long Yi held naked Leng Youyou around twice, rubbed her whole into his arms, and finally said in shock: "You stinky girl, I thought you didn't remember me, so I almost died of grief."

"I'm sorry, I felt a little confused just now, and I couldn't remember anything in my mind. Fortunately, I finally remembered. If I forget you, I might as well die." Leng Youyou said softly, now she is like before That obsessive Leng Youyou, with that weird aura on her body, disappeared without a trace after throwing herself into Long Yi's arms.

Long Yi was so anxious when he remembered that he couldn't see her after leaving the cold pool, he became very angry. He slapped Leng Youyou's flawless snow-white round breasts twice hard.

"Husband, why are you beating him?" Leng Youyou looked at Long Yi aggrievedly.

"Who told you to be disobedient, didn't you tell you to stay in the cold pool and not run around? Do you know how anxious I was when I left the cold pool and didn't see you?" Long Yi thought that he almost shed tears because of this girl, and then I patted her nipples twice, and several red palm prints clearly appeared.

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