Womanizing Mage

Chapter 606: Sea Emperor

The Land of the Holy Spirit is on the edge of the central zone of the Undersea City. It is directly within the sphere of influence of the Sea Emperor. Of course, the entire city under the sea was originally the land of the sea emperor, but now the three powerful sea clans have joined forces to overthrow the sea emperor, making the power of the sea emperor not as good as before. This only accounts for one-fifth of the city under the sea.

Perhaps the Emperor of the Sea could never have imagined that there is a very secret underground military base of the Shark Clan under the Land of the Holy Spirit. There is such a huge army of sea monsters. Once the Shark Clan unites with the Giant Whale Clan and the Soul-thirsty Clan, they can directly attack the Sea Emperor Palace. At that time, the Emperor of the Sea will be in danger.

At this time, Long Yi's seven people were all shrouded in a layer of Sea Clan cloak, only showing two eyes to see things. This outfit is extremely weird to Long Yi. But he suddenly found that among the hurrying Hai Clan, there were many people dressed like this. According to Carl. There are many races in the Sea Clan, and their relationships are extremely complicated. Many races are extremely powerful in a certain range of the undersea city. The more powerful the racial hostility, the more forces there will be. In order to prevent conflicts between races, the previous Emperor of the Sea stipulated that as long as he wore the Sea Clan cloak to conceal his identity, no one could force him to take off the Sea Clan cloak without permission. then. Dressing up like this became popular all of a sudden. Because each race has more or less hostile races, and their activities cannot be limited to their own race's sphere of influence. This Sea Clan cloak has become the best thing to conceal one's identity. In every area of ​​the city under the sea, many sea people can be seen wearing them. The buildings of the city under the sea are very special, most of them are made of sea rocks and sea vines, and their shapes are very irregular. Either square or round or flat, there are only unexpected places, and there is no invisible place.

There are thousands of cities within a city in the entire underwater city. Cities vary in size. But the cities that Long Yi and the others passed by were empty alleys, and most of the Hai Clan they saw were hurrying on their way. After asking, they found out that it was because the Sea Clan Conference was held, and most of the Sea Clan attended the conference.

Compared with the entire Sea Clan, the Sea Clan Conference held once in a hundred years is a rare event. There are not only various activities held by the Sea Emperor, but also the largest trading conference held once in a century, for ordinary sea people. The trading conference is the theme of the Sea Clan Conference. Most of the Sea Clan can sell the things they have accumulated for a hundred years but they don't need. Buy back what you need urgently. As for the strategy formulated at the Sea Clan Conference, that is a matter for the upper-level Sea Clan.

On the way to the Sea Emperor City, the largest city under the sea, Karl and the Yamei siblings gave a further explanation to the Sea Clan Conference.

The trading conference is actually divided into several levels. The higher the value of the items to be traded, the higher the level that can be entered. Different levels are divided into different *** and occasions. The higher the level of the trading place, the closer it is to the center of power, and the higher the identity of the people in the sea clan it contacts. This is why Yamei said that the rainbow jellyfish was used as a transaction certificate. With the rarity of the rainbow jellyfish, there is no doubt about the chance to enter the first level.

When Long Yi and his group of seven rushed to the Sea Emperor City, although they were mentally prepared, they were still stunned by the scene in front of them. Long Yi has never seen a city that can be so crowded, there are densely packed sea tribes everywhere, even the suburbs of the city are full of sea tribes like ants. Countless stalls row after row with no end in sight,

Really spectacular.

"Outside transactions are the lowest trading places in the Sea Clan Conference. Generally, the things traded here are common but some things that the Sea Clan needs. Valuable items must be appraised in the imperial city. Then according to the status of the items, Admission tickets of different levels of the value faction." Carl is very familiar with the things of the trade conference, as the prince of the Milo tribe. He had been to the first level *** a hundred years ago.

"Then let's use rainbow jellyfish for identification now?" Long Yi asked. He was completely blind to the Sea Clan Conference, and it would be better to obediently listen to Carl and their opinions.

"Don't worry, the opening of the Sea Clan Conference has just ended, and most of the Sea Clans will choose this time for appraisal. Generally, the first-level trade fairs will be held later. During this period, all the upper-level Sea Clans are busy. In order to enhance the relationship, let's find a place to stay first." Carl said with a smile.

Long Yi raised his eyebrows. It seems that the relationship among the Sea Clan is as complicated as the human world, and the weaving of a web of power involves all aspects of relationships.

Karl led Long Yi and six people through several crowded streets, and after turning a few corners. Suddenly, it became much quieter. The street ahead was actually very empty, with a few figures wandering occasionally. There are still strange-shaped houses on both sides of the street. There are guards of different races closely watching.

Carl took out his Milo token and entered the street. After walking less than a hundred meters, they came to a circular mansion built of blue and white sea rocks. The two guards in front of the gate are exactly what the Milo tribe looks like.

