Womanizing Mage

Chapter 62 Spring Colors

Leng Youyou groaned, her beautiful eyes were full of spring, she seemed to drip water out of her charming eyes, her naked body rubbed against Long Yi's arms twice, like coquettishness, like resentment.

"You haven't come back for so long, I'm almost worried to death. People look forward to it day and night, but you still haven't come back. If I don't find something to do, I will miss you to death, so... "Leng Youyou wrapped her hands around Long Yi's neck, leaning her entire body weight on him.

"I seem to have only stayed in the cold pool for less than a day, how can you exaggerate what you said." After hearing Leng Youyou's words, Long Yi couldn't help being stunned, and then he grunted for a while.

"No, I've been waiting for you outside the cold pool for at least half a month. If I hadn't listened to you, I would have jumped down to look for you." Leng Youyou's eyes were red.

Long Yi was stunned, he obviously only stayed in the cold pool for less than a day, how could it be so long? Suddenly, Long Yi thought of the hallucination of the big bang of the universe, could it be that such a long time passed in that moment?

"Long Yi, did something happen to you in there? Are you alright?" Seeing that something was wrong with Long Yi, Leng Youyou immediately became nervous, saying that women in love are stupid, this is true, she He didn't even think about it, if Long Yi had something to do, would he still be able to stand in front of her safe and sound?

"It's okay, don't worry, I have good news for you, I found a teleportation magic circle in a secret cave in the cold pool, I guess it must be the exit of this space." Long Yi said excitedly.

"Ah, really, we can go out now." Leng Youyou pushed Long Yi away, and jumped up and down excitedly.

Leng Youyou's bouncing was terrible, her pair of firm and full breasts suddenly became choppy, shaking Long Yi into a fit of evil. Long Yi couldn't care about that much for a moment, he hugged Leng Youyou and kissed her. He greedily sucked the fragrant liquid in Leng Youyou's mouth, and suddenly felt smooth and tender, leaving a fragrance in his mouth.

Leng Youyou struggled symbolically, then responded enthusiastically, her whole delicate body limp in her lover's arms.

Long Yi was not reconciled to this, his big hands went down the skin that was smoother than any silk in the world, stroked and kneaded the round snowy buttocks.

Leng Youyou was panting, days of lovesickness turned into a thick fire of love that completely burned her up, she clumsily tore Long Yi's clothes, her small hands caressed carelessly on Long Yi's strong body.

"Ah, husband." Leng Youyou's delicate body froze, her breasts suddenly opened, and Long Yi's wolf claws quietly penetrated into her private parts, fiddled with the girl's most embarrassing two pieces of tender flesh, and from time to time on the top Rub it twice on the red beans.

The young girl's delicate body is so sensitive, she only felt a burst of tenderness in her lower abdomen spread to her lower body, and the jade dew continuously seeped out, soaking her sweetheart's big hands. Leng Youyou was dissatisfied for a while, and her little jade hand unexpectedly reached out to Long Yi's nipples, she thought to herself, the stinky husband made me so ashamed, I will definitely let him taste it too. She grabbed Long Yi's long, thick body, and the heat from it almost made her dizzy.

Feeling the gentle massage of Leng Youyou's jade hand, Long Yi's body's pores opened up comfortably, he touched Leng Youyou's delicate earlobe and said softly: "Youyou, you are amazing."

Hearing her lover's praise, Leng Youyou worked harder, but Long Yi's ubiquitous teasing made her emotionally moved, she couldn't help but tighten Long Yi's fiery little hand.

Long Yi, who was enjoying himself, was almost suffocated by Leng Youyou's force, he hugged Leng Youyou, flew onto the black lotus flower, with a thrust of his waist, the thick and long firm pierced through Leng Youyou's tender and tender breasts , that tight and warm feeling made Long Yi shiver unbearably.

After scoring several times, Leng Youyou paralyzed in Long Yi's arms, her body was covered with the last pink.

Long Yi caressed Leng Youyou lightly, letting her enjoy the aftertaste of sex. After a while, Leng Youyou sighed with infinite satisfaction, and curled up in Long Yi's arms like a kitten.

The two hugged each other sweetly, and Leng Youyou began to tell the story of these days. It turned out that after Long Yi jumped into the cold pool, she had been waiting obsessively by the pool, but after waiting and waiting, her sweetheart did not come up. She was panicked and anxious, couldn't eat, swallow, sleep, and just stared at the cold pool like this every day. Tan, had hallucinations several times.

About half a month later, Leng Youyou became sick with anxiety, she knew in her heart that if this continued, even if Long Yi came back, she would only see her bones. In order to divert her attention, Leng Youyou began to explore outside, fighting wits and strength with dark monsters, and killed many high-level dark monsters. Later, she found this cave by accident, and drilled in out of curiosity, and found this place and the black lotus flower exuding a strong dark aura. Leng Youyou knew that this black lotus was a treasure, so she wanted to pick her off, but who knew that this black lotus knew how to attack even though it was a plant. Leng Youyou was caught off guard by this lotus and seriously injured, but coincidentally, Leng Youyou's blood with a dark aura sprayed on the black lotus, causing her to complete the blood contract by mistake.

Later, I found out that this black lotus is not only a magic weapon, but also cultivated in Lianxin's heart very quickly. Excited, she returned to leave a road map and a few words, and went to practice in the black lotus. Now he has reached the realm of a dark-type magister, only one step away from the great magister.

After listening to Leng Youyou's narration, Long Yi felt sad in his heart, it turned out that this girl had missed him so much, how could he not be moved, how could he not love her? He was also sincerely happy for her adventure, he didn't expect that he mistakenly took in an SS-level beast like the Violent Thunder Beast, and Leng Youyou also took in this shocking black lotus with a blood contract, such is the fate of life wonderful. When they embraced each other and fell down the space crack, never thought that the beginning of suffering would also herald the arrival of luck. Now the two have not only greatly increased their strength, but also fulfilled a happy relationship between them.

Thinking of this, Long Yi suddenly began to worry about Lucia and Man Niu, and he didn't know what happened to them in the Lost City after so long, whether they had left the wild plain long ago, or had they...

Thinking of this, Long Yi shook his head vigorously, trying to get rid of this feeling of panic, he prayed in his heart that nothing would happen to them, for the first time, Long Yi sincerely prayed to the God of Darkness.

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