Womanizing Mage

Chapter 605 Reunion of Master and Servant

The Princess of the Hai Clan saw Long Yi lying leisurely on the mattress she had just slept on, with her legs raised and swaying indecently, she was calm on the surface, but her heart was full of turmoil, and she speculated about the purpose of Long Yi's presence here. In the history of the Sea Clan, human beings are just legendary creatures. When they suddenly appeared here, she couldn't help but think wildly. She even thought that the Shark Clan had long colluded with the humans living on the land.

"What exactly do you want?" Princess Hai Clan asked in a low voice, seeing that Long Yi didn't refute, she thought he had acquiesced.

"Princess, do you know that you are very charming? By the way, I don't know the princess's name yet." Long Yi had an inexplicable smile on his lips, but he didn't answer the question.

Princess Hai Clan cast a suspicious glance at Long Yi, her guess just now couldn't help being shaken, if this human being really colluded with the Shark Clan, how could she not know her name. But if not, why did he appear here? Looking at his relaxed expression, it is really not credible to say that he has nothing to do with the sharks.

"Martha, what about you?" The princess of the sea clan thought about it, and answered after a moment of hesitation.

"My name is Long Yi, hehe, you don't need to say anything, I have nothing to do with the Shark Clan, I just came here for a visit out of curiosity, it was a coincidence that I ran into you, but... just have some questions and I want to ask you, this is The reason why I appeared in front of you." Long Yi sat up from the bed and laughed.

A hint of alertness flashed in Martha's eyes, and she said: "Please tell me." Long Yi was indifferent to her defense, and said: "I heard that the reason why the chief of the shark clan tried his best to capture you was because he wanted to use you and five hundred years The descendants of the mermaid royal family who were expelled from the city under the sea to refine something, I am curious, what kind of thing is the shark clan going to use you to refine? What is the use of this thing?"

Martha went from being wary at the beginning to being stunned later, obviously Long Yi's question made her very surprised.

After Long Yi finished asking, he carefully watched the change of Martha's expression, the astonished expression did not seem to be fake, he frowned and said: "You don't know?"

Martha regained her composure. Shaking his head, he said: "I always thought that the Shark Clan arrested me to deal with my father. This is the first time I heard that they arrested me to refine something."

Long Yi was thinking, his fingers tapped lightly on the edge of the bed.

"You asked me a question, can I ask you a question now?" Martha stared at Long Yi's handsome face, and finally couldn't hold back from asking.

"Huh?" Long Yi raised his head and raised his eyebrows, his black eyes were like two pieces of black shining gemstones, which made Martha's heart skip a beat for a moment.

"I want to know, how did you find the city under the sea? What's the purpose of coming here?" Martha asked.

"I found the city under the sea only when someone led the way.

As for the purpose of coming here, it's useless to tell you. It only makes sense to talk to the Emperor of the Sea. "Long Yi replied with a chuckle, looking at Martha, thinking how to get her to help him meet the Sea Emperor.

Martha's bare feet were as slender as jade, and the bells on her ankles were moving with a crisp sound. It was this beautiful princess who was pacing in thought.

"I see, did the mermaid royal family who were exiled five hundred years ago bring you here?" Martha's blue eyes sparkled for a while, she fixed her pace and stared at Long Yi and asked, the human world is far away from the sea clan, There has been no news for 100,000 years. If someone leads the way, it must be the mermaid royal family who was exiled from the underwater city for 500 years.

Long Yi smiled and nodded. Although this guess is not right, it is not far away. If it were not for the introduction of Liuli, he would never have thought of looking for the city under the sea anyway. He said: "Since you guessed it, then I will not deny it. I have something to do." I want to find your royal father, but I wonder if Princess Martha can let me see him?"

Martha smiled and said, "Of course, but you have to prove your relationship with the mermaid royal family first."

This princess is quite shrewd, Long Yi thought, he took out the golden scales that Bifei had given him from the interspatial ring. Said: "I don't know if this person can prove it?"

"Holy Scale! That's right, this is a token passed down from generation to generation by the mermaid royal family." Although Martha has never seen the mermaid clan token with her own eyes, she can still tell at a glance whether it is true or not. As a princess of the sea clan, she has her own way of identifying local law.

Martha moved towards Long Yi, sat next to him on the edge of the bed, her little head leaned towards him.