Karl took off the Sea Clan cloak. The two guards greeted him immediately, and one of them excitedly said: "Prince, you are finally back. The patriarch and wife are going crazy."

"Are my father and mother here?" Carl asked quietly. He felt a little sad when he remembered that his Milo adventure group was completely wiped out.

"The patriarch and his wife just went out to visit friends." Another guard replied.

Carl stopped talking nonsense. Leading Long Yi and six people into the mansion.

Long Yi looked around curiously, the residences of the upper class Sea Clan are generally decorated with splendor and luxury, not using ingenious craftsmanship like humans, but using seven-color corals and top-quality pearls. Decoration with treasures such as glazed grass, the effect is naturally different according to each person's taste, the only thing that is the same is the same splendor. At this point, the Sea Clan is far behind humans, by a whole word. vulgar.

The Karl family's mansion occupies a large area. There are five circular houses in total, and the houses are not separated by garden pavilions like humans. Instead, ponds of various shapes are used. There are more than ten meters deep, and the light blue sea water is rippling. There are strange stones and beautiful fish inside. Karl said that although the city under the sea is separated from the sea water above by a huge barrier. But almost every sea family has one or dozens of such ponds in their homes in the city under the sea. For rest and play.

Long Yi and the others live in the innermost house. Karl ordered everyone not to enter the house, nor to disturb him.

Sea Emperor City is still extremely crowded. An inconspicuous black figure shuttled through the street.

Turn two streets. Impressively, they arrived at the heavily guarded Haihuang Palace.

Long Yi's whole body was covered by the Sea Clan cloak. Through the crowd, the dark eyes stared at the only palace in the seabed city that was comparable to the architecture of the human world. Since it was in the Sea Clan Conference, the defense in the Sea Palace had been raised to the highest level. .

In the open area of ​​the Sea Palace, Long Yi saw three rows of guards from other tribes waiting outside, they were Shark Guards, Giant Whale Guards with conical heads. The soul-thirsty guard who can't tell the difference between eyes and nose.

Long Yi raised his eyebrows. It seems that the patriarchs of the three clans are in the Haihuang Palace at this time, and the Haihuang is probably suffering at the moment.

"It seems that the troubled waters of the Sea Clan have to be disturbed no matter what, maybe they can catch a big fish in the troubled waters." Long Yi twitched the corner of his mouth and smiled coldly. He originally came here for Liuli and the union. But by mistake, an incredible magic arsenal was discovered in the underground base of the shark clan. And that weird glance of consciousness made him still shudder when he recalled it. This big fish might not be so big.

Long Yi stared deeply at Haihuang Palace. He blended into the crowd and disappeared.

Not long after, a blue light flashed in a luxurious room of a palace in the Sea Palace, and Long Yi suddenly appeared in it.

Long Yi looked at the room and felt a little surprised. This is undoubtedly the room of Martha, Princess of the Sea Clan, but it is not as luxurious as many upper-level Sea Clan rooms. The walls are made of crystal shells with various beautiful patterns, and the bed is a transparent water bed. The strong magic element shows that it is obviously composed of water magic. As for why the magic lasts so long without dissipating. There must be a magic circle embedded in it for magic power. There is a big window on the right. Form window palls with light colored coral. The top is lace made of seaweed. Very elegant, the taste of this princess of the sea clan is obviously not at the same level as that of ordinary sea clan.

Long Yi** sat up and down on the water bed, it was as comfortable as sitting on the waves.

At this moment. The two life waves move from far to near. Walking towards this room, Long Yi's figure flashed. disappeared into the air.

Appearing in the room were two handsome maids. Look at the blue fishtail. It turned out to be a mermaid, because of Liuli's relationship, this made Long Yi feel very kind.

Two mermaid maids tidy up the room. In fact, there is nothing to clean up. So soon the two stopped.

"Oh, there's no news about the princess. I don't know where she is? The gods bless the princess and she will be safe." One of the maids frowned and sighed worriedly.

The other maid also looked worried, sighed and shook her head, opened her mouth but said nothing in the end.

"Xiaolu. You can say whatever you want. Why do you have such an expression?" the maid asked strangely.

Lu hesitated for a moment and said: "Xiaoqing. I heard the sea emperor guard next to your majesty mention the princess today. They said that it is very likely that the shark clan took the princess away."

Qing's face turned pale. Nervously said: "It must not be true. If it is true that the Shark Clan kidnapped the princess, His Majesty will spare them."

Lu looked at Xiaoqing. She is not as simple-minded as this good sister. She knew earlier that the current Sea Emperor is not worthy of the name. Even if it is known that the Sharks have kidnapped the princess, as long as the Sharks don't admit it. There is nothing they can do about it, Xiaoqing still thinks that the Emperor of the Sea is the supreme ruler of the city under the sea.

"The princess is lucky, she will come back safely. Let's go out." Xiaolu murmured. I don't know whether to comfort Xiaoqing or to comfort myself.

"That's right. With me here, it's hard for that girl Martha to die." At this moment, a deep voice suddenly sounded in the air, startling Xiaolu Xiaoqing, and subconsciously screamed and hugged her. Together, "Who? Who is it? If I don't come out again, I'll call a guard." Xiaolu tremblingly looked around. But there were no ghosts, she didn't want to shout out. But her mental power, which is sharper than that of ordinary sea people, found that this room has been isolated from the outside, and it is useless to shout.

Long Yi's figure appeared in midair. Slowly turning from imaginary to real, he looked at the two little mermaids with a smirk on his face.

For some reason, seeing Long Yi's smirk, the two little mermaids' panicked emotions suddenly stabilized a lot. Because they felt a familiar aura about this strange person.

"Who are you?" Xiaoqing looked at this handsome man, who seemed to be more handsome than His Majesty.

"I am a good friend of your princess." Long Yi chuckled. That good word deliberately accentuated the tone. The relationship between the mermaid princess Liuli and him is naturally extraordinary.

"Really?" Simple Xiaoqing showed a relieved expression, very happy.

"Don't believe him." Xiaolu pulled Xiaoqing behind her. Although no longer afraid. But shrewdly, she would never trust this strange man who broke into the Hai Palace so easily.

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe me. Do you know this thing?" Long Yi took out the golden gemstone given by Martha and asked with a smile.

"That belongs to the princess. How could it be in your hands? What did you do to our princess?" Xiaolu exclaimed, and her hands made an attacking posture, and strong mental fluctuations loomed on her body.

Long Yi's eyes flashed. This little green has also cultivated mental power, and he probably has some mental attacks, but he doesn't take this level of mental attacks to heart.

"Hey, don't be nervous. Use your brains to think about it, since you know this thing, you should know that if your princess is not willing, I can't get this thing." Long Yi shouted while turning the gemstone in his hand.

Green and Xiaoqing looked at each other. Thinking that this was indeed the case, she relaxed a little. But still can't believe it.

"Okay. I don't have much time to chat with you guys. Quickly tell me where the Sea Emperor is now? I have something important to ask him." Long Yidao. It is easier for someone to show you the way than to find it yourself.

"Then tell us where the princess is first? How is she?" Xiaolu asked after hesitating for a while.

"Didn't you know? Your princess was kidnapped by the shark clan. It's very dangerous now. I went to the Sea Emperor for this matter, but if you don't tell me where the Sea Emperor is, I will waste my time. When the time comes, the princess will come out." Whatever happens..." Long Yi put on a look of urgency.

As soon as I heard that the princess was in danger. Xiaolu and the two also panicked, they had heard that the princess was kidnapped by the sharks, but now they subconsciously believed him when Long Yi said so.

Green pointed out the location of the Neptune for Long Yi and explained the defense situation of the passing place, and said that the Neptune was with the Sharks at this time. The three chiefs of the giant whale clan and the soul-thirsty clan are discussing matters.

At this time, in the main hall of the Sea Palace, a handsome middle-aged man dressed in blue soft scale armor was pacing with a gloomy expression. He had two horns on his head. The half-closed eyes were full of fierceness.

"Three old bastards are simply deceiving people too much." The Sea Emperor gritted his teeth, and smashed the table carved by a ten thousand-year-old sea spirit stone into powder with a bang.

After venting, the Sea Emperor calmed down a bit, and now he was evacuated by the three sea clans. He gave birth to his most beloved daughter and fell into the hands of the sharks. Today, the patriarchs of the three clans are pressing each other step by step, but he has no choice but to deal with it hypocritically. He knew that he couldn't panic at this moment, he had to calm down. Otherwise, the whole city under the sea will be in chaos.

The Emperor of the Sea took a deep breath. He murmured: "Why did that old guy, Demon Shark, try his best to catch Martha? To deal with me? But why didn't he mention it today?"

"Could it be..." Haihuang suddenly looked shocked. His face turned gray, and he said to himself after a long time: "It should be impossible, no matter how power-hungry the devil shark is, he is still a member of my sea clan."

Long Yi avoided the guards outside and hid in the hall. Hearing Haihuang muttering to himself, his mental power dispersed to form an isolation barrier.

"Who?" Haihuang suddenly noticed the negligible fluctuations, and asked nervously.

"It's a friend, not an enemy. Don't be alarmed, Your Majesty." Long Yi showed his body, and he didn't pretend to be a ghost like he was facing Xiaoqing and Xiaolu. No matter what, he had to give the Sea Emperor a minimum of respect. "Human! How did you come to the city under the sea?" Sea Emperor was shocked when he saw Long Yi's appearance. At this time, the internal affairs of the Hai Clan are in a mess. Why do humans living far away on the land suddenly appear here?

Long Yi did notice the affirmative tone of the Sea Emperor, which showed that he knew much more about human beings than other Sea Clans.

"Your Majesty. I wonder if you can recognize this thing?" Long Yi took out the golden gemstone. The brilliant light suddenly overshadows other gems in the palace.

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