Once the dragon smelled the fragrance, he also said that his charm was infinitely magnified. Otherwise, why did the princess of the sea clan fall into her arms when they met for the first time? He stared at the large expanse of snow-white jade-like skin on Martha's neck. He even felt a soft touch on his arm, and his heart was about to move, but he could hear Martha whispering softly in his ear.

Although Martha's orchid-like musk fragrance surrounded him, and the warm breath sprayed in his ears, it was very exciting, but the content of her words made him stop thinking immediately and listen carefully.

That's right. What Martha told Long Yi was how to meet the Sea Emperor. She doesn't trust Long Yi very much, but at this time she is behind bars. And she knew that the matter of the mermaid royal family was very important, because for hundreds of years, her royal father had been secretly sending his subordinates to search for the whereabouts of the mermaid royal family, but the sea was vast and there had been no news. Depressed about this.

Finally, a blue light flashed in Martha's hand, and a golden gemstone appeared in her palm. She said, "If you hold this gemstone, my royal father will naturally believe you."

Long Yi took the gem, hehe smiled and asked: "Why don't you ask me to take you out?"

Martha curled her lips, and said, "Why should I ask nonsense, you won't take me out at all, and if I disappear, you won't be alarmed."

With a thought in his heart, Long Yi took a deep look at Martha, and now he really admires this princess of the Sea Clan. The wisdom of this beauty should not be underestimated.

"Don't worry, you won't be in danger here, if you don't find the descendants of the mermaid royal family, the shark clan won't hurt you." Long Yi said.

Martha nodded, suddenly smiled brightly, and said, "If I go out in the future, can you take me to the human world to have a look?"

Long Yi blinked, and said: "Of course, the human world is a beautiful place, you will definitely like it." The place where Er and Yamei siblings hide, the four of them are a little restless, and Long Yiyi has been there for so long. There was a little movement, and several times I saw teams of heavily armored guards coming in and out, and I was horrified.

"Long Yi has been away for so long, nothing will happen, right?" said the big-mouthed Si Jiate.

"No, the young master will definitely be fine." Liu Li bit her lower lip and glared at Si Jiate.

"It should be fine. If Long Yi is discovered, he will make a big disturbance no matter what with his strength. It won't be as peaceful as it is now." Yamei thought for a while and said.

At this moment, the big rock not far away flashed light, and three guards in heavy armor appeared, walking straight towards the place where the four were hiding.

The hearts of all four were tense, and their nerves collapsed, ready to fight.

The three heavy-armored guards walked to the isolation barrier that could not be seen from the outside, and one of them poked the grass with a spear in his hand, and the barrier broke with a bang. The four of them jumped up at the same time and were about to attack, but they felt that the space froze and they couldn't move.

"Hey, do you welcome me so much?" A familiar deep laugh sounded.

"Master!" Liuli felt the pressure on her body relieved, and immediately called out in surprise.

Long Yi rearranged an isolation barrier, and took off the helmet on his head.

Seeing Long Yi's familiar smiling face at first, the four of them were very pleasantly surprised. Without Long Yi, they felt like they had lost their backbone. Now seeing Long Yi's return, they felt a lot more at ease.

"Hey, Long Yi, who are they?" Karl asked looking at the two slightly trembling heavily armored guards behind Long Yi.

"They, they are my presents to my little Princess Liuli." Long Yi smiled.

"My gift?" Liuli was a little inexplicable, suddenly her delicate body trembled, and she felt two breaths that were familiar to her bones, and tears quickly filled her eyes.

The two guards in heavy armor were signaled by Long Yi, and they escaped from the heavy armor with a flash of blue light. It was Bi Fei and Xiaomi who were also in tears.

"Aunt Bifei, Xiaomi..."


The three mermaids named master and servant, who were actually close relatives, hugged each other and wept bitterly.

Long Yi stood aside in relief, his nose a little sore, no matter what race, family affection is always irreplaceable, and the reason why intelligent creatures are intelligent creatures, the most important thing is that they all have rich emotions.

At this time, Yamei and Sijiate may think of the tragedy of being born in the Bang tribe, thinking of their relatives and clansmen who died tragically, and both of them burst into tears. Karl's eyes were also red, and he was very moved.

After a long while, the three girls began to calm down. Bifei kept asking about Liuli's life these days, but she never mentioned the pain she and Xiaomi had suffered during this period.

"Okay, it's good that everyone is fine, the top priority is to get out of this Holy Spirit Land as soon as possible." Long Yi said.

In the wilderness overgrown with weeds, a group of seven people quickly disappeared at the end.

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